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Distributed Data Management (DDM) Protocol Errors

This article was produced by the HIS product team prior to updating the documentation. Let us know if you have any feedback.

The following table lists DDM protocol error constants, values, SqlState, SqlCode and a description of the error.


Const Value SqlState SqlCode Description
DB2OLEDB_ERROR -1 08S01 -1 General error.
DB2OLEDB_ERROR_SEND -2 08S01 -2 Unable to send data to the host. Either the connection is lost or the network is not functioning.
DB2OLEDB_ERROR_RECEIVE -3 08S01 -3 Error receiving data from host.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_POINTER -4 08S01 -4 One of the parameter contains an invalid pointer.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_PARAM -5 08S01 -5 One of the parameters contains an invalid value.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_DATA -6 08S01 -6 Data is invalid.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_CONVERSION -7 08S01 -7 Invalid data conversion.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_USER -8 08S01 -8 Invalid user ID or password.
DB2OLEDB_ERROR_WRITE -9 08S01 -9 Error writing local file.
DB2OLEDB_ERROR_READ -10 08S01 -10 Error reading local file.
DB2OLEDB_FILE_NOT_FOUND -11 08S01 -11 File not found.
DB2OLEDB_INDEX_NOT_FOUND -12 08S01 -12 Index not found.
DB2OLEDB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND -13 08S01 -13 Record not found.
DB2OLEDB_KEY_NOT_FOUND -14 08S01 -14 Key not found.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_FORMAT -15 08S01 -15 Invalid format.
DB2OLEDB_MAX_CONNECTIONS -16 08S01 -16 Maximum number of connections has been reached.
DB2OLEDB_NOT_CONNECTED -17 08S01 -17 Not connected to the host.
DB2OLEDB_NETWORK_ERROR -18 08S01 -18 A network error occurred while connecting to the host.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_DATASOURCE -19 08S01 -19 Invalid data source name.
DB2OLEDB_ACCESS_DENIED -20 08S01 -20 Access denied.
DB2OLEDB_FILE_NOT_OPENED -21 08S01 -21 File is not opened.
DB2OLEDB_MEMORY_ALLOC -22 08S01 -22 Memory allocation error.
DB2OLEDB_DATA_NOT_FOUND -23 08S01 -23 Data not found.
DB2OLEDB_INDEX_EXISTS -24 08S01 -24 Index already exists.
DB2OLEDB_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED -25 08S01 -25 Function not supported.
DB2OLEDB_NO_CACHE -26 08S01 -26 No cache.
DB2OLEDB_FILE_LENGTH -27 08S01 -27 File length.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_CONN_ID -28 08S01 -28 Invalid connection ID.

-29 08S01 -29 Invalid file ID.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_FILENAME -30 08S01 -30 Invalid filename.
DB2OLEDB_LOCAL_FILE_ERROR -31 08S01 -31 Error processing local file.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_VIEW_ID -32 08S01 -32 Invalid view ID.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_VIEW -33 08S01 -33 Invalid view. Check if the view is an index file of the base file.
DB2OLEDB_DISK_FULL -34 08S01 -34 Disk is full.
DB2OLEDB_DEST_FILE_CHANGED -35 08S01 -35 Destination file is changed after last access.
DB2OLEDB_FTX_FAILED -36 08S01 -36 File transfer failed.
DB2OLEDB_FTX_ABORTED_BY_HOST -37 08S01 -37 File transfer is aborted by host.
DB2OLEDB_CONNECTION_LOST -38 08S01 -38 Connection lost.
DB2OLEDB_CONNECTION_BUSY -39 08S01 -39 Connection is busy.
DB2OLEDB_HOST_NOT_RESPONDING -40 08S01 -40 Host is not responding.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_DATA_CONV -41 08S01 -41 Invalid data conversion.
DB2OLEDB_DATA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -42 08S01 -42 Data type is not supported.
DB2OLEDB_TIMEOUT -43 08S01 -43 Timeout.
DB2OLEDB_DDMAGENT_NOT_LOADED -44 08S01 -44 DDM Agent is not loaded or unreachable.
DB2OLEDB_COMPONENT_MISSING -45 08S01 -45 Missing one of the components (DLL or EXE).
DB2OLEDB_DCONV_DLL_NOT_FOUND -46 08S01 -46 Data conversion (MSEIDT.DLL) not found.
DB2OLEDB_INVALID_STMT_HANDLE -47 08S01 -47 Invalid statement handle.
DB2OLEDB_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED -48 08S01 -48 Value not supported
DB2OLEDB_INTERNAL_ERROR -50 08S01 -50 An internal error has occurred.
DB2OLEDB_TOO_MANY_STATEMENTS -51 08S01 -51 The maximum number of statements for a connection has been exceeded.


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