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How to Integrate Lync Server 2010 with Exchange 2010 SP1 OWA

Lync Server 2010 can be integrated with Exchange 2010 SP1, so that Exchange Outlook Web App can also act as a Lync web client. Once integrated, users will automatically log into Lync when they log into OWA. The OWA interface changes to include the following new features:

  • Sign In and Sign Out – Users can sign in or sign out of instant messaging from OWA. Once signed in, the user will automatically sign into IM every time they sign into OWA.
  • Presence – User presence information is available for Lync users, showing a colored chiclet indicating their availability.
  • Contact List – The user’s Lync IM contact list is made available in the OWA folder pane. Users can be added and removed, and contact groups can be managed directly from OWA.
  • Instant Messaging – Lync users can chat with other Lync users using instant messaging directly from OWA.
  • Right-Click Functionality – Right-click menus and actions are updated to include new Lync features. For example, right-click an email address to chat with the user or add them to an IM contact list.

All of these new OWA features can be seen in the screenshot below:

An instant messaging chat session can be started from OWA by double-clicking a contact in the Contact List or right-clicking an email address and choosing Chat.

This article explains how to configure Lync Server 2010 RC integration with Exchange 2010 SP1. I will assume that you have functional Lync Server 2010 RC and Exchange Server 2010 SP1 servers already set up. Let’s get started.

Download and install the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Service Provider from on your Client Access Server. This MSI package contains the installation programs to the local hard drive. Normally it will put them in C:\Web Service Provider Installer Package, but I’ve also seen it install to a different drive. Make note of the location it uses during installation.

The package will install the following files:

Next, download and save the OCS 2007 R2 Web Service Provider Hotfix KB 981256 from to the same C:\Web Service Provider Installer Package folder.

Download and save the Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Redist (64 Bit) Hotfix KB 2400399 from to the same C:\Web Service Provider Installer Package folder.

If your CAS server is running Exchange 2010 SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2, you need to download and save the UcmaRedist.msp patch in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 968802 from The tricky part here is that the file name (UcmaRedist.msp) is the same as the Communications Managed API 2.0 Redist (64 Bit) Hotfix KB 2400399 you just downloaded. Just rename this file name to something like UcmaRedist-R2.msp.

Now install the following files as Administrator in this order:

  1. vcredit_x64.exe
  2. UcmaRedist.msi
  3. UcmaRedist.msp
  4. UcmaRedist-R2.msp, if your CAS is running on Windows Server 2008 R2
  5. CWAOWASSP.msi
  6. CWAOWASSP.msp
  7. dotnetfx35setup.exe, if the .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed on Windows Server 2008. For Windows Server 2008 R2, install the .NET Framework 3.5.1 feature from Server Manager.

Note that the MSI and MSP packages have a limited GUI during setup and don’t indicate that they’ve installed successfully.

Next we need to configure the Exchange 2010 SP1 Client Access Server for Lync Server integration. Run the following two commands from the Exchange Management Shell on the CAS:

$cert = (Get-ExchangeCertificate | Where {$_.Services -ilike “*IIS*}).Thumbprint

Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -InstantMessagingType OCS -InstantMessagingEnabled:$true -InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint $cert -InstantMessagingServerName

Be sure to change the InstantMessagingServerName value in the command above to the FQDN of your Lync Server pool.

Now we need to configure the Lync 2010 RC server. Use the Lync Server Topology Builder to add a new Trusted Application Pool, as follows:

  • Open the existing topology.
  • Expand your Lync Server 2010 (RC) > your sitename.
  • Right-click Trusted application servers and select New Trusted Application Pool.
  • Enter your CAS server or CAS array’s FQDN in the Pool FQDN field, select Single Computer Pool and click Next.
  • Select the Front End Pool for the Trusted Application Pool.
  • Click Finish.
  • Right-click the new Trusted Application Server and select Edit Properties.
  • Clear the checkbox for Enable replication of configuration data to this pool and click OK.

  • Publish the new topology. Note: Ignore the warning "The following machines from the topology you are publishing were not found in Active Directory and will result in errors during Enable-CsTopology as it tries to prepare Active Directory entries for the topology machines. ," if you used the FDQN of your CAS Array.

The final step is to create a new CsTrustedApplication using the Lync Server Management Shell on the Lync 2010 RC server. Run the following command from the management shell:

New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationID ExchangeOutlookWebApp -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn -Port 9999


Be sure to change the TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn value in the command above to the FQDN of your CAS server or CAS array. The Port value can be any unused TCP port.
