How to Fix Exchange 2016: AutoReseed - Event ID: 1111 Error?
Automatic Reseed is a feature in Exchange Server that is used to add more availability in the Database Availability Group setup. This helps minimize the administrative effort of the Exchange Server and Server Admins when it comes to replacing any failing disks. This is an automatic and immediate process without any human intervention. When a disk fails, the stated spare volume starts in another disk with the same drive letter and data. These kinds of configurations can be a bit tricky. Therefore, it’s always suggested to test the setup before going live. Also, you should always plan a maintenance window on a yearly basis to ensure that the failover will work with no issues, if something happens.
Sometimes, while running this setup in Exchange Server, you can encounter an error, saying that the automatic reseed manager has failed to execute a repair process on the database (Event ID: 1111). The complete error message is as follows:
Automatic reseed Manager failed to execute repair workflow 'FailedSuspendedCopyAutoReseed' for database '<database name>'. Error: The Automatic Reseed Manager encountered an error: The automatic repair operation for database copy '<database name>\server>' will not be run because the prerequisite check failed. Error LogFolderPath was expected to be '<database log path>' but was actually '<database log path>'. Automatic Reseed is only supported for databases that confirm to the expected path naming convention.
As you can see, during the failover of the disk to the spare volume, one of the workflows failed with the error. It failed to execute the failed suspended copy auto reseed workflow. It has identified the database with the error. It’s pointing to an issue with the path of the log.
When you look at the error message, you would notice that the log filename or location is incorrect. The issue also states that the configuration is not correct and the right naming convention is not found. In most cases, it would be a configuration issue. The culprit is mostly the location of the filename of the log.
Possible Solutions to Resolve AutoReseed Failed to Execute Error
From the error message, it looks that the expected log file is at a different location. To know the exact location, run the Get-MailboxDatabase command as given below.
Get-MailboxDatabase * | FT name, edbfile*, Logfol* -a
Most probably, the database is either moved or created. When doing so, it’s important to follow the required naming conventions for both the log file and the EDB file, to ensure a working setup.
This will give you information of the actual database. When you look at the actual database, you can see that the expected log folder path is different from the actual one. It indicates that there is an issue with the configuration somewhere.
To resolve the issue, you can remove the confirmation of the AutoSeed, delete the spare volume, and try again. Another option is to create a new database from scratch and move all the mailboxes and public folders to it, then remove the database.
However, this would entail the creation of a new database. But what if you are using the Standard version of Exchange Server and already using the maximum number of licenses? There could be issues that will leave your databases unusable. In addition, there could be corrupted objects or an issue with hardware.