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SharePoint 2016 Changing the RunAsAccount password for Workflow Manager


Krossfarm’s administrator is having an issue to update the password for the Workflow Manager’s RunAsAccount. But there is no helpful information available which will guide us to update the password. As we know, WFM is a complicated product, if we are using the same account for Service Bus and WFM then we have to update the same password for both services.


We have to use the PowerShell commands for the Workflow Manager and Service Bus to update the password. We have to perform it in two steps.

  1.  Update the Service Bus host 
  2. Update the Workflow Manager host.

Note: we are using the Same Service accounts for both SB and& WFM’s RunAsAccount.

Update Service Host

First, we have to update the Service bus host with the new password.

  • Log in to the server with Configuration user account (the account which used to install and configure the WFM) 
  • Open the Windows PowerShell command prompt (run it as Administrator) 
  • Now execute the following command
Import-Module ServiceBus
$mypassword = ConvertTo-SecureString ‘tpas2jupa’ -AsPlainText -Force
Update-SBHost -RunAsPassword $mypassword

Note: If you have three server farms then you have to execute the above PowerShell on all server in the Workflow Farm.

Update the Workflow Manager host.

Now, we have to update the Workflow Manager 

  • Log in to the server with Configuration user account (the account which used to install and configure the WFM) 
  • Open the Windows PowerShell command prompt (run it as Administrator) 
  • Now execute the following command
Import-Module WorkflowManager
$mypassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -string “password” -force –AsPlainText;
Update-WFHost -RunAsPassword $mypassword

Note: If you have three server farms then you have to execute the above PowerShell on all server in the Workflow Farm.


Finally, test the farm by running these commands.


Note: don’t try to use the Stop-SBFarm, as it will take too much time to restart and often ends up with timeout error so always stop the host using stop-sbhost.