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System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes [23000-23999]

Use Ctrl-F to find a specific code.

Some codes have a recommended action using PowerShell as well as the general action.

Links to other error code pages can be found at System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes.


If you have additional information about an error, please add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.





Recommended Action (in product)

Additional Troubleshooting Information


Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be moved to host %VMHostName;. virtual machine migrations between XenServer hosts are only supported for cluster nodes through live migration.

Use a different destination host.


Cannot create or update a non highly available virtual machine because the path % FolderPath; is a clustered resource.

Ensure that the path exists and that the path is not a cluster disk or cluster shared volume, and then try the operation again.


Incomplete parameters were passed to deploy a virtual machine.

Ensure that VMHost and Path parameters are passed and retry the operation.


Incomplete parameters were passed to store a virtual machine.

Ensure that LibraryServer and SharePath parameters are passed and retry the operation.


Library resource %Name; is in missing state and cannot be deployed.

Ensure that the resource is available for deployment and retry the operation.


Virtual machine %VMName; cannot be live migrated to host %VMHostName; since the XenServer Tools are not installed on the VM.

Install XenServer Tools on the VM.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because the logical network definition %Name; is associated.

Remove all associated logical network definitions, then retry this command.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because the MAC address pool %Name; is associated.

Remove all associated MAC address pools, then retry this command.


Unable to set the host group reserve level: %ReserveLevel; to %PercentageReserve; %% because the value %PercentageReserve; is not a valid percentage value.

Change the value to a valid percentage between 0 and 100, then retry this command.


Unable to set the host group reserve level: %ReserveLevel; to %ParameterValue; because the value %ParameterValue; is greater than the maximum reserve value of %MaxLimit;.

Change the reserve value to a value below %MaxLimit;, then retry this command.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because the load balancer %Name; is associated to it.

Remove load balancer associations, then retry this command.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because one or more storage pools is associated.

Remove all associated storage pools, then retry this command.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because one or more storage logical units is associated.

Remove all associated storage logical units, then retry this command.


Unable to find the dynamic optimization settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted.

Verify that the host group is correct and that the host group exists on the VMM management server.


Unable to find the placement weight settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted.

Verify that the host group is correct and that the host group exists on the VMM management server.


Unable to find the host reserve settings for the specified host group. The host group may have been moved or deleted.

Verify that the host group is correct and that the host group exists on the VMM management server.


Unable to find the specified custom placement rule. The custom placement rule name may be incorrect, or the custom placement rule may have been deleted.

Verify that the custom placement rule name is correct, that the custom placement rule exists on the VMM management server, and that the custom placement rule is defined on the correct placement weight settings.


Unable to assign the name %PropertyName; to this placement weight setting because this name is already in use.

Specify a unique name for the custom placement rule, and then try the operation again.


The passed settings object belongs to a parent host group with ID %OwnerName; and cannot be edited.

Retrieve the settings object from its owner host group and try the operation again.


The host group %Name; is already present in the list of host groups.

Ensure that there are no duplicate entries.


Unable to set the host group dynamic optimization aggressiveness to %ParameterValue; because the value %ParameterValue; is not in the valid range %RangeStart; - %RangeEnd;.

Change the aggressiveness value to a value in the range %RangeStart; - %RangeEnd;, then retry this command.


Unable to delete host group %HostGroupName; because one or more clouds are associated with it.

Remove the host group from the scope of associated clouds and, then try the operation again.


A library server and a share path must be specified in order to create a template from this Virtual Machine.

Supply the -LibraryServer and -SharePath parameters and try the operation again.


Virtual hard disk conversion is not supported for VMware VMs.

The selected operation is not supported.


The ISO deployment cannot find a writable ISO repository with enough free space on the %ServerName; server.

Add a writable ISO repository on the %ServerName; server and try again.


VMM is unable to deploy the VM '%VMName;' from the VMM Library to the XenServer host. The VM data contained in '%FileName;' could not be parsed and may be invalid.

Verify that the file '%FileName;' points to an exported Xen VM.


Cannot change disk configuration for VM/Template '%VMName;'.

Changing disk configuration for this VM/Template is not supported.


Cannot deploy VM using VMware Template '%VMName;' because source template's disk configuration was modified.

Please re-import the template from VMware vCenter Server.


A virtual floppy drive must be provided to perform a set operation.

Provide a floppy drive using the VirtualFloppyDrive parameter.


