How to identify and clean up orphan sites and orphan contentdatabases in SharePoint
Orphan sites are of two types, Content DB and Config DB orphan sites.
Content DB orphan sites have entries of a site collection in content DB but no entries are found in Config Database siteMap table.
Config DB orphan sites have entries of site collection in sitemap table, but no entries for the site exists in content DB. This type of orphan’s are more problematic and can even cause your search crawls to fails.
Beside that, Config DB orphan sites can also appear after you have dismounted the contentdatabase, which means, that none of the classic commands work that require a ContentDBname. Still there is a remaining entry for that ContentDB in the Config DB, that needs to get cleaned up.
** **· Identification of orphan sites by running SQL query
Run preupgrade check on your farm which will generate report with a list of orphan sites. Generally this reports only on content DB orphan sites and not on Config DB orphan sites.
Alternatively you can use the following query to identify all orphan sites in a farm
(!! It's absolutely SAFE to run this query. NO changes are performed on the SharePoint databases. It only delivers results to properly run the STSADM commands)
Drop table orphanlist
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[orphanlist](
[farm] [varchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[databasename] [varchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[SiteID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[sitepath] [varchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[type] [varchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
drop table orphan_hopper
@dbname as varchar(250),
@cmdstr as varchar(2000),
@dbid as varchar(250),
@configdb as varchar(250)
select @configdb = 'YOUR_config_db_HERE'
select @cmdstr =
'select distinct as ''databasename'', as ''dbid'' into orphan_hopper
[' + @configdb + '].dbo.sitemap as a inner join
[' + @configdb + '].dbo.objects as b on inner join
[' + @configdb + '].dbo.objects as c on inner join
[' + @configdb + '].dbo.objects as d on inner join
[' + @configdb + '].dbo.objects as e on '
exec (@cmdstr)
Select databasename, dbid
From orphan_hopper
FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor into @DBName, @dbid
INSERT INTO orphanlist([Type], farm, databasename,[sitepath], SiteID)
select ''Potential ConfigDB orphan:'' + '''+@dbname+''' as [Type], '''+@configdb+''' as [farm], '''+@dbname+''' as [databasename],path as [sitepath], id as [SiteID] from ['+@configdb+'].dbo.sitemap where id not in (select id from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.sites) and databaseid = '''+@dbid+'''
select ''Potential ConfigDB orphan:'' + '''+@dbname+''' as [Type], '''+@configdb+''' as [farm], '''+@dbname+''' as [databasename],path as [sitepath], id as [SiteID] from ['+@configdb+'].dbo.sitemap where id not in (select siteid from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.webs where parentwebid is null) and databaseid = '''+@dbid+'''
select ''Potential ContentDB orphans:'' + '''+@dbname+''' as [Type], '''+@configdb+''' as [farm], '''+@dbname+''' as [databasename],fullurl as [sitepath], siteid as [SiteID] from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.webs where parentwebid is null and siteid not in (select id from ['+@configdb+'].dbo.sitemap where databaseid = '''+@dbid+''')
select ''Potential ContentDB orphan:'' + '''+@dbname+''' as [Type], '''+@configdb+''' as [farm], '''+@dbname+''' as [databasename],fullurl as [sitepath], siteid as [SiteID] from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.webs where parentwebid is null and siteid not in (select id from ['+@dbname+'].dbo.sites)
FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor into @DBName, @dbid
select * from orphanlist
Drop table orphanlist
· Identification of orphan site type
SQL query output should be pulled into excel and then based on "type" information column determine if the orphan site is a Config DB and Content DB type.
· Steps to clean up content DB orphan sites
Run stsadm deletesite to clean up Content DB orphan site.
Note – Take back up of the content DB’s before deleting the orphan sites.
stsadm -o deletesite -databaseserver "instanceName" -databasename "[ContentDBName]" -siteid "[Site ID]"
· Steps to clean up Config DB orphan site
a. Identify the content DB for the orphan site
b. Make sure that search crawls are not running. Also make sure that user profile import and audience compilation is not running.
c. Detach the content database from sharepoint central admin
d. Reattach the content database using “stsadm addcontentDB”
· Steps to clean up orphan sites and Config DB orphan ContentDatabases
Run stsadm deleteconfigurationobject to clean up Config DB orphan contentdatabases.
stsadm -o deleteconfigurationobject -id <ContentDBid as listed in orphan_hopper>
· Rerun the preupgradeCheck to confirm that orphan sites have been cleaned up.