PowerShell 3 Cmdlets
These are the cmdlets, aliases, and functions available in the Windows 8 Developer Preview. All items are subject to change or removal by Microsoft and are not considered to be final until release of Windows 8.
Name | Module | CommandType | Options |
% | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
? | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
A: | Function | None | |
ac | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Add-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Add-Content | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Add-History | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Add-Member | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Add-PSSnapin | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Add-Type | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
asnp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
B: | Function | None | |
C: | Function | None | |
cat | Alias | AllScope | |
cd | Alias | AllScope | |
cd.. | Function | None | |
cd\ | Function | None | |
chdir | Alias | AllScope | |
Checkpoint-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
clc | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
clear | Alias | AllScope | |
Clear-Content | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Clear-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Clear-History | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Clear-Host | Function | None | |
Clear-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Clear-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Clear-Variable | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
clhy | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
cli | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
clp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
cls | Alias | AllScope | |
clv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
cnsn | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
compare | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Compare-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Complete-Transaction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Connect-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Connect-WSMan | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertFrom-Csv | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertFrom-Json | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertFrom-SecureString | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertFrom-StringData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Convert-Path | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertTo-Csv | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertTo-Html | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertTo-Json | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertTo-SecureString | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ConvertTo-Xml | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
copy | Alias | AllScope | |
Copy-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Copy-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
cp | Alias | AllScope | |
cpi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
cpp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
cvpa | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
D: | Function | None | |
dbp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Debug-Process | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
del | Alias | AllScope | |
diff | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
dir | Alias | AllScope | |
Disable-ComputerRestore | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disable-PSBreakpoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disable-PSRemoting | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disable-WSManCredSSP | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disconnect-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Disconnect-WSMan | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
dnsn | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
E: | Function | None | |
ebp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
echo | Alias | AllScope | |
Enable-ComputerRestore | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Enable-PSBreakpoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Enable-PSRemoting | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Enable-WSManCredSSP | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Enter-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
epal | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
epcsv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
epsn | Alias | AllScope | |
erase | Alias | AllScope | |
etsn | Alias | AllScope | |
Exit-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-Alias | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-CimCommand | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-Clixml | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-Console | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-Counter | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-Csv | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-FormatData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-ModuleMember | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Export-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
exsn | Alias | AllScope | |
F: | Function | None | |
fc | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
fl | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
foreach | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ForEach-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Format-Custom | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Format-List | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Format-Table | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Format-Wide | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ft | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
fw | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
G: | Function | None | |
gal | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gbp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gc | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gci | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gcm | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gcs | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gdr | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Get-Acl | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Alias | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-AuthenticodeSignature | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-ChildItem | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Command | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-ComputerRestorePoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Content | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-ControlPanelItem | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Counter | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Credential | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Culture | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Date | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Event | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-EventSubscriber | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-ExecutionPolicy | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-FormatData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Help | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-History | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Host | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-HotFix | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Location | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Member | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Module | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PfxCertificate | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Process | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSBreakpoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSCallStack | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSDrive | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSProvider | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-PSSnapin | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Random | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-TraceSource | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Transaction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-TypeData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-UICulture | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Unique | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Variable | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-Verb | Function | None | |
Get-WinEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-WmiObject | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-WSManCredSSP | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Get-WSManInstance | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ghy | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gjb | Alias | AllScope | |
gl | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gm | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gmo | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gps | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
group | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Group-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
