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Deploy an application to Azure App Service in a production slot

Create an Azure Web app

1.           In the Azure portal, in the hub menu, click + New, click Web + Mobile and then, click Web App.

2.           On the Web App blade, specify the following information.

·               App name: a unique, valid name

·               Subscription: the Azure subscription

·               Resource Group: the resource group

·               App Service Plan/Location: create a new App Service plan with the following settings:

·       App Service plan name: set the name to the 206xASP followed by the name of the resource group.

·       Location: South Central US

·       Pricing tier: D1 Shared

·               Application Insights: leave turned off.

  1.  Click Create.


Deploy a web app to the Azure Web app

1.      In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of the newly created Azure Web app.

2.       Click Deployment options in the APP DEPLOYMENT section of the blade.

3.       On the Deployment source blade, click Choose Source.

4.       On the Choose source blade, click External Repository.

5.       On the Deployment source blade, specify the following settings and click OK:

·             Repository URL:

·             Branch: master

·             Repository Type: Git