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SharePoint Framework Commands Reference Sheet


SharePoint Framework supports modern toolchain. The modern toolchain includes a wide range of open source tools including Node.js, npm, Yeoman, Gulp, TypeScript, and more. So is the set of commands used across the lifetime of SPFx solution development right from solution creation to deployment and testing. We use the set of commands based on our implementation needs. The command list is huge, so I decided to try making them available in one place.
In this article, we will revise all the useful commands for SharePoint Framework.

Node.js Commands

Node.js is an open source JavaScript runtime, used to build and run the applications.




-v, --version

Display node’s version.

node -v

-h, --help

Display node command line options

node -h

NPM Commands

Node Package Manager installs modules and its dependencies.

NPM Install

Install a package.


npm install (with no args, in package directory)
npm install [<@scope>/] <package-name>

aliases: npm i, npm add




npm i -g <package-name>

Install a package globally

npm i -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint

npm install --global <package-name>

npm i -g <package-name1> <package-name2>

Install multiple packages at once

npm i -g yo gulp

npm install --global <package-name1> <package-name2>

npm install (with no args, in package directory)

Install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json

npm i

npm i -g npm

Update npm itself

npm i -g npm

npm i <package-name> --save

Enable NPM to include the packages to dependencies section of the package.json file

npm i jquery --save

npm i <package-name> --save-exact

npm i <package-name> -E

Avoid caret or tilde dependencies only at first level

npm i <package-name> --save-dev

npm i <package-name> -D

Package will appear in your devDependencies

npm i <package-name> -- save-optional

npm i <package-name> -O

Package will appear in your optionalDependencies

npm i tsd -g

TSD is a package manager to search and install TypeScript definition files

NPM Update

Update a package.


npm update [-g] [<package-name>...]

aliases: up, upgrade




Report globally outdated packages

npm outdated --global

Report locally outdated packages

npm outdated

Update the package globally

npm update -g <package-name>

npm update -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint

Update the package globally

npm update <package-name>

npm update jquery

Update all dependencies to the minimum required version

npm update --save

Other useful NPM Commands



npm ls <package-name> -g --depth=0

Check the version of installed package

npm shrinkwrap

Lockdown the package dependencies

npm link

symlink a package folder (library component)

npm ls -g <library-name>

Check the folder location of SPFx library

npm unlink <library-name>

Unlink an SPFx library that was symlinked during development in your SPFx project, navigate to SPFx project root folder and run the command.

npm unlink

Remove local npm link to the library, navigate to the SPFx library root folder and run the command


Automates SPFx development and deployment tasks.

gulp <command> [optional pararms]



gulp bundle

Creates a new build and writes manifest to the temp folder. This will minify the required assets to upload to CDN. The minified assets are located at “temp\deploy” folder.

gulp bundle --ship

The ship switch denotes distribution.

gulp package

Create the packages inside ./dist folder

gulp package-solution

Create the solution package (sppkg) in sharepoint\solution folder

gulp package-solution --ship

The ship switch denotes distribution.

gulp deploy-azure-storage

Deploy the assets (JavaScript, CSS files) to Azure CDN

gulp --update

Update config.json to the latest version

gulp clean

Removes all files from previous builds

gulp clean-build

Clean the build folder.

gulp serve

Serve code for testing in the browser

gulp serve --nobrowser

Will not automatically launch the SharePoint Workbench

gulp build

Build all of the packages

gulp test

Runs the tests specified in each package's tests folder

Yeoman SharePoint Generator

Scaffolding tool for Modern web apps. Used as SPFx solution generator and builds the required project structure.

yo @microsoft/sharepoint [optional pararms]

Optional Parameter



See the list of command-line options available for the SharePoint generator.


Do not remember prompt answers.


Do not automatically install dependencies.


The type of component ("webpart", "extension", or “library”)


Name of the component. (Web part name)


Description of the component. (Web part description)


Framework to use for the solution. ("none", "react", or "knockout")


Use the beta packages


The type of extension (ApplicationCustomizer, FieldCustomizer, ListViewCommandSet)


SPFx solution name


Target environment for SPFx solution ("onprem", "onprem19" or "spo")


The package manager for the solution ("npm", "pnpm", or "yarn")


Allow the tenant admin the choice of being able to deploy the components to all sites immediately without running any feature deployment or adding apps in sites.


The web part will be rendered in isolated domain using IFrame.

Other Useful Commands




tsd install <package-name> --save

TSD is a package manager to search and install TypeScript definition files. Typings will help for auto complete while writing the code in the code editor.

tsd install jquery --save

code .

Open the solution in the code editor of your choice.


SharePoint Framework supports a wide range of open source tools, so is the set of commands used across the lifetime of SPFx solution development right from solution creation to deployment and testing. I have tried to get together a commonly used.

Feel free to add to the list!


See Also

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