gsn | Alias | AllScope | |
gsnp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gsv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gu | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
gwmi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
h | Alias | AllScope | |
H: | Function | None | |
help | Function | None | |
history | Alias | AllScope | |
I: | Function | None | |
icm | Alias | AllScope | |
iex | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ihy | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ii | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Import-Alias | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-Clixml | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-Counter | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-Csv | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-LocalizedData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-Module | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Import-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ImportSystemModules | Function | None | |
Invoke-Command | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-Expression | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-History | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-RestMethod | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-WebRequest | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-WmiMethod | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Invoke-WSManAction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ipal | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ipcsv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ipmo | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ipsn | Alias | AllScope | |
irm | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ise | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
iwmi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
iwr | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
J: | Function | None | |
Join-Path | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
K: | Function | None | |
kill | Alias | AllScope | |
L: | Function | None | |
Limit-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
lp | Alias | AllScope | |
ls | Alias | AllScope | |
M: | Function | None | |
man | Alias | AllScope | |
md | Alias | AllScope | |
measure | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Measure-Command | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Measure-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
mi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
mkdir | Function | None | |
more | Function | None | |
mount | Alias | AllScope | |
move | Alias | AllScope | |
Move-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Move-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
mp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
mv | Alias | AllScope | |
N: | Function | None | |
nal | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
ndr | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
New-Alias | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Event | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Module | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-ModuleManifest | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-PSDrive | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-PSSessionOption | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-PSTransportOption | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-TimeSpan | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-Variable | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-WebServiceProxy | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-WinEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-WSManInstance | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
New-WSManSessionOption | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ni | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
nmo | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
nsn | Alias | AllScope | |
nv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
O: | Function | None | |
ogv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
oh | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
oss | Function | None | |
Out-Default | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-File | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-GridView | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-Host | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-Null | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-Printer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Out-String | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
P: | Function | None | |
popd | Alias | AllScope | |
Pop-Location | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
prompt | Function | None | |
ps | Alias | AllScope | |
psEdit | Function | None | |
pushd | Alias | AllScope | |
Push-Location | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
pwd | Alias | AllScope | |
Q: | Function | None | |
r | Alias | AllScope | |
R: | Function | None | |
rbp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rcjb | Alias | AllScope | |
rcsn | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rd | Alias | AllScope | |
rdr | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Read-Host | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Receive-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Receive-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Register-EngineEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Register-JobEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Register-ObjectEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Register-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Register-WmiEvent | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Event | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Module | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-PSBreakpoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-PSDrive | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-PSSession | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-PSSnapin | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-TypeData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-Variable | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-WmiObject | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Remove-WSManInstance | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ren | Alias | AllScope | |
Rename-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Rename-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Rename-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Resolve-Path | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Restart-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Restart-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Restore-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Resume-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Resume-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
ri | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rjb | Alias | AllScope | |
rm | Alias | AllScope | |
rmdir | Alias | AllScope | |
rmo | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rni | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rnp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rsn | Alias | AllScope | |
rsnp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rujb | Alias | AllScope | |
rv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rvpa | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
rwmi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
S: | Function | None | |
sajb | Alias | AllScope | |
sal | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
saps | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
sasv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Save-Help | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
sbp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
sc | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
select | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Select-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Select-String | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Select-Xml | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Send-MailMessage | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
set | Alias | AllScope | |
Set-Acl | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Alias | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-AuthenticodeSignature | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Content | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Date | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-ExecutionPolicy | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Item | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-ItemProperty | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Location | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-PSBreakpoint | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-PSDebug | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-StrictMode | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-TraceSource | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-Variable | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-WmiInstance | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-WSManInstance | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Set-WSManQuickConfig | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Show-Command | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Show-ControlPanelItem | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Show-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
si | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
sl | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
sleep | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
sls | Alias | None | |
sort | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Sort-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
sp | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
spjb | Alias | AllScope | |
Split-Path | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
spps | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
spsv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
start | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Start-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Start-Process | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Start-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Start-Sleep | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Start-Transaction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Start-Transcript | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Stop-Computer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Stop-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Stop-Process | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Stop-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Stop-Transcript | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
sujb | Alias | AllScope | |
Suspend-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Suspend-Service | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
sv | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
swmi | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
T: | Function | None | |
TabExpansion2 | Function | None | |
tee | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Tee-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-ComputerSecureChannel | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-Connection | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-ModuleManifest | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-Path | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Test-WSMan | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Trace-Command | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
type | Alias | AllScope | |
U: | Function | None | |
Unblock-File | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Undo-Transaction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Unregister-Event | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Update-FormatData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Update-Help | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Update-List | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Update-TypeData | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Use-Transaction | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
V: | Function | None | |
W: | Function | None | |
Wait-Event | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Wait-Job | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Wait-Process | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
where | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Where-Object | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
wjb | Alias | AllScope | |
write | Alias | ReadOnly, AllScope | |
Write-Debug | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Error | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-EventLog | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Host | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Output | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Progress | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Verbose | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
Write-Warning | Cmdlet | ReadOnly | |
X: | Function | None | |
Y: | Function | None | |
Z: | Function | None | |
Get-AppLockerFileInformation | AppLocker | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-AppLockerPolicy | AppLocker | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-AppLockerPolicy | AppLocker | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-AppLockerPolicy | AppLocker | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Test-AppLockerPolicy | AppLocker | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-AppxPackage | Appx | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-AppxPackage | Appx | Function | None |
Get-AppxLastError | Appx | Function | None |
Get-AppxLastError | Appx | Function | None |
Get-AppxPackage | Appx | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-AppxPackage | Appx | Function | None |
Get-AppxPackageManifest | Appx | Function | None |
Get-AppxPackageManifest | Appx | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-AppxPackage | Appx | Function | None |
Remove-AppxPackage | Appx | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-BitLockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitLockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitLockerPassphraseProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitLockerPassphraseProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitLockerStartupKey | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitLockerStartupKey | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-ExternalKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-ExternalKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-PasswordProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-PasswordProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-RecoveryPasswordProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-RecoveryPasswordProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-SidProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-SidProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndPinAndStartupKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndPinAndStartupKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndPinProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndPinProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndStartupKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmAndStartupKeyProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-TpmProtectorInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Backup-BitLockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Backup-BitLockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Backup-Protector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Backup-Protector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Clear-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Clear-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Disable-Bitlocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Disable-Bitlocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Disable-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Disable-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Bitlocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Bitlocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-BitLockerAutoUnlock | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-BitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-BitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample2 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample2 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample3 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Enable-Sample3 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-BitLockerVolume | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-BitLockerVolume | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-BitLockerVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-BitLockerVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-EncryptableVolume | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-EncryptableVolume | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-EncryptableVolumes | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-EncryptableVolumes | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-ExceptionForHrInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-ExceptionForHrInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Protectors | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Protectors | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-RecoveryKeyProtectorsCountInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-RecoveryKeyProtectorsCountInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Tpm | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Tpm | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Win32EncryptableVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Get-Win32EncryptableVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Lock-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Lock-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Remove-BitlockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Remove-BitlockerKeyProtector | BitLocker | Function | None |
