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How to Disable or Bypass Transport Scanning in Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE)?

You can disable or bypass Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE) transport scanning of all e-mail messages. When you disable transport scanning, no malware scanning or filtering is performed by the transport scan job. When you configure FPE to bypass transport scanning, the transport scan is still enabled but the scan bypasses malware and filter scanning.

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Important: Disabling or bypassing the transport scan should only be used for troubleshooting and under the direction of a Customer Service and Support (CSS) engineer. When transport scanning is disabled (it is enabled by default) or the bypass is enabled (it is disabled by default), the transport scan offers no protection from malware, and there is the potential for unscanned malware to leave or enter your organization.

To disable transport scanning

  1. In the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console, click Policy Management, and under Global Settings, click Scan Options.
  2. In the Global Settings – Scan Options pane, under the Scan targets – transport section, select the Disable transport scanning check box. When the pop-up message appears, click OK.
  3. Click Save.

Important: You must stop and then start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service in order for changes to this setting to take effect. Do not use the Restart function.


To bypass transport scanning

  1. In the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console, click Policy Management, and under Global Settings, click Scan Options.
  2. In the Global Settings – Scan Options pane, under the Scan targets – transport section, select the Bypass transport scanning check box. When the pop-up message appears, click OK.
  3. Click Save.


Important: When you are finished troubleshooting, in order to once again be protected against malware, you must restore scanning by disabling the bypass. Do this by clearing the Bypass transport scanning check box and then clicking Save. You do not need to stop and then start any services for changes to this setting to take effect.