Windows operations: How to extract folder statistics using PowerShell
It is an old saying, the necessity is the mother of invention, not that I have invented something, but for a rookie like me, it was exciting to try a programmatic approach to problems. I was having a lot of trouble with C: drive in windows. The size kept increasing and I never added any new software, made sure all data stays on my data drive.
It was actually the Windows.edb , search indexer which was bloating, consuming Gbs of space in G drive. It took me some time to find out this solution and hence I came up with the folder size extraction script. it pointed me to the C:\ProgramData and Windows.edb file.
The script which helped me extract the size and names of all the files is below.
For the solution to the search index issue
Write-Host "`n Type the full location and folder name to extract details" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red
$Foldername = Read-Host
$Container = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -force $Foldername -Exclude *.tmp)
$NumberItems = $container.length
$output= @()
Write-Host "`n The number of files and directories in the given folder is $NumberItems" -ForegroundColor Green
$totalsize =[INT] 0
Foreach($Item in $Container)
$isfolder = "No"
Write-Host "`n Analyzing $item" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if($Item.mode -eq "d-----")
Write-Host "`n We found $FolderCount subfolder ($item)"
$isfolder = "Yes"
$option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
$fullpapth = (($Item).PSpath).split(":",2,$option)[1]
$ItemName = $Item.Name
$ItemSize ="{0:N2}" -f (($Item.Length)/(1024*1024))
$obj=New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member Name $ItemName
$obj | Add-Member Folder $isfolder
$obj | Add-Member Size $ItemSize
$obj | Add-Member Location $fullpapth
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$output | Format-Table
$output | Select-Object Name,Folder,Size,Location | Export-Csv Stats.csv -NoTypeInformation -Noclobber
Write-Host "Total Size of the directory $totalsize MB"