Unable to set the host group reserve level: [%ReserveLevel;] to %PercentageReserve;%% because the value %PercentageReserve; is less restrictive than the higher priority reserve level: [%ParentReserveLevel;].

Change the value to a valid percentage between %Percentage; and 100, then retry this command.


Unable to set the host group reserve level: [%ReserveLevel;] to %ParameterValue; because the value %ParameterValue; is less restrictive than the higher priority reserve level: [%ParentReserveLevel;].

Change the reserve value to a value more restrictive than %MaxLimit; , then retry this command.


A custom property rule cannot be created for the custom property with name %ParameterValue; because no such custom property exists.

Verify that a custom property with name %ParameterValue; exists and try the operation again.


Undo disks are not supported in System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

Shut down the virtual machine %VMName;, and then disable the undo disks.


The ISO file %FileName; is attached to more than one virtual disk drive on virtual machine %VMName;.

Make sure the ISO file is attached to only one virtual disk drive.


VM operation attempted is not supported on stored VMs.

Deploy the VM to the host and attempt the operation again.


Differencing disk has too many parent disks in its chain.

Specify a different disk and retry the operation.


Parameter "%Name;" has invalid value "%Value;"

Please specify valid parameter value.


Unable to find the specified power optimization range. The power optimization range may have been deleted.

Verify that the power optimization range exists on the VMM management server.


You cannot perform set or remove operations on objects of type %ObjectType;.



Highly Available VM's host is not clustered or not refreshed in VMM.

Please refresh the cluster and host and retry the operation.


VM Refresher encountered an error while creating or updating VM %VMName; with id %Id;. %DetailedErrorMessage;

Validate the VM's configuration in Hyper-V and repair the VM in VMM and retry the operation.


Cannot dismiss failure state for virtual machine %VMName; as virtual machine is not recoverable. The virtual machine could not be created by the hypervisor service.

Remove the virtual machine and try to create it again.


Non Highly available VM uses Highly available resource %ResourceName;

Remove the resource from VM or move the resource to non highly available resource and refresh the VM.


Built-in local administrator credential must be specified

Please specify credential for built-in local administrator account and retry the operation.


VMM could not find the specified private cloud.

Please enter a valid private cloud name, and then try again.


The private cloud (%FriendlyName;) already exists.

Enter a different name for the private cloud, and then try again.

Command Line Interface: Specify a different private cloud name, and then try again.


A private cloud that is made from multiple resource objects is not supported. A single private cloud can be made from only host groups, VMware resource pools, or another private cloud.

Remove the objects that are being added to the scope, and then try again.


There must be at least one host group in the private cloud.

Attempt to remove host groups from the private cloud again, but leave at least one host group in the private cloud.


VMM is unable to delete the private cloud because it has child clouds.

Remove all child clouds, and then try again.


VMM is unable to find the capacity settings for the specified private cloud. The private cloud may have been moved or deleted.

Verify that the private cloud is correct and that the private cloud exists on the VMM management server.


Unable to find the capability settings for the specified private cloud. The private cloud may have been moved or deleted.

Verify that the private cloud information is correct and that the private cloud exists on the VMM management server.


Capacity settings on a root private cloud cannot be changed to inherit.



The capability profile cannot be deleted because it is referenced by the private cloud (%CloudName;).

Remove the reference to the private cloud, and try again.


The private cloud (%CloudName;) is a sub-cloud. Only a root private cloud can be attached or detached from a capability profile.

Get the root private cloud for this sub-cloud, and then attach or detach the capability profiles from that private cloud.


The private cloud (%CloudName;) must be attached to at least one capability profile.

Associate this private cloud with another profile before detaching this profile.


The passed cloud capacity object belongs to a parent Cloud with ID %OwnerName; and cannot be edited.

Retrieve the settings object from its owner Cloud and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the custom point capacity of cloud %Cloud Name;.

Ensure sufficient cloud custom point capacity and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the virtual machine count capacity of cloud %CloudName;.

Ensure sufficient cloud virtual machine count capacity and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the disk space capacity of cloud %CloudName;.

Ensure sufficient cloud disk space capacity and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the memory usage capacity of cloud %Cloud Name;.

Ensure sufficient cloud memory usage capacity and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the processor count capacity of cloud %CloudName;.

Ensure sufficient cloud processor count capacity and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the custom point quota for cloud %CloudName; for the user role %UserRoleName;.

