SQL Server 7.0
Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 offers broad availability of solutions tailored for business operations, data warehousing, electronic commerce, and mobile computing. SQL Server 7.0 provides a comprehensive platform that makes it easy to design, build, manage, and use data warehousing solutions which enable your organization to make effective business decisions based on timely and accurate information.
The information available in the SQL Server documentation provides everything you need to know about installing and administering SQL Server, and customizing your business solutions with database and application design. SQL Server documentation can be used as a comprehensive reference for specific administrative, developmental, and programming tasks.
Microsoft SQL Server Introduction details the fundamental concepts of new technology, architecture, and installation for SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services.
What's new
Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0 introduces these server improvements and new features:
Reduced administrative overhead and cost of ownership
Dynamic locking, in which locking granularity is based on costing
Improved query processing for complex queries
New Transact-SQL statements
Trigger enhancements
Cursor enhancements
Increased capacities
Distributed queries and updates
Improved performance and data management with new page and row formats
Improved utilities for Very Large Database (VLDB) support
New SQL Server security model
Programming interfaces
Enhanced data type support
Windows 95/98 support
Replication enhancements
Full-text search
Multisite management
Microsoft Repository
Indexing operations
Data warehousing
Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services
PivotTable Service
Microsoft Proxy Server
For the full documentation, please see: Chapter 1 - What's New in SQL Server 7.0
Other Versions of SQL Server
What Version of SQL Server to Use on the Backend
SQL Server 7.0 (this article)
This article was originally provided by Yagmoth555.