Using BEEP sound in PowerShell Scripts
After watching the Valentine post of “Jeffery Hicks” I started playing with $([char]) characters. And while working with these characters I found a great character that is character 7.
So what is interesting in character number 7? It is a Beep Sound. For example, if in your script you are rebooting the server or laptop, you can provide 3 beeps for rebooting. Or we can set a beep after every task or command finished his task.
Cool isn’t..
Try this script.
Download Script from Here:
#### save it as beep.ps1 or so....
Write-Host "I am going to reboot the Laptop after 3 Beep" -ForegroundColor Red
write-Host "Beep 1 " -ForegroundColor Green
sleep 1
write-Host "Beep 2 " -ForegroundColor Green
sleep 1
write-Host "Beep 3 " -ForegroundColor Green
sleep 1
Write-Host "`n"
Restart-Computer -Force -WhatIf
and the output is like below. Our computer is going to reboot after 3 beeps...
Download Script from Here:
Note: You can also use `a to beep and make sure that you enclosed it in double quotes like "`a" :)
Thanks for reading,
Aman Dhally