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System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes [21000-21999]

Use Ctrl-F to find a specific code.

Some codes have a recommended action using PowerShell as well as the general action.

Links to other error code pages can be found at System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes.


If you have additional information about an error, please add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.





Recommended Action (in product)

Additional Troubleshooting Information


Removing default VLAN from a XenServer is not supported.

This operation is not supported.


Virtual network cards require a connection to a virtual network switch at all times on XenServer.

This operation is not supported.


A service instance has already been deployed from the service configuration.\nService configuration: %Name;

Create a new service configuration, and then try again.


Physical machine %SMBIOSGUID; is not expected for registration

Verify that the host profile matches with the physical machine information


OS Deployment failed on physical machine %SMBIOSGUID;

Verify that the host profile matches with the physical machine information


Can't uninstall WDS role, must restart

The role is not installed. Restart the machine.


Can't uninstall WDS role

The role is not installed.


Can't stop WDS service

Restart the machine.


Can't find mapping between host group and logical network

Specify other parameters for IP address.


Can't find an IP pool for IP address or logical network or subnet/VLAN

Specify other parameters for IP address.


Physical Machine %SMBIOSGUID; did not register back with VMM Server in time

Make sure:\n1. The physical machine is configured to PXE boot\n2. The PXE server your physical machine is contacting has been added to VMM\n3. The physical machine is contacting the correct PXE server; you may have multiple PXE servers in your environment\n4. The physical machine's SMBIOS Guid in VMM matches the Guid reported during the PXE boot.\n5. The WindowsPE image placed on the PXE server by VMM is up to date; try to re-publish it\n6. The WDS server for this PXE request is configured and functioning properly\n7. Make sure there are no additional error messages on the physical machine's console\n8. The physical machine has a working connection to the network and is plugged into the correct subnet


Physical machine service did not response in time



Physical machine %Name; is running on a different bare metal machine than the one just deployed

Identify the physical machine and manually verify machine information


Error encountered when communicating with physical machine deployment service



Domain to be joined is not found

Verify the domain join name


Disk configuration is not valid

Verify the disk configuration in host profile object


Unable to configure disk on physical machine %SMBIOSGUID; as requested in host profile

Verify that the hardware defined in the host profile matches with what is contained in the physical machine


Unable to configure BCD record on physical machine %SMBIOSGUID;

Verify that the host profile matches with the physical machine information


Driver tag cannot be empty string

Verify the tag is in valid format


The disk configuration in host profile doesn't match the %Name; boot system on the physical machine

Verify the disk configuration of host profile is in correct format


Cannot find an OS present in the VHD which supports native VHD boot

Verify the vhd file


%Name; has already existed in AD

Uses a different computer name or bypass option


The physical machine %SMBIOSGUID; doesn't join in AD using %Name; as computer name in time

Make sure there are no error messages on the physical machine console or in the Windows customization log


OS deployment was successful, but DNS name resolution failed for %Name;

This usually results from the new computer name not being propagated to all DNS servers yet. This is normal for some environments and can take a long time. Once the DNS propagation is complete you can add this host to VMM as a Windows computer using the Add Resource wizard.


Cannot resolve Domain DNS name for flat name %Name;

Make sure AD is reachable


There is not enough disk space to convert the Dynamic VHD to Fixed VHD

Verify that the physical machine have enough disk space


Failed to customize WinPE Image.

Check Server and WAIK installation, and files to be injected. Verify WinPE image, library and temp location.


DISM.EXE failed to install package.

Verify package to be added. Please check dism.log for details


File or Directory not found

Check Server and WAIK installation, and files to be injected. Verify WinPE image, library and temp location.


File operation failed

Check if that file is in use or it is a valid path.


WDS service is not found on the target machine

Make sure the WDS role is installed and the OS is Windows Server 2008 R2 or later


WDS service isn't be initialized/configured

Perform initial configuration on WDS server


Can't remove the PXE provider from the machine

Restart the machine.


