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Azure Media Services: Create an Account


Microsoft Azure Media Services (AMS) allows you to build end to end media distribution solutions that can upload, encode, package, and stream media to multiple platforms and devices.

Below features are included:

  • Studio-grade encoding at cloud scale.
  • One player for all your playback needs.
  • Greater discoverability and accessibility of media through media intelligence.
  • Content protection and encryption delivered by AES and PlayReady.
  • On-demand and live video streaming with integrated Content Delivery Network capabilities.

Setting up the account

A Media Services account gives us access to a set of cloud-based services available in Azure. It doesn't store the actual media content, only the media metadata and media processing jobs. Take the following steps to create a new Media Services account.

Navigate to the Azure Portal and log in.

Click Web + Mobile ->Media Services.

Enter an account name, select a Resource group or create a new one and select a storage account or create a new one. Click OK.

Our AMS account is being created now!

After the account creation, navigate to the new Media Service. A Default endpoint is created for us, which is in the stopped state. Turn this on to enable streaming, by clicking the **Start **button.

See also
