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Monitoring O365 using proxy sever in SCOM


  1. Create a resource pool
  2. Create a cloud user account
  3. Import the management pack
  4. Add O365 subscription
  5. Editing MonitoringHost Config file

Create a resource pool

It is optional, if you require specific management servers to monitor the O365, you can create a resource pool. Configuration changes has to be done in all the management servers in this resource pool.

Follow the steps in to create resource pool
Create a cloud user account

Create a O365 user as “Global Administrator”, these steps are explained in the management pack manual and it has to be done in

Import the management pack

Follow the standard procedure to import the management pack, see How to Import a Management Pack in Operations Manager 2012** **

Add O365 subscription

Adding the subscription also have ben explained in the management document as below

Operations Manager Administrator role is required to add, remove or modify a monitored subscription.

  1. To configure and add a subscription: open Operations Console, go to Administration section and select Office 365 view.
  2. Click Add subscription to open the Add subscription Wizard
  3. Enter a Subscription Name, User Name and Password. Click Next

Note: Subscription Name is a friendly name for the Subscription, it will be used in Operations Manager. Subscription Name should be descriptive and unique.

User Name and Password: specify an account that has Global Administrator role for the subscription.

See “Cloud user account configuration“ section for details.

The Wizard does not validate credentials on this step. If credentials are not valid or account does not have enough permissions then subscription object will be created, but Connection State monitor will change its health state to “Critical” and will raise a corresponding alert.

  1. Choose a management server pool from the list of available pools. Click Add Subscription
  2. Click Finish to close the Wizard. New subscription will be added to Operations Manager and will appear in Configured Subscriptions list.
  3. It is possible to modify credentials and resource pool for particular subscription. Select the subscription you want to edit, click Edit subscription, enter new credentials and select pool.
  4. To remove a configured subscription: select it from configured subscriptions list and click Remove subscription. All alerts related to the deleted subscription will be removed as well.

Editing MonitoringHost Config file

In this step we will be mentioning the proxy server details, this step has to be done in all the management servers added in the resource pool.

We need to edit MonitoringHost.exe.config file in the SCOM installation folder.

NOTE: Direct edition will not be allowed, copy and edit in a temp folder and replace the file.

Open the config file and add the following

<>    <defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">

***<proxy      ***

***        proxyaddress="http://URL:8080"***

***        bypassonlocal="true"***

***      />***

***      <bypasslist>***

***          </bypasslist>***

***    </defaultProxy>***

***  </>***

Replace URL with the proxy URL.

After changing restart the management server services** **