Authenticate domain join account to AD failed

Verify the domain join is correct


PXE Server %Name; has already existed

Verify the PXE Server identity


The name of domain to be joined mismatches with the domain specified in computer name

Verify the domain name is correct


Using IP Address is not supported

Please provide computer NetBIOS name or DNS name


No available VHD resource found within the host group

Make sure library servers are available


There is no PXE server managed by this vmmserver, and OSD cannot continue

Please add a PXE server to this vmmserver


The new WinPE image has been generated. However, it cannot be published to one of managed PXE Server because of agent error

See agent error for more information


VMM cannot find PXE server %Name;

Make sure the computer name is correct


The domain join runas account provided is not a valid domain user account for domain join purpose

Verify the user account in runas account is correct


No commands are given to order.

Specify all existing commands when you need to get them ordered


No such command exists in DB.

One or more of specified commands are not in DB


Parameter OrderedCommand can only be used with VMHostProfile object

Change cmdlet parameters. Then try the operation again.


Current operation is not supported by the host virtualization platform

Verify the host name


Only VMM Administrators can be allowed to run script command on a host which is also the VMM server

Reconnect with a VMM Administrator account


Custom WIM File %FileName; is not found

Check the location of custom WIM file


ISO file path %FileName; is not valid

Please specify a full path to an ISO file to be generated


Virtual Machine Manager has accepted the request from machine with SMBIOS GUID: % SMBIOSGUID; MAC: %MACAddress; and will deploy an OS.


Virtual Machine Manager has aborted the request from machine with SMBIOS GUID: %S MBIOSGUID; MAC: %MACAddress; and will NOT deploy an OS.


Virtual Machine Manager will not deploy an OS to computer with SMBIOS GUID: %SMBI OSGUID; MAC: %MACAddress; because the GUID does not match any that have pending OS deployments in VMM. The PXE request is being passed on to the next WDS PXE provider.


PSCredential Type with a non-empty password is required for this parameter %Name; .

Provide PowerShell credential with a password and try the operation again.




Another machine with the same SMBIOSGUID is found.

An SMBIOS GUID should uniquely identify the machine. Please provide the correct value or contact the machine manufacturer to help update the hardware with correct information.


The host %VMHostName; is not configured to be controlled through out of band management from the service.

Provide the out of band management information using Set-SCVMHost if the host supports it.


Connecting to the BMC with address %VMHostName; failed.

Check network connectivity or the management controller board state.


The BMC address %VMHostName; returned a malformed message during an out of band management operation using IPMI. A required property "%PropertyName;" on a message of type "%ObjectName;" is incomplete or missing.

Contact your hardware vendor for the machine.


The BMC address %VMHostName; is not implementing a VMM required SMASH profile: "% Name;"

Contact your hardware vendor for the machine.


Cannot retrieve the CIM_ComputerSystem object associated to the VMM required SMASH profile: %Name;. BMC address: %VMHostName;

Contact your hardware vendor for the machine.


VMHostGroup should be specified for host creation

Specify a host group.


Specified logical network %LogicalNetworkName; has more than one subnet.

Specify a subnet or IP address.


Provided IP address and subnet don't match.

Specify matching subnet and IP address.


IP or subnet doesn't match to specified logical network.

Specify matching logical network and IP address or subnet.


An out of band operation (%OutOfBandMgmtProtocol;) for the BMC %VMHostName; failed

Check network connectivity or the management controller board state.


Requested IP address %IPAddress; isn't available in the pool.

Specify available IP address.


Static IP address is requested, but no networking parameters are specified.

Specify a logical network, or subnet, or IP address.


To assign a static IP address, the valid MAC address of a NIC should be specified.

Specify a valid MAC address for the NIC, which will get the static IP.


The BMC address %VMHostName; returned an invalid SMBIOS GUID during an out of ban d management operation using %OutOfBandMgmtProtocol; protocol.

Contact your hardware vendor for the machine or check with your configuration provider vendor.


The data for a FRU device (Id %Id;) returned from the BMC at %VMHostName; over IP MI can't be recognized.

Contact your hardware vendor for the machine.