Remove-KeyProtectorByTypeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Remove-KeyProtectorByTypeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Resume-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Resume-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Set-BitLockerVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Set-BitLockerVolumeInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Show-BitLockerRequiredActionsInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Show-BitLockerRequiredActionsInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Show-BitLockerStatus | BitLocker | Function | None |
Show-BitLockerStatus | BitLocker | Function | None |
Suspend-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Suspend-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-BitLocker2 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-BitLocker2 | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-SystemEntropyForBitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-SystemEntropyForBitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-TpmForBitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-TpmForBitLockerInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-TpmProtectorNeededInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Test-TpmProtectorNeededInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-AdAccountOrGroupInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-AdAccountOrGroupInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-BitLocker | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-PasswordInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-PasswordInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-RecoveryKeyInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-RecoveryKeyInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-RecoveryPasswordInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Unlock-RecoveryPasswordInternal | BitLocker | Function | None |
Add-BitsFile | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Complete-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Resume-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Start-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Suspend-BitsTransfer | BitsTransfer | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-BCDataCacheExtension | BranchCache | Function | None |
Clear-BCCache | BranchCache | Function | None |
Disable-BC | BranchCache | Function | None |
Disable-BCDowngrading | BranchCache | Function | None |
Disable-BCServeOnBattery | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCDistributed | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCDowngrading | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCHostedClient | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCHostedServer | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCLocal | BranchCache | Function | None |
Enable-BCServeOnBattery | BranchCache | Function | None |
Export-BCCachePackage | BranchCache | Function | None |
Export-BCSecretKey | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCClientSettings | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCContentServerSettings | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCDataCache | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCDataCacheExtension | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCHashCache | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCHostedCacheServerSettings | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCNetworkSettings | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-BCStatus | BranchCache | Function | None |
Import-BCCachePackage | BranchCache | Function | None |
Import-BCSecretKey | BranchCache | Function | None |
Publish-BCFileHashes | BranchCache | Function | None |
Publish-BCWebHashes | BranchCache | Function | None |
Remove-BCDataCacheExtension | BranchCache | Function | None |
Reset-BC | BranchCache | Function | None |
Set-BCAuthentication | BranchCache | Function | None |
Set-BCCache | BranchCache | Function | None |
Set-BCMinSMBLatency | BranchCache | Function | None |
Set-BCSecretKey | BranchCache | Function | None |
Get-CimAssociatedInstance | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-CimClass | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-CimInstance | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-CimSession | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Invoke-CimMethod | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-CimInstance | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-CimSession | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-CimSessionOption | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Register-CimIndicationEvent | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-CimInstance | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-CimSession | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-CimInstance | CimCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-DAManualSiteSelection | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Enable-DAManualSiteSelection | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Get-DAClientExperienceSettings | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Get-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
New-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Remove-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Rename-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Reset-DAClientExperienceSettings | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Reset-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Set-DAClientExperienceSettings | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Set-DASiteTableEntry | DirectAccessClientComponents | Function | None |
Add-Driver | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-Package | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Apply-Unattend | Dism | Alias | None |
Apply-Unattend | Dism | Function | None |
Clear-CorruptMountPoint | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-Feature | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Dismount-WindowsImage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-Feature | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Driver | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Edition | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Feature | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Package | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ProvisionedAppxPackage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-WindowsImage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Mount-WindowsImage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-Driver | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-Package | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Repair-WindowsImage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Save-WindowsImage | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-Edition | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ProductKey | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Use-Unattend | Dism | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Resolve-DnsName | DnsClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Clear-DNSClientCache | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Get-DNSClient | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Get-DNSClientCache | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Get-DNSGlobalSettings | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Get-DNSServerAddress | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Set-DNSClient | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Set-DNSGlobalSettings | DnsConfig | Function | None |
Resolve-DnsName | DnsLookup | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-DnsClientNrptRule | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Get-DnsClientEffectiveNrptPolicy | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Get-DnsClientNrptGlobal | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Get-DnsClientNrptRule | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Remove-DnsClientNrptRule | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Set-DnsClientNrptGlobal | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Set-DnsClientNrptRule | DnsNrpt | Function | None |
Connect-IscsiDiscoveredTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Disconnect-IscsiDiscoveredTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Get-IscsiConnection | iSCSI | Function | None |
Get-IscsiDiscoveredTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Get-IscsiPersistentTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Get-IscsiSession | iSCSI | Function | None |
Get-IscsiTargetPortal | iSCSI | Function | None |
New-IscsiTargetPortal | iSCSI | Function | None |
Register-IscsiPersistentTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Remove-IscsiTargetPortal | iSCSI | Function | None |
Set-IscsiInitiator | iSCSI | Function | None |
Unregister-IscsiPersistentTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Update-IscsiDiscoveredTarget | iSCSI | Function | None |
Update-IscsiTargetPortal | iSCSI | Function | None |
Add-KdsRootKey | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Clear-KdsCache | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-KdsConfiguration | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-KdsRootKey | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-KdsConfiguration | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Test-KdsRootKey | KdsCmdlets | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-DtcClusterTMMapping | MsDtc | Function | None |