Ensure sufficient custom point quota for the user role specified and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the virtual machine count quota for cloud %CloudName; for the user role %UserRoleName;.

Ensure sufficient virtual machine count quota for the user role specified and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the disk space quota for cloud %CloudName ; for the user role %UserRoleName;.

Ensure sufficient disk space quota for the user role specified and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the memory usage quota for cloud %CloudNa me; for the user role %UserRoleName;.

Ensure sufficient memory usage quota for the user role specified and try the operation again.


The operation results in a violation of the processor count quota for cloud %CloudName; for the user role %UserRoleName;.

Ensure sufficient processor count quota for the user role specified and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a processor count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a processor count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a processor expected utilization between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a processor expected utilization between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a processor priority between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a processor priority between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in an expected memory usage between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure an expected memory usage between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a memory priority between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a memory priority between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a dynamic memory startup usage between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a dynamic memory startup usage between %RangeStart; and %Rang eEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a dynamic memory maximum usage between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a dynamic memory maximum usage between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a dynamic memory target buffer between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a dynamic memory target buffer between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a video monitor count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a video monitor count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a video monitor horizontal resolution between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a video monitor horizontal resolution between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a video monitor horizontal resolution between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a video monitor horizontal resolution between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a serial port name length between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a serial port name length between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a DVD drive count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a DVD drive count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a virtual hard drive count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a virtual hard drive count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd ; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a virtual hard drive size between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a virtual hard drive size between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a SCSI adapter count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a SCSI adapter count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a network adapter count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a network adapter count between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of processor compatibility features not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no processor compatibility features are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of static memory, not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no static memory is required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of dynamic memory, not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no dynamic memory is required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more differencing disks not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no differencing disks are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more floppy drives not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no floppy drives are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more new disk drives not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no new disk drives are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more dynamic hard disks not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no dynamic hard disks are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more fixed hard disks not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no fixed hard disks are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more pass-through hard disks not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no pass-through hard disks are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of network optimization not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no network adapters require network optimization and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of MAC address spoofing not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no network adapters require MAC address spoofing and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more emulated network adapters not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no emulated network adapters are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in use of one or more synthetic network adapters not supported by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no synthetic network adapters are required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in invalid use of a serial port. The specified serial port use is not supported by the cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no serial port use is required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in invalid use of a named serial port pipe. The specified serial port named pipe use is not supported by the cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that no serial port named pipe use is required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] results in invalid use of a text settings file for a serial port. The specified use is not supported by the cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that a valid serial port text file setting is required by this operation and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates DVD media use restriction of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure valid DVD drive media usage and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates physical DVD drive use restriction of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation results in valid physical DVD drive use and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates DVD media sharing restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid DVD media sharing requirement and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates existing disk usage restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid existing disk usage and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates local disk usage restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid local disk usage and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates SCSI adapter type requirements of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid SCSI adapter type usage and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates network adapter type restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid network adapter type and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates network adapter IPv4 address type restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid network adapter IPv4 address type and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates network adapter IPv6 address type restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid network adapter IPv6 address type and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates network adapter MAC address type restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid network adapter MAC address type and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates high availability restrictions of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid high availability requirement and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates restrictions on the startup action for virtual machines of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid virtual machine startup action and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] violates restrictions on the shutdown action for virtual machines of the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure that the operation specifies a valid virtual machine shutdown action and try the operation again.


The operation on virtual machine, template or hardware configuration with id [%VM Name;] does not result in a startup delay between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; seconds required by the specified cloud and fabric capability.

Ensure a startup delay time span between %RangeStart; and %RangeEnd; seconds and try the operation again.


A mandatory parameter for the cmdlet is not specified.

Ensure either a private cloud object or JobGroup is specified, and then try again.


The capability profile (%CapabilityProfileName;) is read-only and cannot be edited.

Choose a capability profile that can be edited, and then try again.


The ReadWriteLibrarySharePath property cannot be set on a private cloud that has a parent private cloud.

Choose a different private cloud, and then try again.


The resource type (%Name;) is not a resource type that can be added to a private cloud.

Choose a different resource type (Load balancer, VIP template or Logical Network), and then try again.


The resource (%Id;, %Name;) is not a resource of the parent private cloud.

Add the resource to the parent private cloud of this private cloud, and then try again.