One of the encryption algorithms required by the BMC at %VMHostName; is not FIPS compliant as configured on the Windows OS hosting the VMM management server.

Check the configuration of the BMC at %VMHostName;.


The specified subnet address %Address; is invalid. It has to be in the CDIR notation <IPv4 Net Address>|<IPv6 Net Address>/<subnet prefix length> and the subnet prefix length should render a non-empty IP range

Check the correctness of the provided subnet address


A valid non-null configuration provider needs to be passed in if out of band protocol is set to Custom.

Check the cmdlet parameters


A configuration provider parameter should not be provided if the out of band protocol is not set to Custom.

Check the cmdlet parameters


BMC address not provided

Provide an address to connect to the target BMC


BMC credential not provided

Provide credential to connect to the target BMC


The provided configuration provider '%Name;' is not of out of band management type (OOB).

Pass the correct out of band configuration provider for the operation.


(Internal error.)


PowerShell subsystem is shutting down

Restart the Virtual Machine Manager service


The PowerShell module %Name; for configuration provider %Id; could not be found

Check the configuration provider registration and contact your configuration provider publisher


The PowerShell module %Name; for configuration provider %Id; was already loaded b y a different configuration provider. One provider module should be associated with one registration provider only

Check the configuration provider registration and contact your configuration provider publisher


The PowerShell module %Name; for configuration provider %Id; cannot be loaded due to an error reported by VMM server's PowerShell subsystem.\n****\n %ActualException;\n****\n Error stream: %DetailedErrorMessage;

Check the configuration provider registration and contact your configuration provider publisher


The configuration provider %Id; has an invalid registration: Property %PropertyName;

Check the registration of this provider and contact the publisher


The configuration provider %Id; has an invalid registration: Property: %PropertyName;, Version: %FileVersion;)

Check the registration of this provider and contact the publisher


The configuration provider %Id; requested for this operation was not found

Reinstall the configuration provider or reassociate the device with a different provider


The configuration provider %Id; does not implement interface %InterfaceName;.

Contact configuration provider publisher


The configuration provider %Id; does not implement %InterfaceName;::%Name; requested function or cmdlet.

Check the documentation for the configuration provider or contact the publisher support


Execution of %InterfaceName;::%Name; on the configuration provider %Id; failed. Detailed exception:%DetailedErrorMessage;

Check the documentation for the configuration provider or contact the publisher support


Execution of %InterfaceName;::%Name; on the configuration provider %Id; failed. PowerShell subsystem is shutting down.

Check the documentation for the configuration provider or contact the publisher support


Execution of %InterfaceName;::%Name; on the configuration provider %Id; failed. The return type [%ObjectType2;] can't be converted to the type expected to be returned by the operation [%ObjectType;]

Check the documentation for the configuration provider or contact the publisher support


Configuration provider %Name; can't be used for any operation because it failed to load or execute.

Contact the publisher support to fix or upgrade the failing provider .


The service template %Name; cannot be modified or removed because one or more service instances or service configurations refer to it.

Ensure that there are no service instance or service configurations referring to this service template, and then try again.


The parameters SaveState, RestoreState, PreService, and PostService can be used only with an application deployment object.

Change cmdlet parameters, and then try the operation again.


The parameters FailOnMatch and WarnAndContinueOnMatch cannot be used together.

Change cmdlet parameters, and then try the operation again.


A script command with the same type already exists.

Change the script type, and then try the operation again.


The instance counts for the service tier template (%Name;) do not adhere to the permissible limits.

Ensure that the InstanceMinimumCount is less than or equal to the De faultInstanceCount, and that the DefaultInstanceCount is less than or equal to the InstanceMaximumCount.


The script command output exceeded maximum allowed length of %Length;

Check script command parameters. Then try operation again.


The service tier template (%Name;) cannot be modified or removed because its service template has one or more service instances or service configurations referencing it.

Ensure that there are no service instances or service configurations referencing the service template for this service tier template, and then try the operation.


