SQL Server: Job Activity Monitoring by SQL Script
Admin needs to send jobs status report to managers by email after every specific interval of time same as SQL Server builtin job activity console.
Below is the store procedure that gets status of all jobs if Job_Id is null or get specific if sends Job_Id.
USE [master]
Create Procedure [dbo].[sp_GetJobDetails] (@job_id uniqueidentifier = NULL)
--Varibale Declarations
declare @num_days int
declare @first_day datetime, @last_day datetime
declare @first_num int
if @num_days is null
set @num_days=30
set @last_day = getdate()
set @first_day = dateadd(dd, -@num_days, @last_day)
select @first_num= cast(year(@first_day) as char(4))
+replicate('0',2-len(month(@first_day)))+ cast(month(@first_day) as varchar(2))
+replicate('0',2-len(day(@first_day)))+ cast(day(@first_day) as varchar(2))
--Basic Job Information
;With bjinfo as
A.job_id, B.name, Case B.enabled
When 1 Then 'Yes'
When 0 Then 'No' Else 'Unknown' End As 'Enabled',
/* -- Only for later version of SQL Server 2005 */
msdb.dbo.SQLAGENT_SUSER_SNAME(b.owner_sid) 'Job Owner',
(Select Top 1 next_scheduled_run_date From msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity Where job_id = A.job_id Order by session_id desc) as 'NextRunDateTime',
msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(last_run_date, last_run_time) as 'LastRunDateTime',
Case last_run_outcome
When 0 Then 'Failed'
When 1 Then 'Succeeded'
When 2 Then 'Retry'
When 3 Then 'Cancelled'
Else 'NA'
End Last_Run_Status,
when (len(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20))) < 3)
then cast(last_run_duration as varchar(6))
WHEN (len(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20))) = 3)
then LEFT(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(6)),1) * 60
- RIGHT(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20))) = 4)
then LEFT(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(6)),2) * 60 - RIGHT(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20))) >= 5)
then (Left(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20)),len(last_run_duration)-4)) * 3600
+(substring(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20)) , len(last_run_duration)-3, 2)) * 60 - Right(cast(last_run_duration as varchar(20)) , 2)
End As 'Last_RunDuration',
CONVERT(DATETIME, RTRIM(last_run_date)) + ((last_run_time + last_run_duration) * 9 + (last_run_time + last_run_duration) % 10000 * 6 - (last_run_time + last_run_duration) % 100 * 10) / 216e4 AS Last_RunFinishDateTime,
Case last_run_outcome
When 1 Then
Left(Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job succeeded. The Job was invoked by',''),
Charindex('.',Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job succeeded. The Job was invoked by','')))
When 0 Then
Left(Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job failed. The Job was invoked by',''),
Charindex('.',Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job failed. The Job was invoked by','')))
When 3 Then
Left(Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job was stopped prior to completion by ',''),
Charindex('.',Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job was stopped prior to completion by ','')))
End 'LastInvokedBy',
Case last_run_outcome
When 3 Then
Left(Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job failed. The Job was invoked by',''),
Charindex('.',Replace(last_outcome_message,'The job failed. The Job was invoked by','')))
Else ''
End 'Cancelled/Stopped By',
last_outcome_message 'Message'
From msdb.dbo.sysjobs B
Left Join (select job_id,last_run_outcome,last_outcome_message,case when last_run_date = 0
then 19900101
last_run_date end last_run_date,last_run_time,last_run_duration from msdb.dbo.SysJobServers) A on A.job_id = B.job_id
Where ((A.job_id = @job_id and @Job_id is not null) OR (1=1 and @Job_id is null))
bjhistory as
( select
run_dur_Casted = case
when (len(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20))) < 3)
then cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(6))
WHEN (len(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 3)
then LEFT(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(6)),1) * 60 - RIGHT(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 4)
then LEFT(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(6)),2) * 60 - RIGHT(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20))) >= 5)
then (Left(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20)),len(jobhist.run_duration)-4)) * 3600
+(substring(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20)) , len(jobhist.run_duration)-3, 2)) * 60 - Right(cast(jobhist.run_duration as varchar(20)) , 2)
