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Marketing Campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

There are two types of marketing campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 , the two types are

Quick Campaign

Marketing Campaign

Marketing campaigns are complex, detailed multi activated marketing efforts, where as quick campaigns are quick campaigns focusing on a single activity and not tracking the campaign in as much detail as a marketing campaign.  

Both Quick Campaigns and Marketing Campaigns can

  • Create activities (such as email, phone, letter, appointment, and fax) – The interaction between the customer and your marketing material.
  • Use marketing lists – A list of contacts, accounts or leads
  • View campaign responses – The replies to the campaign activities

The Table below directly compares the functionality available in Quick and Marketing campaigns.

Quick Campaign

Marketing Campaign

Distributing Campaign activities

Can only distribute single activities

Can distribute multiple activities

Planning Activities

Cannot create or associate Planning any activates

Can create Planning activities

Can associate target products

Cannot associate target products with Quick Campaigns

Can use target products

Can associate Price Lists

Cannot associate target price Lists with Quick Campaigns

Can use price lists with Marketing Campaigns

Campaign Reporting

No out of the box reports

Multiple reports already created to use with Marketing Campaigns

Financial information tracking

No functionality to track financial information or Return on investment

Financial information tracking is possible and the ability to calculate ROI


No template functionality can be used with Quick Campaign

Marketing Campaigns can be created from templates and can save Marketing Campaigns as templates