Complete-DtcDiagnosticTransaction | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcAdvancedHostSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcAdvancedSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcClusterDefault | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcClusterTMMapping | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcDefault | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcLog | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcNetworkSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcTransaction | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcTransactionsStatistics | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcTransactionsTraceSession | MsDtc | Function | None |
Get-DtcTransactionsTraceSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Install-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Join-DtcDiagnosticResourceManager | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-DtcDiagnosticTransaction | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Receive-DtcDiagnosticTransaction | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-DtcClusterTMMapping | MsDtc | Function | None |
Reset-DtcLog | MsDtc | Function | None |
Send-DtcDiagnosticTransaction | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-DtcAdvancedHostSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcAdvancedSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcClusterDefault | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcClusterTMMapping | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcDefault | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcLog | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcNetworkSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcTransaction | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcTransactionsTraceSession | MsDtc | Function | None |
Set-DtcTransactionsTraceSetting | MsDtc | Function | None |
Start-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Start-DtcDiagnosticResourceManager | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Start-DtcTransactionsTraceSession | MsDtc | Function | None |
Stop-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Stop-DtcDiagnosticResourceManager | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Stop-DtcTransactionsTraceSession | MsDtc | Function | None |
Test-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Undo-DtcDiagnosticTransaction | MsDtc | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Uninstall-Dtc | MsDtc | Function | None |
Write-DtcTransactionsTraceSession | MsDtc | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterBinding | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterChecksumOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterIPsecOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterLso | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterPowerManagement | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterQos | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterRdma | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterRsc | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterRss | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterSriov | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Disable-NetAdapterVmq | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterBinding | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterChecksumOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterIPsecOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterLso | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterPowerManagement | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterQos | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterRdma | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterRsc | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterRss | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterSriov | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Enable-NetAdapterVmq | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterBinding | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterChecksumOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterIPsecOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterLso | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterQos | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterRdma | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterRsc | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterRss | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterSriov | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterSriovVf | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterStatistics | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterVmq | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterVMQQueue | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Get-NetAdapterVPort | NetAdapter | Function | None |
New-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Remove-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Rename-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Reset-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Restart-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapter | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterBinding | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterChecksumOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterIPsecOffload | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterLso | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterPowerManagement | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterQos | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterRdma | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterRsc | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterRss | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterSriov | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Set-NetAdapterVmq | NetAdapter | Function | None |
Add-NetLbfoTeamMember | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Get-NetLbfoTeam | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Get-NetLbfoTeamMember | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Get-NetLbfoTeamNic | NetLbfo | Function | None |
New-NetLbfoTeam | NetLbfo | Function | None |
New-NetLbfoTeamNic | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Remove-NetLbfoTeam | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Remove-NetLbfoTeamMember | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Remove-NetLbfoTeamNic | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Rename-NetLbfoTeam | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Set-NetLbfoTeam | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Set-NetLbfoTeamMember | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Set-NetLbfoTeamNic | NetLbfo | Function | None |
Get-NetQosPolicy | NetQos | Function | None |
New-NetQosPolicy | NetQos | Function | None |
Remove-NetQosPolicy | NetQos | Function | None |
Set-NetQosPolicy | NetQos | Function | None |
Add-NetSwitchTeamMember | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Get-NetSwitchTeam | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Get-NetSwitchTeamMember | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
New-NetSwitchTeam | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Remove-NetSwitchTeam | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Remove-NetSwitchTeamMember | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Rename-NetSwitchTeam | NetSwitchTeam | Function | None |
Get-NetIPAddress | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetIPInterface | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetIPv4Protocol | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetIPv6Protocol | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetNeighbor | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetPrefixPolicy | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetRoute | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetTCPConnection | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetTCPSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetTransportFilter | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetUDPConnection | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-NetUDPSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
New-NetIPAddress | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
New-NetNeighbor | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
New-NetPrefixPolicy | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
New-NetRoute | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
New-NetTransportFilter | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Remove-NetIPAddress | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Remove-NetNeighbor | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Remove-NetPrefixPolicy | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Remove-NetRoute | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Remove-NetTransportFilter | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Reset-NetRoute | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetIPAddress | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetIPInterface | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetIPv4Protocol | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetIPv6Protocol | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetNeighbor | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetPrefixPolicy | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetRoute | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetTCPSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Set-NetUDPSetting | NetTCPIP | Function | None |