To move a virtual machine from private cloud to fabric, or fabric to private cloud, requires fabric administrative privileges.

Please contact the fabric administrator.


The virtual machine is in a host group that does not support the specified private cloud.

Move the virtual machine to the private cloud's host group, or add the virtual machine's host group to the private cloud, and then try again.


To move a virtual machine from one private cloud to another private cloud requires fabric or private cloud administrative privileges.

Please contact the private cloud administrator.


The virtual machine is in library path that does not support the given private cloud.

Move the virtual machine to the private cloud's library share path, or add virtual machine's host group to private cloud, and then try again.


The private cloud parameter cannot be specified when RemoveFromCloud is specified.

Specify either the private cloud parameter or RemoveFromCloud.


Changing the private cloud requires a capability profile.

Specify the capability profile, and then try again.


A capability profile with the same name (%CapabilityProfileName;) already exists.

Specify a different capability profile name, and then try again.


The hardware profile has validation issues that prevent it from being deployed using the capability profile (%CapabilityProfileName;).

Resolve any validation issues for the hardware profile or select a valid capability profile, and then try again.


Unable to find the specified capability profile. The capability profile may have been deleted.

Verify that the capability profile exists on the VMM management server.


Unable to find capability profile for the specified hardware profile. The hardware profile may have been deleted.

Verify that the hardware profile exists on the VMM management server .


The object used with the -AddCloudResource or -RemoveCloudResource parameter is not valid.

For the -AddCloudResource or -RemoveCloudResource parameters, only the following types of objects can be used: LoadBalancer, LogicalNetwork, LoadBalancerVIPTemplate and StorageClassification.


The specified name contains characters that are not valid.

Verify that the name does not contain characters that are not valid, such as * / \ or ?, and then try again.


The capability profile (%CapabilityProfileName;) cannot be edited because it was not created by a member of this user role.

Choose a capability profile that can be edited, and then try again.


The operation results in a violation of the custom point quota for the private cloud.\nPrivate cloud name: %CloudName;\nUser role: %UserRoleName;\nUser name: %UserName;

Ensure a sufficient custom point per-user quota for the specified user role, and then try again.


The operation results in a violation of the virtual machine count quota for the private cloud.\nPrivate cloud name: %CloudName;\nUser role: %UserRoleName;\nUser name: %UserName;

Ensure a sufficient virtual machine count per-user quota for the specified user role, and then try again.


The operation results in a violation of the disk space quota for the private cloud.\nPrivate cloud name: %CloudName;\nUser role: %UserRoleName;\nUser name: %UserName;

Ensure a sufficient disk space per-user quota for the specified user role, and then try again.


The operation results in a violation of the memory usage quota for the private cloud.\nPrivate cloud name: %CloudName;\nUser role: %UserRoleName;\nUser name: %UserName;

Ensure a sufficient memory usage per-user quota for the specified user role, and then try again.


The operation results in a violation of the processor count quota for the private cloud.\nPrivate cloud name: %CloudName;\nUser role: %UserRoleName;\nUser name: %UserName;

Ensure a sufficient processor count per-user quota for the specified user role, and then try again.


The CapabilityProfile parameter cannot be specified when RemoveCapabilityProfile is specified.

Specify either CapabilityProfile parameter or RemoveCapabilityProfile.


There is no ReadWriteLibrarySharePath associated with the private cloud (%CloudName;).

Ensure that the private cloud in which the virtual machine is placed has an associated ReadWriteLibrarySharePath, and then try again.


Virtual Machine Manager was unable to create a StoredVMs folder in the writable share path in the private cloud (%CloudName;). This prevents data from being stored for this private cloud.

Ensure that the writable share path is accessible to Virtual Machine Manager, and then manually create the StoredVMs folder (%FilePath;).


The capability profile is in use by one or more virtual machine deployment configuration objects and cannot be deleted.

Remove all references to the capability profile, and then try again.


The capability profile cannot be bound to the private cloud because either the profile or the private cloud has been removed.

Ensure that the private cloud and capability profile exist, and then try again.


The library path cannot be associated with its library share because the library share does not exist.

Ensure that the specified library share exists, and then try again.


The specified path (%Name;) is not unique.

Ensure that the path or part of the path that you provided is not used as a writable library share path on a private cloud, a read-only share path on a private cloud, or a user role data path on a self-service user role.


The specified fabric capability type is not valid.

