Create Hierarchical Folder Structure using recursive Function in Excel VBA
How to create a folder structure (tree structure) defined in excel sheet using Excel VBA code. Though there are functions which are created over internet, I thought of trying to create this using recursive Function instead of loop.
What is recursive Function:
As the name suggests, name of this function is given based on its nature "recursion". This function is called by itself. Therefore, on a high level you can see that it may work like loop.
How it is working:
Basically it is based on the following two rules:
Rule 1. First keep drilling down to child nodes and keep creating the directories
Rule 2. Then drill up finding parent node and once parent node found follow the Rule 1
**Rule 3. **Repeat above two till you find the last column i.e the first column from where you started (Column B in below pic)
Code to create above folder structure in your given parent Directory
Public currentRange As Range
Public startRange As Range
Sub CreateFolderStructure(rootFolderPath As String, currentRange As Range)
Dim folderName As String
Dim currentFolderPath As String
On Error GoTo err
If currentRange.Value <> "" Then 'Don't try to create anything if it is blank
currentFolderPath = rootFolderPath & "\" & currentRange.Value
MkDir (currentFolderPath)
currentFolderPath = rootFolderPath
End If
If currentRange.Offset(1, 1).Value <> "" Then ' Check if Child exists
rootFolderPath = rootFolderPath & "\" & currentRange.Value
Set currentRange = currentRange.Offset(1, 1)
ElseIf currentRange.Offset(1, 0).Value <> "" Then ' Check sibling exists
Set currentRange = currentRange.Offset(1, 0)
ElseIf currentRange.Offset(1, -1).Value <> "" Then ' Check if any ancestors exists
rootFolderPath = getParentPath(rootFolderPath)
Set currentRange = currentRange.Offset(1, -1)
ElseIf currentRange.Column <> startRange.Column Then ' Check if you have reached in the last column backward
rootFolderPath = getParentPath(rootFolderPath)
Set currentRange = currentRange.Offset(1, -1)
Else: End
End If
CreateFolderStructure rootFolderPath, currentRange 'calling itself -- recursion is happening here
If err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox err.Description ' just come error handling
End Sub
'Function to get the Parent Node path
Function getParentPath(currentFolderPath As String) As String
Dim reverseStr As String
Dim firstPos As Integer
reverseStr = VBA.StrReverse(currentFolderPath)
firstPos = InStr(1, reverseStr, "\", vbTextCompare)
getParentPath = VBA.StrReverse(VBA.Mid(reverseStr, firstPos + 1, Len(reverseStr)))
End Function
' Function to call the above recursive function
Sub callCreateFolderStructureFunction()
Dim currentRange As Range
Set currentRange = mainSheet.Range("B10")
Set startRange = currentRange
CreateFolderStructure "C:\Users\vmishra\Documents\VISHWA", currentRange
End Sub
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