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SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit Content

The SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit is a collection of content that can be used to familiarize a developer or IT professional with key improvements in SQL Server 2012.  Download and install the SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit to get your own copy of the training kit content. See the [[SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit BOM]] wiki for a detailed list of the content in the training kit.  

The training kit includes the following types of content:

  • Presentations: These PowerPoint decks are designed to be used as instructional aids by trainers, consultants and evangelists who are delivering SQL Server 2012 oriented presentations to technical audiences.
  • Demos: These scripted demonstrations are designed to be used as instructional aids by trainers, consultants and evangelists who are delivering SQL Server 2012 oriented presentations to technical audiences.  They include a demo script in both Word and HTML formats, a dependency checker that ensures that your demo environment has the right software installed, and installer scripts that configure your demo environment.  If you want to build a demo environment in advance, check out the [[SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit Virtual Machine]] wiki for build instructions.
  • Hands-On Labs: These labs are designed as learning aids for developers or IT professionals that are interested in experimenting with SQL Server 2012 improvements. They include a lab script in both Word and HTML formats, a dependency checker that ensures that your lab environment has the right software installed, and installer scripts that configure your lab environment.  If you want to build a lab environment in advance, check out the [[SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit Virtual Machine]] wiki for build instructions.
  • Videos: Each presentation and demo comes with a video of an instructor delivering the content that you can either stream or download.  This can be used by other instructors who are preparing to deliver the content, or by students who are consuming the content in a self-service fasion.
  • Transcripts: Each video comes with a transcript that can be used by other instructors who are preparing to deliver the content.  They are also handy for translating the content for non-English speaking audiences.

The content included in the training kit is designed to be consumed in two different ways:

  1. Bite Size Chunks: This is ideal for people interested in learning about specific improvements.
  2. As a Whole: By trainers conducting (and students attending) a [[SQL Server 2012 Update for Developers Training Workshop]].

The content in the training kit is published in two ways:

  1. Offline: This is ideal for downloading and installing the training kit content on your own hardware or virtual machine.  To use this approach you must download and install the SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit at  
  2. Online: This is ideal for browsing the training kit online first before downloading and installing the content on your own hardware or virtual machine.  The online version of the training kit has been published to MSDN at  

See the [[SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit BOM]] wiki for a detailed list of the content in the training kit.

Return to the [[SQL Server 2012 Early Adoption Cook Book]] wiki article.

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