Ensure that a valid fabric capability type was specified, and then try again.


Self-service users cannot enable or disable MAC spoofing on virtual network adapters.

Contact a VMM administrator with a request to enable or disable MAC spoofing for the virtual network adapter in question.


Self-service users cannot specify a physical CD/DVD drive connection for a virtual DVD drive.

Attach an ISO image to the virtual DVD drive, or leave it with no media and ask a VMM administrator for assistance.


The VM host %VMHostName; is not within the scope of cloud %CloudName;. The Virtual Machine %VMName; might not be accessible to self-service users.

Choose a host group that is part of the cloud.


The Virtual Machine will not be accessible to the cloud after storing the Virtual Machine in the library or deploying it to a host.

After deploying the Virtual Machine, update the Virtual Machine's cloud.


The deployment configuration for VM with name %Name; cannot be placed on the host group to which it is pinned.

Remove the host group property on the deployment configuration and update placement again.


The deployment configuration for VM with name %Name; is pinned to a host that is inaccessible.

Set the host pinning property on the deployment configuration to false and update placement again.


The deployment configuration for VM with name %Name; cannot be successfully deployed.

Manually place the deployment configuration and try the operation again.


The service configuration contains pre-emptive setup actions that are invalid in the current environment.

Update the service configuration's placement and try the operation a gain.


The virtual machine configuration cannot target host %VMHostName; due to placement errors.

Evaluate placement of the virtual machine on the target host to discover errors.


SCVMM cannot locate an available physical instance of the equivalence group for the virtual hard disk with ID [%Id;].

Ensure that the virtual machine has access to a physical instance of the equivalence group and try the operation again.


No available network address pool could be located that managed the specified network address.

Remove the network address specification, or ensure that the virtual machine has access to a network address pool that manages the address specified and try the operation again.


Virtual machine %VMName; targets host group %HostGroupName;. Host %VMHostName; is not part of this host group or its contained host groups.

Change the target host group for this virtual machine or choose a different host and try the operation again.


Virtual machine %VMName; targets cloud %CloudName; and cannot be moved to a different scope from its service.

Change the target cloud for this service or select the current cloud scope and try the operation again.


The service configuration contains deployment actions that are invalid in the current environment.

Update the service configuration's placement and try the operation a gain.


The virtual machine %VMName; will be migrated to host %VMHostName; to free resources required for this deployment.


The host %VMHostName; will be powered on to allow for this deployment.


The virtual machine configuration %VMName; specifies a pass-through disk as its source and must use a target disk deployment preference.

Set the virtual hard disk configuration on the virtual machine to use a target disk deployment preference and try the operation again.


The cluster volume with mount point %SystemVolumeDriveLetter; does not have an entry in the default paths list.

Refresh the cluster to discover this volume and try the operation again.


The host for virtual machine %VMName; is not responding and is not available for placement.

Restore the host to a responding state and try the operation again.


The host does not have access to sufficient storage of the requested classification for one or more virtual disks associated with virtual machine %VMName;.

Select a host attached to a storage pool with the correct classification and try the operation again.


The storage pool associated with host %VMHostName; has insufficient space to provision a clone of VHD resources required by virtual machine %VMName;.

Select a host attached to a storage pool with sufficient space and try the operation again.


No storage array associated with this host has appropriate resources to provision a clone of VHD resources required by virtual machine %VMName;.

Select a host attached to a storage array with appropriate resources and try the operation again.


No storage pool associated with the host group containing this host has appropriate resources to provision a copy of VHD resources required by virtual machine %VMName;.

Select a host in a host group that has an attached storage pool with appropriate resources and try the operation again.


The virtual machine configuration does not have a name. A virtual machine name must be specified in order to determine an appropriate host for this virtual machine configuration.

Set a VM name on the virtual machine configuration or specify a name and try the operation again.


Configuration issues related to the virtual hard drive configuration with ID [%Id ;] of virtual machine [%VMName;] prevent deployment.

Update placement or determine an appropriate host for this virtual machine and try the operation again.


Configuration issues related to the NIC with ID [%Id;] of VM [%VMName;] prevent deployment.

Update placement or determine an appropriate host for this virtual machine and try the operation again.


Configuration issues related to the virtual machine [%VMName;] prevent deployment and must be resolved before deployment can continue.

Update placement or determine an appropriate host for this virtual machine and try the operation again.


