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Blob Tiering in Azure for Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Backups

Azure storage offers different access tiers to store blob object data. The available access tiers include, 

  • Hot - Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently. 
  • Cool - Optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days. 
  • Archive - Optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days with flexible latency requirements (on the order of hours). 


Backup Scenarios


If our backup solution supports Cloud based Object Storage, such as Azure Blob Storage, we can have the last “x” days of data stored on a local repository and then later move the data to a Azure Blob. In this way an Organization can eliminate the use of tape based backup and storage hazzles.   



Things to Consider


1. Storage accounts that support tiering 

We may only tier our object storage data to hot, cool, or archive in Blob storage and General Purpose v2 (GPv2) accounts. General Purpose v1 (GPv1) accounts do not support tiering. However, we can easily convert existing GPv1 or Blob storage accounts to GPv2 accounts through a one-click process in the Azure portal.  


2. Blob storage and GPv2 accounts sets the Access Tier attribute at the account level. This attribute allows us to specify the default access tier as hot or cool for any blob in the storage account that doesn't have an explicit tier set at the object level. For objects with the tier set at the object level, the account tier will not apply. The archive tier can be applied only at the object level. 


3. To read data in archive storage, we must first change the tier of the blob to hot or cool. This process is known as rehydration and can take up to 15 hours to complete. 


4. The time of the last blob tier change is exposed via the Access Tier Change Time blob property. 


5. We can easily change the access tier of a blob among the hot, cool, or archive tiers as usage patterns change, without having to move data between accounts. 



6. Blob-level tiering billing 


  • When a blob is moved to a cooler tier (hot->cool, hot->archive, or cool->archive), the operation is billed as a write operation to the destination tier, where the write operation (per 10,000) and data write (per GB) charges of the destination tier apply. 


  • When a blob is moved to a warmer tier (archive->cool, archive->hot, or cool->hot), the operation is billed as a read from the source tier, where the read operation (per 10,000) and data retrieval (per GB) charges of the source tier apply. The following table summarizes how tier changes are billed. The following table summarizes how tier changes are billed. 




7. Cool and archive early deletion Charges 

Any blob that is moved into the cool tier (GPv2 accounts only) is subject to a cool early deletion period of 30 days, and any blob that is moved into the archive tier is subject to an archive early deletion period of 180 days. If a blob is moved to archive and then deleted or moved to the hot tier after 45 days, we will be charged an early deletion fee equivalent to 135 (180 minus 45) days of storing that blob in archive. 


8. Archive storage and blob-level tiering only support block blobs.  


What is Azure Blob Storage Lifecycle Management?


It offers a rule-based policy which we can use to transition our data to the best access tier and to expire data at the end of its lifecycle.  

Lifecycle management policy helps you: 

  • Transition blobs to a cooler storage tier (Hot to Cool, Hot to Archive, or Cool to Archive) to optimize for performance and cost 
  • Delete blobs at the end of their lifecycles 
  • Define rules to be executed once a day at the storage account level (it supports both GPv2 and Blob storage accounts) 
  • Apply rules to containers or a subset of blobs (using prefixes as filters) 



Blob Tiering Deployment 


  1. Create a storage account (General Purpose v2 (GPv2) 




  1. Create 4 new Container inside the storage account as below, 





Note: Select the right containers on daily, weekly, monthly and annual backup job settings within our backup solution. 

3. Execute the below PowerShell commands to connect to the right subscription. 

  • Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery 

  • Import-Module Az 

  • Connect-AzAccount 

  • Set-AzContext -Subscription  "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship" //Use your Subscription details here// 




 4. Configure Daily backup Tiering 

   Creates a ManagementPolicy Action Group object with 1 action, then add it to a management policy rule and set to a Storage account.









Note: Copy the Jason file to a Notepad++ with JSON format plugin as below 


5. Configure Weekly Backup Tiering 

Creates a ManagementPolicy Action Group object with 2 actions, then add it to a management policy rule and set to a Storage account 


Note: Copy the Jason file to a Notepad++ with JSON format plugin 

6. Configure Monthly Backup Tiering 

Creates a ManagementPolicy Action Group object with 2 action, then add it to a management policy rule and set to a Storage account 







       Note: Copy the Jason file to a Notepad++ with JSON format plugin 

  1. Configure Annual Backup Tiering 

Creates a ManagementPolicy Action Group object with 2 action, then add it to a management policy rule and set to a Storage account 







       Note: Copy the Json file to a Notepad++ with JSON format plugin 


Copy the Jason file to a Notepad++ with JSON format plugin 

8. Finally, we need to club all the rules in JSON format, Separate each Rule with a Comma as shown below. 


    "rules": [ 
            "enabled": true, 
            "name": "DailyBackupRule", 
            "type": "Lifecycle",  
            "definition": { 
                "actions": { 
                    "baseBlob": { 
                        "delete": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 7 
                "filters": { 
                    "blobTypes": [ 
                    "prefixMatch": [ 
        },   //Next Rule// 
            "enabled": true, 
            "name": "WeeklyBackupRule", 
            "type": "Lifecycle",  
            "definition": { 
                "actions": { 
                    "baseBlob": { 
                        "tierToCool": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 1 
                        "delete": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 30 
                "filters": { 
                    "blobTypes": [ 
                    "prefixMatch": [ 
        }, //Next Rule// 
            "enabled": true, 
            "name": "MonthlyBackupRule", 
            "type": "Lifecycle",  
            "definition": { 
                "actions": { 
                    "baseBlob": { 
                        "tierToCool": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 1 
                        "delete": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 90 
                "filters": { 
                    "blobTypes": [ 
                    "prefixMatch": [ 
        }, //Next Rule// 
            "enabled": true, 
            "name": "AnnualBackupRule", 
            "type": "Lifecycle",  
            "definition": { 
                "actions": { 
                    "baseBlob": { 
                        "tierToArchive": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 1 
                        "delete": { 
                            "daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 1825 
                "filters": { 
                    "blobTypes": [ 
                    "prefixMatch": [ 


  1. Copy and Paste the entire JASON file to Lifecycle Management option on the storage account, Click Save. 




  1. Output Should be as below (I have used a lower number of days to repro the scenario here) 


Day1: In Hot Tier 




Day2: In Cool Tier 




Day3: In Archive Tier 


Happy Learning...!!!