The script command standard output matched the regular expression (%Regex;) that is specified in the failure policy with the specified action when matched (%RegexMatchResult;). For more information, see the full standard output log (%FilePath;").

Check the standard output log to determine cause of the failure, and then try the operation again.


The script command standard error matched the regular expression (%Regex;) that i s specified in the failure policy with the specified Action when matched (%RegexMatchResult;). For more information, see the full standard error log (%FilePath;").

Running the script command will be skipped when the job is restarted. To mitigate the effects of a script command failure, take corrective action.


The script command exit code (%ExitCode;) matched the regular expression (%Regex; ) that is specified in the failure policy. Standard output log data: "%Value;"

Running the script command will be skipped when the job is restarted. To mitigate the effects of a script command failure, take corrective action.


VMM did not successfully run the script command (%Command;) on the computer (%ComputerName;). A time-out occurred.

Running the script command will be skipped when the job is restarted. To mitigate the effects of a script command failure, take corrective action.


The application profile (%Name;) already contains the specified operating system.

Ensure that the application profile does not contain the operating system, and then try again.


The application profile (%Name;) does not contain the specified operating system.

Ensure that the application profile contains the operating system, and then try again.


The script command cannot be run more than the specified number of times.\nNumber of times to run the command: %Count;

Change the script command configuration, and then try again.


The script command that ran on the VMM management server cannot restart.

Change script command restart options, and then try again.


The script command settings AlwaysReboot and RestartScriptOnExitCodeReboot are not valid for the command that ran on the server.

Change script command settings, and then try again.


The application package type (%Name;) does not match the type of application deployment.

Ensure that the application package type matches the application deployment type, and then try again.


The specified SQL Server Authentication type %Name; is not valid.

Ensure that the parameter is valid and try again.


The service template (%Name;) cannot be applied as the pending service template because its name is different from the service template name for the service or its release is not different the from service template release for the service.

Ensure that the pending service template is cloned from the service template for the service, and then try again.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it is not in the Deployed Service state.

Ensure that the service is in the Deployed Service state, and then try again.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it has an outstanding servicing request and is in servicing mode.

Ensure that the service is not in servicing mode, and then try again.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it is not in a valid state for servicing.

Ensure that the service is in the Deployed Service state, and then try again.


The -PendingServiceTemplate, -CommitPendingServiceTemplate and -DismissPendingSer viceTemplate parameters are mutually exclusive.

Resolve the conflict, and then try the operation again.


One or more virtual machine configurations in the service configuration)%Name;) do not have a virtual machine host specified.

Ensure that all virtual machine configurations have a virtual machine host assigned to them, and retry the operation.


The -NoConnectedHost and -VMHost parameters are mutually exclusive.

Resolve the conflict, and then try the operation again.


The application setting name is not valid.

Use a valid application package, and then try the operation again.


The application package cannot be deployed.

Use a valid application package, and then try the operation again.


The application setting type (%Name;) is not valid.

Ensure that the application package is valid, and then try again.


The application setting for the object type (%ObjectType;) does not allow changes .

Ensure that the application setting allows changes, and then try again.


The operation cannot be performed because the service tier template (%Name;) could not be found in the pending service template (%FriendlyName;).

Ensure that the service tier template exists in the service template, and then try the operation again.


The operation cannot be performed because the number of virtual machines in the service tier templates for the source template and the pending service template differ.

Please ensure that the number of virtual machines in the service tie r templates is the same in the source template and the pending service template, and then try the operation again.


High availability setting changes to the service tier template (%Name;) during servicing are not supported and will be ignored.

Make any high availability setting changes after the servicing operation is complete.


Changes to Deployment Order, DefaultInstanceCount, InstanceMaximumCount and Insta nceMinimumCount settings in the service tier template (%Name;) during servicing are not supported and will be ignored.

Make any changes to the settings after the servicing operation is complete.


Only changes to the server roles and server features in operating system profiles are allowed during servicing. Other operating system profile changes to the service tier template (%Name;) during servicing are not supported and will be ignored.

Make any required changes after the servicing operation is complete.


