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Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) Content Map

**Learn about WIF                                             **     ****

If you are new to WIF, we recommend that you review the following announcements, introductory reference links and claims-related details provided in this section to learn more about this technology.   

Introduction to WIF

Overview of WIF

**About Claims **

About Claims-Based Identity & Applications

******Research WIF Solutions                                         ******

The following links can help you understand how WIF can work together with other technologies and products (both Microsoft and non-Microsoft) to provide single sign-on capabilities that span multiple boundaries and identity platforms. Note that several links in this section will jump you to community-created content that resides on web sites external to the TechNet Wiki.

Windows Azure Applications Platform

Windows Azure Appfabric Access Control Services (ACS)

Integration with Microsoft on-premises products 

**Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)

Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

WIF and Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)

**Design and Deploy WIF                                      **

The following links can help you get started with planning and deploying a specific WIF design in your production environment. 

Plan and Design

**Manage WIF                                                            **

The following links can help you understand how to manage and administer an existing WIF deployment.  




** Sign-in / Sign-out**


**Troubleshoot WIF                                                  **

This following links can be used to help you locate the cause and resolution to common problems that may occur in your existing WIF infrastructure.   

**Authentication / Authorization


**Browser client errors




Installation / Setup



**Logging / Tracing