Get-DAConnectionStatus | NetworkConnectivityStatus | Function | None |
Get-NCSIPolicyConfiguration | NetworkConnectivityStatus | Function | None |
Reset-NCSIPolicyConfiguration | NetworkConnectivityStatus | Function | None |
Set-NCSIPolicyConfiguration | NetworkConnectivityStatus | Function | None |
Copy-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Copy-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Disable-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Disable-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Disable-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Enable-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Enable-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Enable-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-DAPolicyChange | NetworkSecurity | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-NetAddressFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetApplicationFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetFirewallProfile | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetInterfaceFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetInterfaceTypeFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetMainModeSA | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetProtocolPortFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetQuickModeSA | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetSecurityFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetSecuritySettingData | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Get-NetServiceFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetAuthenticationProposal | NetworkSecurity | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetMainModeCryptoProposal | NetworkSecurity | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
New-NetQuickModeCryptoProposal | NetworkSecurity | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Open-NetGPO | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetMainModeSA | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Remove-NetQuickModeSA | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Rename-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Save-NetGPO | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetAddressFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetApplicationFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetFirewallProfile | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetInterfaceFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetInterfaceTypeFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetMainModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetMainModeRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetPhase1AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetPhase2AuthenticationSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetProtocolPortFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetQuickModeCryptoSet | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetSecurityFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetSecuritySettingData | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Set-NetServiceFilter | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Show-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Show-NetFirewallRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Sync-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Update-NetConnectionSecurityRule | NetworkSecurity | Function | None |
Add-NetIpHTTPsCertBinding | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Disable-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Disable-NetIpHTTPsProfile | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Disable-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Enable-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Enable-NetIpHTTPsProfile | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Enable-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-Net6to4Configuration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-Net6to4State | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetDnsTransitionMonitoring | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetIpHTTPsState | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetISATAPConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetISATAPState | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetNatTransitionMonitoring | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetTeredoConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Get-NetTeredoState | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
New-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
New-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Remove-NetIpHTTPsCertBinding | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Remove-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Remove-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Rename-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-Net6to4Configuration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-NetISATAPConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Reset-NetTeredoConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-Net6to4Configuration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-NetIpHTTPsConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-NetISATAPConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-NetNatTransitionConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Set-NetTeredoConfiguration | NetworkTransition | Function | None |
Add-EnrollmentPolicyServer | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Export-Certificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Export-PfxCertificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-AutoEnrollmentPolicy | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Certificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-CertificateNotificationTask | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-EnrollmentPolicyServer | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-PfxData | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Import-Certificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Import-PfxCertificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-CertificateNotificationTask | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-SelfSignedCertificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-CertificateNotificationTask | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-EnrollmentPolicyServer | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-AutoEnrollmentPolicy | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Switch-Certificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Test-Certificate | PKIClient | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-Printer | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Add-PrinterDriver | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Add-PrinterPort | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Get-PrintConfig | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Get-Printer | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Get-PrinterDriver | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Get-PrinterPort | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Get-PrintJob | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Remove-Printer | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Remove-PrinterDriver | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Remove-PrinterPort | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Remove-PrintJob | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Rename-Printer | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Restart-PrintJob | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Resume-PrintJob | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Set-PrintConfig | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Set-Printer | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Suspend-PrintJob | PrintManagement | Function | None |
Disable-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Disable-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Enable-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Enable-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Set-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Set-MMAgent | PS_MMAgent | Function | None |
Disable-PSTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Disable-PSTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Disable-PSWSManCombinedTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Disable-PSWSManCombinedTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Disable-WSManTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Disable-WSManTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-PSTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-PSTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-PSWSManCombinedTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-PSWSManCombinedTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-WSManTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Enable-WSManTrace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Get-LogProperties | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Get-LogProperties | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Set-LogProperties | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Set-LogProperties | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Start-Trace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Start-Trace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Stop-Trace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Stop-Trace | PSDiagnostics | Function | None |