Changes to the virtual disk drives in the service tier template (%Name;) during servicing are not supported and will be ignored.

Make any required changes after the servicing operation is complete.


The addition of SCSI adapters to the service tier template (%Name;) is allowed during servicing. Any other changes to SCSI adapters are not supported and will be ignored.

Make any required changes after the servicing operation is complete.


Changes to virtual network adapters in the service tier template (%Name;) are not supported during servicing and will be ignored.

Make any required changes after the servicing operation is complete.


No Fabric diff provider was found for the service (%Name;).

Contact your support personnel for further help.


Service setting %Name; has conflicting data with referencing setting %FriendlyName;.

Check all settings that refer to the service setting in service template.


The service setting '%Name;' became unencrypted and its data will be cleared.



The service setting in the service configuration, and the pending service setting in the service can change only the value.



Service settings in the service cannot be changed.



Administrator credentials were not specified for the computer (%Name;).

Ensure that administrator credentials are specified, and then try the operation again.


The command Get-SCServicingScript returned an error: %ActualException;.

Contact your support personnel for further help.


VMM could not access the client object (ID: %Id;) while generating the servicing script.

Contact your support personnel for further help.


The script command (%Command;) was executed on the computer (%ComputerName;) and returned a result exit code (%ExitCode;).


The script command cannot be run because computer name wasn't detected for the virtual machine (%VMName;).

Check that integration services are installed on the virtual machine %VMName;.


The service template (%Name;) must contain one or more service tier templates.

Ensure that there is at least one service tier template in the service template, and then try the operation again.


The service settings in the service template (%Name;) need to be updated.

Retry the operation with appropriate flags that update service settings of the service template.


Application deployment failed for one or more tiers or application hosts in the service (%Name;). Check job logs to get more information on the failed operation.

Check error messages and retry the operation if needed.


Two or more virtual machine configurations in the service configuration (%Name;) have the same computer name assigned.

Ensure that each virtual machine configuration has unique computer name before deploying the service.


The location and host cannot be specified for the virtual machine configuration ( %Name;) because it is configured to be hosted on a private cloud.

Ensure that the virtual machine configuration does not contain these settings and retry the operation.


The service setting (%Name;) will be added.



The service setting (%Name;) will be removed.



The service setting (%Name;) is referenced but is not provided a value.

Add a value to the referenced service setting, and then try again.


A valid computer name has not been specified for the virtual machine guest.

Ensure that a valid computer name has been specified, and the try the operation again.


The template (%Name;) is currently associated with a service tier template and cannot be modified or removed.

To modify the template, create a new virtual machine template with the required modification and associate it with the service tier template. To remove the service tier template and its associated objects, use the Remove-SCComputerTierTemplate command.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because one or more of its virtual machines in the service tier (%FriendlyName;) is not running or cannot be contacted.

Ensure that the service has Virtual Machines that are in the running state, and then try again.


The service tier (%Name;) has a single upgrade domain level. Servicing this service tier might result in all of the tier's virtual machines being taken offline as part of the servicing operation.



The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it is not in servicing mode.

Ensure that the service is in servicing mode, and then try the operation again.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it is in servicing mode.

Ensure that the service is not in servicing mode, and then try the operation again.


The operation cannot be performed on the virtual machine (%Name;) because it is associated with a service in servicing mode.

Ensure that the service is not in servicing mode, and then try the operation again.


One or more settings specified for the virtual hard disk configuration are not supported for the source virtual disk drives.



The specified IP address pool is not of the expected IP address protocol version for the destination pool.

Ensure that the static IP addresses of type IPv4 and IPv6 are assigned to IPV4AddressPool and IPV6AddressPool respectively.


The specified IP address is not of the expected IP address protocol version.

Ensure that the correct address protocol version is specified for the IP address of in the virtual network adapter configuration.


JobGroup is supported only for the Application object type.

Use JobGroup for the Application object type.


The service template (%Name;) cannot be applied as the pending service template because its name is different from the service template name for the service.

Ensure that the pending service template is same or cloned from the service template for the service, and then try again.