The virtual machine configuration %VMName; specifies a host group that does not have access to load balancer %LoadBalancerName; which is required by the computer tier for this virtual machine.

Specify a target scope for the virtual machine configuration that has access to the load balancer %LoadBalancerName; and try the operation again


No hosts could be located in the scope specified for VM %VMName;.


Host group %HostGroupName; and its parent host groups are not connected to a load balancer that matches the requirements of load balancer template %LoadBalancerName; with available VIP addresses.

Specify a target host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


No load balancers with sufficient VIP addresses could be located attached to host group %HostGroupName; and its parent host groups.

Specify a target host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


No load balancers with the model %ModelName; could be located attached to host group %HostGroupName; and its parent host groups.

Specify a target host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


The virtual machine configuration belongs to a tier that requires a load balancer connected to a single shared host group. Virtual Machine Manager could not locate a host group target shared by all virtual machine configurations in this tier.

Ensure that all virtual machine configurations in the tier target a common host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


The virtual machine configuration targets host group %HostGroupName; and does not have access to required load balancer %LoadBalancerName;.

Change the target host group or load balancer for the virtual machine configuration to ensure that the load balancer can be accessed from the target host group.


The virtual machine configuration with name [%VMName;] does not target a valid host or host group.

Change the target host group or host for the virtual machine configuration to a valid value and try the operation again.


No load balancers with the manufacturer %ManufacturerName; could be located attached to host group %HostGroupName; and its parent host groups.

Specify a target host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


No appropriate load balancer could be located for load balancer configuration with template name %LoadBalancerName;.

Specify a load balancer or target host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


No appropriate IP pool with available virtual IP addresses could be located for load balancer configuration with template name %LoadBalancerName;.

Specify an IP pool with available virtual IP addresses or a host group with appropriate virtual IP addresses availability for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


Load balancer configuration with template name or ID [%LoadBalancerName;] is connected to a network adapter that has no static IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Specify a network adapter with a static IPv4 or IPv6 address for the load balancer and try the operation again.


The deployment configuration for VM with name %Name; cannot be placed on the host group or cloud that it targets. More detailed information can be found by getting star ratings for the target host group or cloud.

Ensure that sufficient host resources are available on the host group or cloud that this virtual machine configuration targets by resolving any issues found while rating the virtual machine and try the operation again.


Configuration issues related to the load balancer with template name [%LoadBalancerName;] prevent deployment of virtual machine with name [%VMName;].

Update placement or determine an appropriate host for this virtual machine and try the operation again.


Dynamic Optimization cannot be started because it is already running on Host Cluster [%HostClusterName;].


There is insufficient disk space on the %SystemVolumeDriveLetter; of the library to allow the migration.

Ensure there is enough disk space on the library to continue with the migration.


The target cloud is not connected to a load balancer that matches the requirements of load balancer template %LoadBalancerName; with available VIP addresses.

Specify a target cloud with appropriate load balancer connectivity for the service or virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


The virtual machine configuration %VMName; does not specify a host group or cloud scope and cannot be placed.

Specify a target cloud or host group for the virtual machine configuration and try the operation again.


The Host cannot support a Virtual Machine from the selected template because the host is not managed by the same VMware vCenter Server as the template.

Select a template which is managed by the VMware vCenter Server %ComputerName;


The Host %VMHostName; cannot support a Virtual Machine from the selected template because synthetic SCSI is not supported on this host.

Select a template which does not require synthetic SCSI for its disk drives.


The Host %VMHostName; cannot support a Virtual Machine from the selected template because dynamically expanding (thin disks) are not supported on this host.

Select a template which does not require dynamically expanding disk drives.


The deployment map is invalid. It contains a migration to host with ID %Id; which cannot be found.

Update the deployment configuration and try again.


The deployment map is invalid. It contains a migration from host with ID %Id; which cannot be found.

Update the deployment configuration and try again.


The deployment map is invalid. It contains a migration of VM with ID %Id; which cannot be found.

Update the deployment configuration and try again.


The deployment map is invalid. It contains a power action on host with ID %Id; which cannot be found.

Update the deployment configuration and try again.


The virtual machine workload %VMName; specifies settings that are not allowed by any capability profile supported by the cloud. A list of validation errors specific to each matching capability profile can be accessed by validating the hardware profile or template before it is rated

Specify a target cloud that supports one or more of the capability profiles used by the virtual machine.


