Azure Virtual Machine Restore
In our previous article, we talked about Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Backup . If we recall; We created a backup service for our virtual machines on Azure and subsequently backed up our virtual machine on Azure. In this article, by counting that something happened to our virtual machine on azure as a result of a disaster, I even flew this virtual machine. J Let's see if we can get back this virtual machine that I flew? If you want, let's start our application immediately.
First of all, let's follow the steps below to see the backups of our virtual machine taken on Azure;
Step by Step
- Click on All Resources .
- Let's click on the Backup service we previously created for our virtual machines .
- Let's click on the Backup items menu from the menu that opens .
- Let's click on Azure Virtual Machines (We can see that 1 virtual machine backup is taken.
- Let's click on our virtual machine that has been backed up and we want to return.
From the menu that opens, click on the Restore VM button on the page.
From the Restore Point Select page that opens, we need to select a backup point, that is, the date.
The Restore Type section is very important for us, you can proceed by selecting a disk or a virtual machine.
You must fill in the above form properly. Just like creating a new virtual machine. Here, the first thing you need to pay attention to will be the Restore type. We will restore my virtual machine or disk. After doing these operations, let's click the OK button.
Now we can click the Restore button.
Recovery has been triggered for the corresponding virtual machine.
The triggering process ended successfully.
Now our virtual machine has begun to be restored. After that, the restoration time will vary depending on the size of our virtual machine.
The restore process has been successfully completed.
If you fixed the Private IP address on your previous machine and you cannot give the IP address of your virtual machine after the restore process. You need to enter the Overview from your relevant virtual network settings and fly the configurations of the relevant virtual machine on the connected devices . Otherwise, you cannot define the old Private IP address for the virtual machine you are restoring.