System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes [3500-3999]
Use Ctrl-F to find a specific code.
Some codes have a recommended action using PowerShell as well as the general action.
Links to other error code pages can be found at System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes.
If you have additional information about an error, please add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.
Code |
Message |
Recommended Action (in product) |
Additional Troubleshooting Information |
3500 |
Virtual Server host is unavailable. |
3501 |
There is not enough disk space on the available volumes.\nMaximum disk space on t he most appropriate volume, accounting for the host resource utilization (in megabytes): %BinaryDiskSpaceAvailable; \n The virtual machine requirement (in megabytes): %PlacementRequestValue; \nThe maximum available space at the time of evaluation, after considering the virtual machine requirements (in megabytes): %PlacementCapacityValue; |
3502 |
There is not enough disk space on the available volumes due to disk reserves.\nMaximum disk space on the most appropriate volume, accounting for the host resource utilization and reserves (in megabyte s): %BinaryDiskSpaceAvailable;\nThe virtual machine requires (in megabytes): %PlacementRequestValue;\nThe maximum space at the time of evaluation, after considering the virtual machine requirements (in megabytes): %PlacementCapacityValue; |
3503 |
Not enough memory available. Total memory on the host is %MemorySize; MB. Accounting for reserves, remaining memory for use by existing and new virtual machines is %MemorySizeAfterReserves; MB. At the time of evaluation, the remaining memory was %PlacementCapacityValue; MB and the amount requested by this virtual mach ine was %PlacementRequestValue; MB. |
3504 |
Not enough memory available due to the host reserve at level: %ReserveLevel;. Tot al memory at this reserve level for use by existing and new virtual machines is %MemorySize; MB. At the time of evaluat ion, the remaining memory was %PlacementCapacityValue; MB and the amount requested by this virtual machine was %PlacementRequestValue; MB. |
3505 |
The projected CPU utilization exceeds the CPU utilization of %PercentageReserve;% % specified at host reserve level: %ReserveLevel;. |
3506 |
The projected network utilization percentage (%Percentage;%% of %LinkSpeed; Mbps) exceeds the reserved network capacity percentage (%PercentageReserve;%%). |
3507 |
Not enough performance data. |
3508 |
Duplicate virtual machine name %VirtualMachineName; was discovered. |
3509 |
ID %ProcessorTypeGuid; is not found in the list of supported processors. |
Ensure that the processor ID is valid and then try the operation again. |
3510 |
There is insufficient disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter; to complete pl acement of the virtual machine. |
Free %BinaryDiskSpaceRequired; of disk space on the volume %VolumeDriveLetter;, or choose a different volume to continue with the placement. |
3511 |
The path %PathName; exceeds the maximum allowed length by %DiffFromMaxLimit; char acters. |
The maximum length allowed in a path is %MaxLimit; characters. Enter a shorter path, and then try the operation again. |
3512 |
The projected disk I/O utilization (IOPS) %ProjectedIOPS; exceeds the maximum dis k I/O utilization (IOPS) of %MaximumIOPS;. |
3513 |
Unable to set the value for %Parameter;. The sum of all elements exceeds the maxi mum length of %MaxLength;. |
Choose a different value below the maximum length, and then try the operation again. |
3514 |
Unable to connect to the Virtual Server service on the library server %ServerName ;. |
Ensure that the Virtual Server service is installed and running on the library server. |
3515 |
Issues were identified while evaluating virtual machine placement. |
3516 |
The specified virtual network adapter configuration is not supported by the host virtualization software. |
Update the virtual network adapter configuration and then try the operation again. |
3517 |
Unable to save the virtual machine configuration files because volume %VolumeDriveLetter; is marked as unavailable for placement. |
Select a different save path for this virtual machine and then try the operation again. |
3518 |
The VLAN setting for one or more network adapters on the virtual machine (%VMName ;) is not compatible with the virtualization software on the virtualization host (%VMHostName;). |
Ensure that virtual LAN identification is disabled for all network adapters listed in the hardware configuration of the virtual machine (%VMName;) or specify a different host, and then try the operation again. |
3519 |
Issues were identified while evaluating physical system placement. |
3520 |
The virtual machine (%VMName;) violates the maximum memory limit for the virtualization host (%VMHostName;).\nMaximum memory: %ParameterValue; |
3521 |
No network interface card could be identified that meets all requirements. |
3522 |
Network bandwidth on the virtualization host (%VMHostName;) is not sufficient for all network workloads. |
3523 |
Network bandwidth on the virtualization host (%VMHostName;) is not sufficient to satisfy the reserve level for all network workloads. |
3525 |
No connected IP address pool with remaining IPv4 addresses could be identified to supply an address for the network adapter.\nNetwork adapter ID: %ParameterName; |
3526 |
No connected MAC address pool with remaining addresses could be identified to supply an address for the network adapter.\nNetwork adapter ID: %ParameterName; |
3527 |
No connected virtual IP (VIP) address pool with sufficient remaining addresses could be identified for the virtual machines in this tier. |
3528 |
There are no enough network interface cards to satisfy the number required by the physical system. |
3529 |
No connected storage device could be identified that satisfies all requirements. |