MIM 2016 Troubleshooting: The installation just hanging without error, warning, log, Event-log
This issue was initially reported by Guy Horn on LinkedIn, republished with permission.
When you try to install MIM, it continuously fails.
You can't add .NET Framework 3.5.
The installation was just hanging without error, warning, log, Event-log
Root cause
The problem was that some features were removed from the Windows Server Image.
NetFx3 should be specified and not ‘Net-Framework-Core’.
After re-adding the feature just 'Add-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core'.
Detecting the issue
Run this PowerShell command, to find the removed features
# This command shows removed items from the Windows Azure Server 2016 Datacenter image.
Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_.installstate -like "Removed")}
Restore the optional feature
# This command restores the optional feature, MyFeature, to the Online Windows image. If the files are not found in the source image, this command specifies not to check Windows Update for the source files.
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "NetFx3" -Source f:\sources\sxs -LimitAccess -All
Add .NET FW core
# Add the feature
Add-WindowsFeature -name net-framework-core
# This command shows removed items from the Windows Azure Server 2016 Datacenter image.
Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_.installstate -like "Removed")}
# This command restores the optional feature, MyFeature, to the Online Windows image. If the files are not found in the source image, this command specifies not to check Windows Update for the source files.
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "NetFx3" -Source f:\sources\sxs -LimitAccess -All
# Add the feature
Add-WindowsFeature -name net-framework-core