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Exchange 2010/2013/2016: Clear export requests

In Exchange you will do loads of Export requests to PST but over time this list grows and when you eventually want to find an export request or remove a server you can't because it still has the export requests.

To find the export requests, you can run a single command:

  • Get-mailboxexportrequest -status completed

This command find all the completed ones and lists it, I cleared mine last week so don't have a list to show you but this is what the command looks like:

Now to clear the export requests, you can just expand on that command by running the following PowerShell command from the EMS:

  • get-mailboxexportrequest -status completed | remove-mailboxexportrequest -confirm:$all

The -confirm:$all part will save you a lot of time confirming removal as it will just go through the list and remove them.