The virtual machine workload %VMName; specifies settings that are not allowed by any capability profile supported by the cloud.

Discover the capability profile issues by validating the capability profiles of the virtual machine, then fix any issues and try the operation again.


The virtual machine or tier load balancer configuration requires an IP pool and there are no appropriate IP pools accessible from the host.

Select a host with access to an appropriate IP pool and try the operation again.


The virtual machine workload %VMName; requires a MAC pool and there are no MAC pools accessible from the host.

Select a host with access to an appropriate MAC pool and try the operation again.


The virtual machine workload %VMName; cannot be deployed to the hardware supporting cloud [%CloudName;]. Contact the cloud administrator and provide Task ID [%Id;] to determine the reason that this VM cannot be hosted.

Contact the cloud administrator and provide Task ID [%Id;] to determine the reason that this VM cannot be hosted. Resolve issues with the virtual machine request or cloud hardware and try the operation again.


Changes have been made which should be verified by running placement again.

Use the Refresh Preview action to run placement again.


The virtual machine has a network adapter that requires static addresses of both IPv4 and IPv6 address families. When both address families are required on the same adapter, the connected subnets must share a virtual LAN identifier. No network adapters on the host were connected to subnets of both IPv4 and IPv6 families with a shared virtual LAN identifier.

Change the virtual machine network adapters to specify a single IP address family and try the operation again


The virtual machine template is marked as capable of SAN cloning, but no physical virtual hard disk instances could be located that match all required storage classification requirements specified by the virtual disk drives on the template.

Change the classification or virtual hard disk equivalence group for this virtual disk drive to a supported configuration and try the operation again


No appropriate disks could be located on the library to allow the migration.

Ensure there are disks available on the library server to continue with the migration.


No supported virtualization software supports a processor count of %Count;. Please change this to a valid value and try the operation again.

Change the processor count, and then try the operation again.


The virtual machine %VMName; requires disks from multiple distinct platforms. Virtual machine hosts cannot support multiple platforms at once.

Ensure that all disk configurations for this virtual machine specify the same platform and try the operation again


No connected IPv6 address pool with remaining addresses could be identified to supply an address for the network adapter with ID %ParameterName;.


The value for custom property %ParameterName; specified by the host violates a property matching rule for the value [%ParameterValue;] specified by virtual machine %ComputerName;.


No connection to logical network %LogicalNetworkName; with sufficient resources could be found.


No connection to %Subnet; with sufficient resources could be found.


The virtual machine %VMName; requires shared storage and the most appropriate available destination volume connected to host %VMHostName; is not a shared storage device.


The projected network utilization %ProjectedNetworkUtilization; Mbps exceeds the reserved network capacity %ReservedNetworkUtilization; Mbps.



The VM %VMName; requires one or more pass-through disks and host %VMHostName; has insufficient pass-through disks.



The virtual machine %VMName; requires local storage and the most appropriate available destination volume connected to host %VMHostName; is not a local storage device.


Power savings is only available for SCVMHosts

Get a SCVMHost by running Get-SCVMHost


One or more available cluster volumes associated with host %VMHostName; is not associated with a path in the default placement path list and will not be considered for placement. Refresh the cluster to ensure that all available cluster storage has an associated default placement path.

Refresh the cluster information for host %VMHostName;


The virtual machine %VMName; is a fault tolerant virtual machine and cannot be stored to a library.

Change the state of the virtual machine to remove fault tolerance an d try the operation again.


There was a problem encountered while identifying the storage classification of one or more disks for virtual machine %VMName;. Placement should be attempted again to ensure that classification requirements are validated.

Ensure that there are no operations occurring on virtual machine %VM Name; and attempt placement again.


The VM [%VMName;] could not be placed on cloud [%CloudName;] due to the following issues: %VMErrorMessage;

Ensure that there are no operations occurring on virtual machine %VM Name; and attempt placement again.


The VM [%VMName;] could not be placed on host [%VMHostName;] in cloud [%CloudName ;] due to the following issues: %VMErrorMessage;

Ensure that there are no operations occurring on virtual machine %VM Name; and attempt placement again.


The value for custom property %ParameterName; specified by the host violates a property matching rule for the value [%ParameterValue;] specified by virtual machine %ComputerName;.


The Load Balancer Configuration with VIP Template %TemplateName; in computer tier %VMName; is valid for all load Balancers except for %LoadBalancerName;.

