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SharePoint for Farm/WebApp: Powershell One Liners

1. Get the host named Site collections in SharePoint

Get-SPSite -limit all|?{$_.HostHeaderIsSiteName -eq $true} | Out-GridView

2. Get Alternate Urls


3.Get Users for a WEb[Rename the url]

(Get-SPWEb -identity "").AllUsers

4. Get the Author for a WEb

(Get-SPWEb -identity "").Author

5. When was this web created?

(Get-SPWEb -identity "").Created

6. List all properties of Farm

Get-SPFarm | select -Property *

7. List the Name and disksize for first 2 SharePoint Content database sorted by disksize

Get-SpContentDatabase | sort disksizerequired| select Name,DiskSizeRequired -First 5

8. Get the GUID of your web

(Get-SPSite -identity "").ID

9. Count of all server in SharePoint Farm

Get-SPServer | measure

10. View performance counter settings for WEb Front End

Get-SpDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter  -WebFrontEnd

11.#View all performance counter

Get-SPWebApplicationHttpThrottlingMonitor -Identity ""

#View User Policies


#WEb Application Properties

$spWEbApp = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "http://w15-sp"

#WEb Application property











#View allowed downlaods



#Is MAster PAge editing allowed

















#View Rights


















#Can web application be upgraded








#Max Resources per request








#Cell Storage web service


#Is Log Expiration Enabled


#Days to retain logs







#Content Databases






#DailyStartUnthrottledPrivilegedOperations Time


















#To WEb Page

$spWebApp.DocumentConverters|select Name



















#Farm Status,Name


#View 15 features

$spWEbApp.Features | ?{$_.Version -like "*15*"}

#Count of Features


#Features sort by timeActivated

$spWEbApp.Features | select DefinitionId,Definition,TimeActivated|sort TimeActivated -Descending

#Group by scope

$spWEbApp.Features | select * | group FeatureDefinitionScope







#Job Definitions




#View Succeeded JObs

$spWEbApp.JobHistoryEntries|?{$_.Status -like "*Succeeded*"}

#View ErrorMessage

$spWEbApp.JobHistoryEntries|?{$_.ErrorMessage -ne ""}


























































$spWEbApp.Policies|select DisplayName

#POlicy Roles




#Presence Enabled










#Request Management Settings























































#View all Sites





























#IS Claims Authentication used



#Workflow Complexity







#User Resource Tracking Settings


#User Profile Settings


$spWebApp.UserSettingsProvider|select Name




#WEb Config Modifications



$spWebApp.WebConfigModifications|select Name

$spWebApp.WebConfigModifications|select Owner

$spWebApp.WebConfigModifications|select Path

$spWebApp.WebConfigModifications|select Value

$spWebApp.WebConfigModifications|select Type

#View all web extensions


#Web Service








($spWebApp.WebService).ApplicationPools|select Name


#Background File Limits
















Get-SPWebApplicationHttpThrottlingMonitor -Identity "http://w15-sp"






Get-SPWorkflowConfig -WebApplication http://w15-sp


#View Template name for a site collection

Get-SPWeb -Identity "http://w15-sp" | select WEbTemplate

Get-SPWebTemplate | select NAme > c:\demo\templates.txt