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jobhist
Inner Join msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs On jobhist.job_id = jobs.job_id
where jobhist.job_id=jobs.job_id
and jobhist.run_date>= @first_num
and jobhist.step_id=0
and ((jobs.job_id = @job_id and @Job_id is not null) OR (1=1 and @Job_id is null))
Select jobs.job_id
,'Sampling'=(select count(*) from bjhistory jobhist where jobhist.job_id=jobs.job_id)
,'run_dur_max'=(select max(run_dur_Casted) from bjhistory jobhist where jobhist.job_id=jobs.job_id)
,'run_dur_min'=(select min(run_dur_Casted) from bjhistory jobhist where jobhist.job_id=jobs.job_id)
,'run_dur_avg'=(select avg(run_dur_Casted) from bjhistory jobhist where jobhist.job_id=jobs.job_id)
from msdb..sysjobs jobs
Where ((jobs.job_id = @job_id and @Job_id is not null) OR (1=1 and @Job_id is null))
select bjinfo.Name as 'Job_Name', bjinfo.Enabled,bjinfo.Last_Run_Status [Current Run Status],
bjinfo.LastRunDateTime [Current Run StartTime],bjinfo.Last_RunFinishDateTime [Current Run EndTime],
Right('00'+cast(bjinfo.Last_RunDuration/3600 as varchar(10)),2)
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((bjinfo.Last_RunDuration % 3600)/60))+cast((bjinfo.Last_RunDuration % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((bjinfo.Last_RunDuration % 3600) %60))+cast((bjinfo.Last_RunDuration % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)) 'Currnet Run Duration',
'Avg. Duration' = cast(run_dur_avg/3600 as varchar(10))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_avg % 3600)/60))+cast((run_dur_avg % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_avg % 3600) %60))+cast((run_dur_avg % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
'Max. Duration' = cast(run_dur_max/3600 as varchar(10))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_max % 3600)/60))+cast((run_dur_max % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_max % 3600) %60))+cast((run_dur_max % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
'Min. Duration' = cast(run_dur_min/3600 as varchar(10))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_min % 3600)/60))+cast((run_dur_min % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_dur_min % 3600) %60))+cast((run_dur_min % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
From bjinfo
left outer join bjstats on bjinfo.job_id = bjstats.job_id
where bjinfo.name like 'DAX%' OR bjinfo.name like 'SNAPSHOT%'
Order by bjinfo.name
If (@job_id is not null)
;With CteJobHistory
Select jobs.job_id,name,
Case when run_status = 0 Then
(Select Top 1 message From msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory A
Where A.job_id = jobs.job_id and A.run_date = jobhist.run_date and A.run_time = jobhist.run_time
and step_id = 1
Else jobhist.Message
End Message
,msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(run_date,run_time) run_datetime,
when (len(cast(run_duration as varchar(20))) < 3)
then cast(run_duration as varchar(6))
WHEN (len(cast(run_duration as varchar(20))) = 3)
then LEFT(cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),1) * 60 - RIGHT(cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(run_duration as varchar(20))) = 4)
then LEFT(cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),2) * 60 - RIGHT(cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),2)
WHEN (len(cast(run_duration as varchar(20))) >= 5)
then (Left(cast(run_duration as varchar(20)),len(run_duration)-4)) * 3600
+(substring(cast(run_duration as varchar(20)) , len(run_duration)-3, 2)) * 60 - Right(cast(run_duration as varchar(20)) , 2)
End As 'RunDuration',
CONVERT(DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date)) + ((run_time + run_duration) * 9 + (run_time + run_duration) % 10000 * 6 - (run_time + run_duration) % 100 * 10) / 216e4 AS RunFinishDateTime,
Case run_status
When 0 Then 'Failed'
When 1 Then 'Succeeded'
When 2 Then 'Retry'
When 3 Then 'Cancelled'
Else 'NA'
End Last_Run_Status
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jobhist
Inner Join msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs On jobhist.job_id = jobs.job_id
Where jobs.job_id = @job_id and step_id =0
)Select job_id,name,message,run_datetime,
Right('00'+cast(RunDuration/3600 as varchar(10)),2)
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((RunDuration % 3600)/60))+cast((RunDuration % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
+':'+replicate('0',2-len((RunDuration % 3600) %60))+cast((RunDuration % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)) 'RunDuration', RunFinishDateTime
Last_Run_Status From CteJobHistory
Order by run_datetime desc