Ensure that you have access to another type of load balancer or use a VIP template specific to %LoadBalancerName; with manufacturer %ManufacturerName; and model %ModelName;


No load balancer with a front-end connection to logical network %LogicalNetworkName; could be found that supports the requirements of the virtual machine tier.

Ensure that there is at least one load balancer with front-end connection to logical network %LogicalNetworkName; that satisfies all requirements of the virtual machine tier and try the operation again.


No load balancer with a back-end connection to logical network %LogicalNetworkName; could be found that supports the requirements of the virtual machine tier.

Ensure that there is at least one load balancer with back-end connection to logical network %LogicalNetworkName; that satisfies all requirements of the virtual machine tier and try the operation again.


No IP pool with available virtual IP addresses could be found that supports the requirements of the virtual machine tier.

Ensure that there is at least one IP pool with available virtual IP addresses that satisfies all requirements of the virtual machine tier connected to the target host group and try the operation again.


The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] uses a network load balancer template that requires a common subnet for all virtual IP and virtual machine network IP addresses. A virtual machine network configuration or load balancer configuration in tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] is already assigned to an IP pool with subnet [%Subnet;] and the IP Pool [%IPPoolName;] specified by the virtual machine network configuration or load balancer configuration is connected to subnet [%OtherSubnet;].

Remove the specified IP pool on the load balancer configuration for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] or ensure that all IP pools specified by this virtual machine tie r have the same subnet and try the operation again.


The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] uses a network load balancer template that requires a common subnet for all virtual IP and virtual machine network IP addresses. The most appropriate subnet in the specified environment for this virtual machine tier is [%Subnet;] based on the IP pools specified by the load balancer configuration and virtual machine network configurations and the number of host s that connect to IP pools using this subnet. The selected host scope has no IP pool connections to subnet [%Subnet;] with sufficient resources to supply an IP address of the appropriate family.

Specify a different load balancer template for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] or set one or more network configurations to use IP pools from a different subnet and try the operation again.


The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] uses a network load balancer template that requires a common subnet for all virtual IP and virtual machine network IP addresses. The environment has no connections to subnets with available IP and virtual IP addresses.

Specify a different load balancer template for virtual machine tier configuration [%TierConfigName;] or set one or more network configurations to use IP pools from a different subnet and try the operation again.


The virtual machine requests %PlacementRequestValue; IOPS disk IO. The maximum disk IO on host %VMHostName; is %MaximumIOPS; and this is insufficient to host the virtual machine. The disk IO capacity remaining on the host volume accounting for existing virtual machines and host utilization is %PlacementCapacityValue;.

Reduce the disk IO required by the virtual machine or increase the disk IO capacity and try the operation again.


The virtual machine requests %PlacementRequestValue; IOPS disk IO. The maximum disk IO accounting for reserves on host %VMHostName; is %MaximumIOPS; and this is insufficient to host the virtual machine. The disk IO capacity at this reserve level remaining on the host volume accounting for existing virtual machines and host utilization is %PlacementCapacityValue;.

Reduce the disk IO required by the virtual machine or increase the disk IO capacity and try the operation again.


Issues blocking deployment must be resolved before transfer type can be evaluated.

Resolve any issues that block the deployment and retrieve ratings again to find SAN issues.


Host %VMHostName; has an agent that is not in a responding state and is not available for placement.

Select a different host and then try the operation again.


No virtual hard disk could be located for virtual machine %VMName;. A disk must be present to deploy the virtual machine.

Add a disk to the virtual machine and try the operation again.


The virtual machine requires a virtual network connection and the host network adapter is not attached to a virtual network.

Ensure there is a virtual network connection for the host or remove the network interface card from the virtual machine and try the operation again.


The virtual machine requires a highly available virtual network connection and the host network adapter is not attached to a highly available virtual network.

Ensure there is a highly available virtual network connection for the host or remove the network interface card from the virtual machine and try the operation again.


The host group for this VM will be changed from %Name; to %HostGroupName;. Access to network resources for this VM tier may also be changed.


The virtual machine %VMName; uses a network adapter that is not connected to a logical network. The virtualization platform on host %VMHostName; requires that all network adapters connect to a virtual switch through a logical network connection.

Ensure that all network adapters used by virtual machine %VMName; specify a logical network connection and try the operation again.


The chosen host is outside the scope of the cloud associated with the VM. Self-service users may lose access to the VM. Do you wish to continue?