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Microsoft Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool – OCAT

Microsoft Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool – OCAT
The Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool (OCAT ) provides a quick and easy method to analyze your Microsoft Office Outlook profile for common configurations that may cause problems in Outlook. This can be very useful for busy Help Desk personnel when end-users call for help with Outlook or when you want to identify possible issues with Outlook proactively.


The Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool provides a detailed report of your current Outlook profile. This report includes many parameters about your profile, and it highlights any known problems that are found in your profile. For any problems that are listed in the report, you are provided a link to a Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article that describes a possible fix for the problem. If you are a Help Desk professional, you can also export the report to a file. Then, the report can be viewed in the Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool on another client computer where the tool is installed.

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7

This download works with the following Microsoft Office programs:

  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
  • Microsoft Outlook 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit)

The following minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is required:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0

The tool can be downloaded from here:

How to start and run the Outlook Configuration Analyzer tool

  • To start the Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool, on the Start menu, click the Microsoft OCAT icon. If you do not see the Microsoft OCAT icon on the Start menu, look for the icon on your All Programs menu under Microsoft Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool.

 I have started with the evaluation of the tool by selecting ‘ a new scan’. You may scan your own email account or an account runs in your computer by giving the credentials.

 Scanning in progress..

The screenshot says the ‘Informational Items’ on scanned results. Other than this, we may have the ‘Issues’ page and ‘Critical Issues’ page as follows.

 The Report will help us to trace the issue and link us to the right patches etc.

‘Select a Configuration Scan to view’ will allow you to examine the scan result in a later time. The results are saved as an xml file with similar details as below:

The tool also gives the link: Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer’ :