Add-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ScheduledJobOption | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-ScheduledJobOption | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Register-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Remove-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-JobTrigger | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ScheduledJobOption | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Unregister-ScheduledJob | PSScheduledJob | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Import-PSWorkflow | PSWorkflow | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-PSWorkflowExecutionOption | PSWorkflow | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ClusteredScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Get-ClusteredScheduledTaskInfo | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Get-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ScheduledJobOption | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Get-ScheduledTaskInfo | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
New-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-ScheduledJobOption | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
New-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
New-ScheduledTaskAction | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
New-ScheduledTaskSettings | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
New-ScheduledTaskTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Register-ClusteredScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Register-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Register-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Remove-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ClusteredScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Set-JobTrigger | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ScheduledJobOption | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Start-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Stop-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Unregister-ClusteredScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Unregister-ScheduledJob | ScheduledTasks | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Unregister-ScheduledTask | ScheduledTasks | Function | None |
Confirm-SecureBootUEFI | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
ConvertFrom-SecureBootPolicy | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Format-SecureBootUEFI | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-SecureBootUEFI | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Install-SecureBootPolicy | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Repair-SecureBootPolicy | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-SecureBootUEFI | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Test-SecureBootPolicy | SecureBoot | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Block-SmbShareAccess | SmbShare | Function | None |
Close-SmbOpenFile | SmbShare | Function | None |
Close-SmbSession | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbClientConfiguration | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbConnection | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbConnectionNetworkInterface | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbOpenFile | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbSession | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbShare | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbShareAccess | SmbShare | Function | None |
Grant-SmbShareAccess | SmbShare | Function | None |
New-SmbConnection | SmbShare | Function | None |
New-SmbShare | SmbShare | Function | None |
Remove-SmbConnection | SmbShare | Function | None |
Remove-SmbShare | SmbShare | Function | None |
Revoke-SmbShareAccess | SmbShare | Function | None |
Set-SmbClientConfiguration | SmbShare | Function | None |
Set-SmbServerConfiguration | SmbShare | Function | None |
Set-SmbShare | SmbShare | Function | None |
Unblock-SmbShareAccess | SmbShare | Function | None |
Get-SmbWitnessCluster | SmbWitness | Function | None |
Get-SmbWitnessClusterClient | SmbWitness | Function | None |
Get-SmbWitnessClusterResource | SmbWitness | Function | None |
Move-SmbWitnessClusterClient | SmbWitness | Function | None |
Add-InitiatorIdToMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Add-PartitionAccessPath | Storage | Function | None |
Add-PhysicalDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Add-TargetPortToMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Add-VirtualDiskToMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Clear-Disk | Storage | Function | None |
Format-Volume | Storage | Function | None |
Get-Disk | Storage | Function | None |
Get-InitiatorId | Storage | Function | None |
Get-InitiatorPort | Storage | Function | None |
Get-MaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Get-Partition | Storage | Function | None |
Get-PartitionAccessPath | Storage | Function | None |
Get-PartitionSupportedSizes | Storage | Function | None |
Get-PhysicalDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Get-StorageAttributes | Storage | Function | None |
Get-StoragePool | Storage | Function | None |
Get-StorageProvider | Storage | Function | None |
Get-StorageSettings | Storage | Function | None |
Get-StorageSubSystem | Storage | Function | None |
Get-TargetPort | Storage | Function | None |
Get-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Get-VirtualDiskSupportedSizes | Storage | Function | None |
Get-Volume | Storage | Function | None |
Hide-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Initialize-Disk | Storage | Function | None |
Initialize-Volume | Storage | Alias | None |
New-MaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
New-Partition | Storage | Function | None |
New-StoragePool | Storage | Function | None |
New-StorageSubSystemVirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
New-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
New-VirtualDiskClone | Storage | Function | None |
New-VirtualDiskSnapshot | Storage | Function | None |
Optimize-Volume | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-InitiatorId | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-InitiatorIdFromMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-MaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-Partition | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-PartitionAccessPath | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-PhysicalDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-StoragePool | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-TargetPortFromMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Remove-VirtualDiskFromMaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Rename-MaskingSet | Storage | Function | None |
Repair-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Repair-Volume | Storage | Function | None |
Resize-Partition | Storage | Function | None |
Resize-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Set-Disk | Storage | Function | None |
Set-InitiatorPort | Storage | Function | None |
Set-Partition | Storage | Function | None |
Set-PhysicalDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Set-StorageAttributes | Storage | Function | None |
Set-StoragePool | Storage | Function | None |
Set-StorageSettings | Storage | Function | None |
Set-StorageSubSystem | Storage | Function | None |
Set-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Set-Volume | Storage | Function | None |
Show-VirtualDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Test-PhysicalDisk | Storage | Function | None |
Update-HostStorageCache | Storage | Function | None |
Update-StorageProviderCache | Storage | Function | None |
Get-TroubleshootingPack | TroubleshootingPack | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Invoke-TroubleshootingPack | TroubleshootingPack | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Clear-Tpm | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
ConvertTo-TpmOwnerAuth | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Disable-TpmAutoProvisioning | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Enable-TpmAutoProvisioning | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Get-Tpm | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Import-TpmOwnerAuth | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Initialize-Tpm | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Set-TpmOwnerAuth | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Unblock-Tpm | TrustedPlatformModule | Cmdlet | ReadOnly |
Add-OdbcDsn | Wdac | Function | None |
Disable-OdbcPerfCounter | Wdac | Function | None |
Disable-WdacBidTrace | Wdac | Function | None |
Enable-OdbcPerfCounter | Wdac | Function | None |
Enable-WdacBidTrace | Wdac | Function | None |
Get-OdbcDriver | Wdac | Function | None |
Get-OdbcDsn | Wdac | Function | None |
Get-OdbcPerfCounter | Wdac | Function | None |
Get-WdacBidTrace | Wdac | Function | None |
Remove-OdbcDsn | Wdac | Function | None |
Set-OdbcDriver | Wdac | Function | None |
Set-OdbcDsn | Wdac | Function | None |