The specified change on the object (%Name;) is not allowed.

Ensure that no service configuration or service is referencing the object.


The specified SQL Server configuration file (%Name;) cannot be found.

Ensure that the specified SQL Server configuration file exists.


The specified SQL Server configuration file (%Name;) is empty or not valid.

Ensure that the specified SQL Server configuration file is valid or empty.


The specified SQL Server configuration file (%Name;) is empty or not valid.

Ensure that the specified entry in SQL Server configuration file has a valid value.


The servicing step (%Count; %TaskDescription;), after the difference calculation between the service templates, was skipped during the servicing of this service.

Ensure that the any effects of skipping the servicing step are mitigated.


VMM failed to write to the SQL Server configuration file (%Name;).

Verify that there is sufficient disk space on the VMM management server, and then try again.


The Windows folder was not found on the virtual machine (%Name;).



Deploying applications as part of a service deployment requires a valid domain.

Ensure that valid domains or service settings are specified as part of the virtual machine templates.


The template (%Name;) should contain at least one virtual hard disk.

Ensure that there is at least one virtual hard disk in the hardware profile in the template, and then try again.


The template (%Name;) must contain at least one virtual hard disk, when customization is required.

Ensure that there is at least one virtual hard disk in the template, and then try again.


The template (%Name;) is not connected to any logical network.

Ensure that there is at least one logical network present in the tem plate, and then try again.


The template (%Name;) does not contain a product key.

Ensure that there is a valid product key present in the template, and then try again.


The template (%Name;) contains an empty Administrator password.

Ensure that there is a valid password present in the template, and then try again.


The template (%Name;) does not contain a full name.

Ensure that there is a valid name present in the template, and then try again.


The library resource (%Name;) located on the library share (%ShareName;) is in the Missing state.

Ensure that the resource is present in the library, and then try again.


virtual IP address (VIP) template changes made to load balancer templates that are part of the service tier template (%Name;) are not supported for servicing and will be ignored.

Make any required changes after the servicing operation is complete.


The template (%Name;) must contain a storage classification on its virtual disk ( %DiskName;).

Ensure that storage classification is present in the virtual disk of the template, and then try again.


No Run As account was found for the specified scope in Run As profile (%Name;)

Add an appropriate Run As account association to the Run As profile, and then try again.


The current number of virtual machine instances in the service tier (%Name;) is not within the valid range between the InstanceMinimumCount and the InstanceMaximumCount.

Ensure that the number of virtual machine instances is within the valid range for the service tier.


The service tier (%FriendlyName;) already exists as part of the service (%Name;).

Specify a unique name for the service tier, and then try the operation again.


The instance counts for the service tier (%Name;) do not adhere to the permissible limits.

Ensure that the InstanceMinimumCount is less than or equal to the In stanceMaximumCount.


The status of the service (%Name;) indicates that it needs attention.

Review the errors associated with the service tiers or virtual machines to determine why they are in the Needs Attention state, and then take any required corrective action.


The server feature (%Name;) already exists in the specified guest operating system profile or in the template (%FriendlyName;).

Ensure that the specified guest operating system profile or template does not contain the server feature, and try the operation again.


The server feature (%Name;) does not exist in the specified guest operating system profile or in the template %FriendlyName;.

Ensure that the specified guest operating system profile or template contain the server features, and try the operation again.


Unable to store the virtual machine (%VMName;) on the library server (%ServerName ;). The virtual machine is in a DeploymentFailed state.

Transition the virtual machine out of the failed state, and then try the operation again.


The operation cannot be performed on the service (%Name;) because it is in a ServicingFailed state.

Ensure that the service is transitioned out of the ServicingFailed state, and then try again.


An application (%FriendlyName;) was created in the database when the pending service template was applied to the service (%ServiceName;).

Ensure that the proper application also exists on the virtual machine (%Name;).


An application (%FriendlyName;) was created in the database when the pending service template was dismissed for the service (%ServiceName;).

Ensure that the proper application also exists on the virtual machine (%Name;).