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SQL Server : How to Configure pssdiag utility for SQL Server 2016


Pssdiag is a data collection utility that Microsoft gives to us to collect useful data and log files for SQL Server installations.
Before, we start the steps we need to configure all the mandatory parameters. First, download the utility latest version.

We can download the latest version from here.

After the download is finished, we extract the files, run DiagManager.exe and follow the next steps.

Configure Database Server Informations

On the below image we can see the basic settings which are Database Server Informations.

Pssdiag Package Scenario

On the second step, we are ready to select one of the suggested scenarios.

Select XEvents, Traces, Perf Counters

On the third step, we are able at the position to select various performance counters, traces, diagnostics, XEvents etc.

Save the pssdiag package

On the last step open the tab [Misc], and set the default Output Folder, press Save to save the pssdiag package.

Now, we are ready to move this package to the database server that we want to capture the data.
After unzipping the data, we must run pssdiag.cmd. Final, we can visualize the trace logs using SQL Nexus utility.