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SharePoint: Enable/Disable RSS Feed Option For List

In this article, I would like to share the steps for how to Enable/Disable the RSS feed option and update the RSS settings for SharePoint List. In a previous article, we saw What is RSS and how to add the RSS web part in SharePoint Site.

Overview of RSS

  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is used for transmitting information across the internet and intranets
  • We can display the information from external sites by adding the RSS feed web part in the SharePoint page
  • We can use the RSS feed web part to show the news, weather etc.

In SharePoint, every list has the RSS option but some of us want to hide the RSS option and update the settings for a particular list, here is the solution to hide the RSS option for SP list.


Steps to Enable/Disable the RSS Feed

Follow the below-listed steps to disable the RSS feed.


Step 1: Open the SharePoint list on your browser.

Step 2: Then, go to the List Settings using top ribbon.

Step 3: List settings

On the list settings page select the “RSS settings” option from Communication category.


Step 4: Modify RSS settings

On Modify RSS Settings page, you can see the below options. There, you can disable the RSS for that list and also, we can update RSS options.

Step 5: Don't allow RSS for List

Select “No” from Allow RSS for this list? When you select “No” the other options will be disabled in the settings screen as shown below:

Step 6: save setting

Click “OK” button to save the settings.


Finally, RSS option will be disabled for the particular list.