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ASP.NET Core, WEB API and Repository Class


This will be the series of article. In this series, we will see one by one in detail about

  1. Introduction to ASP.NET Core, WEB API and Repository Class
  2. ASP.NET Core, WEB API and Repository Class display using MVC View
  3. ASP.NET Core CRUD using WEB API and Repository Class
  4. ASP.NET Core CRUD with Database using WEB API and Repository Class

In this article, we will see in detail about how to create ASP.NET Core with Repository pattern in the WEB API.

This will be the series of article in the first series will see how to create a simple ASP.NET Core application and creating our first WEB API with Repository Class and view our JSON output in our browser., 

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Web API is a simple and easy way to build HTTP Services for Browsers and Mobiles. It has the following four methods as Get/Post/Put and Delete where.

  • Get is used to request for the data. (Select)
  • Post is used to create a data. (Insert)
  • Put is used to update the data.
  • Delete used is to delete the data.

 Reference Link
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Repository Class

The repository pattern allows us to create a new layer for our business logic and Database operations. We can user repository to store our know more about repository check this link 


  • Visual Studio 2015: We can download it from here.
  • *.NET Core 1.0.1: *download link,link2.

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Step 1: Create our ASP.NET Core 1.0.1 Web Application.

After installing both Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET Core 1.0.1. Click Start, then Programs and select Visual Studio 2015 - Click Visual Studio 2015. Click New, then Project, select Web and select ASP.NET Core Web Application. Enter the Project Name and click OK.

Next select WEB API. Click OK.
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Step 2: Creating Modules

To create our module class first, we create one folder in side our solution project.

Right click our solution > Click Add > Click New Folder

Name the folder as Models.
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Creating Model Class

Right Click the Model Folder, add new class and name it as “StudentMasters.cs”

In this class, we declare our property variables. 
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namespace ASPNETCOREWEBAPI.Models   
    public class  StudentMasters   
        public string  StdName { get; set; }   
        public string  Email { get; set; }   
        public string  Phone { get; set; }   
        public string  Address { get; set; }   

Step 3: Repository Class

Creating Repository Class

Here we create a Repository class to inject in to our Controllers. To create a Repository class,

Right click on Models Folder and click Add Class.

Name the class as IStudentRepository .

Here we can see that I have given the class name starting with I as this class we will be using as Interface and here we will declare only our methods to be used in our StudentRepository class.
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public interface  IStudentRepository   
        IEnumerable<StudentMasters> GetAll();   
        void Add(StudentMasters info);   

In this interface, we have added only Get and Add method. In our next article, we will see in details for CRUD operations.

Creating a class to implement the interface.

Now we create one more class named “StudentRepository” inside Models folder**.**

In this class we create method to get all the student information and to add student Information’s.
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using System;   
using System.Collections.Concurrent;   
using System.Collections.Generic;   
using System.Linq;   
using System.Threading.Tasks;   
namespace ASPNETCOREWEBAPI.Models   
    public class  StudentRepository: IStudentRepository   
        private static  ConcurrentDictionary<string, StudentMasters> stdMaster = new  ConcurrentDictionary<string, StudentMasters>();   
        public StudentRepository()   
            Add(new StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Shanu",    
                Phone = "+821039120700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Seoul,Korea"  
        public IEnumerable<StudentMasters> GetAll()   
            return stdMaster.Values;   
        public void  Add(StudentMasters studentInfo)   
            stdMaster[studentInfo.StdName] = studentInfo;   

Adding Repository Class in Configure Services:

To Inject our repository in Controllers we need to register the repository class with Dependency Injection Container.

To understand what is Dependency Injection(DI) check this link 

Open the Stratup.cs file from our solution project
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First we add the using to import our Models folder 


 Next we register our own services like the code below. 
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services.AddSingleton<IStudentRepository, StudentRepository>();

  like this

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.   
        public void  ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)   
            // Add framework services.   
            services.AddSingleton<IStudentRepository, StudentRepository>();   

 Step 4:Creating Controllers

Right Click the Controllers Folder > Click Add > Click New Item.
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Select ASP.NET from left side> Select Web API Controller Class.

Give the controller name as “StudentController.cs”

By default, our Controller class will be like this 
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using System;   
using System.Collections.Generic;   
using System.Linq;   
using System.Threading.Tasks;   
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;   
// For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit ;  
namespace ASPNETCOREWEBAPI.Controllers   
    public class  StudentController : Controller   
        // GET: api/values   
        public IEnumerable<string> Get()   
            return new  string[] { "value1", "value2" };    
        // GET api/values/5   
        public string  Get(int  id)   
            return "value";   
        // POST api/values   
        public void  Post([FromBody]string value)   
        // PUT api/values/5   
        public void  Put(int  id, [FromBody]string  value)   
        // DELETE api/values/5   
        public void  Delete(int  id)   

Remove all the default method inside our controller and change like to add our code. 
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using System;   
using System.Collections.Generic;   
using System.Linq;   
using System.Threading.Tasks;   
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;   
// For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit ;  
namespace ASPNETCOREWEBAPI.Controllers   
    public class  StudentController : Controller   

First we add the using in our controller class


Next we will create object for our Models. 

    public class  StudentController : Controller   
        private List<StudentMasters> _stdInfo;   

Adding Sample Information

Next we add few sample student information to be get from our WEB API method. 
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    public class  StudentController : Controller   
        private List<StudentMasters> _stdInfo;   
        public StudentController()   
//To bind initial Student Information   
        private void  InitializeData()   
            _stdInfo = new  List<StudentMasters>();   
            var studentInfo1 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Shanu",    
                Phone = "+821039120700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Seoul,Korea"  
            var studentInfo2 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Afraz",    
                Phone = "+821000000700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Madurai,India"  
            var studentInfo3 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Afreen",    
                Phone = "+821012340700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Chennai,India"  

WEB API Get Method

Using this get method we return all the student information as JSON result. 
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    public class  StudentController : Controller   
        private List<StudentMasters> _stdInfo;   
        public StudentController()   
        //This will return all Student Information   
        public IEnumerable<StudentMasters> GetAll()   
            return _stdInfo;   

 Here is the complete code for our controller class with both Adding sample data and using WEB API Get method. 
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using System;   
using System.Collections.Generic;   
using System.Linq;   
using System.Threading.Tasks;   
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;   
// For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit ;  
namespace ASPNETCOREWEBAPI.Controllers   
    public class  StudentController : Controller   
        private List<StudentMasters> _stdInfo;   
        public StudentController()   
        //This will return all Student Information   
        public IEnumerable<StudentMasters> GetAll()   
            return _stdInfo;   
        //To bind initial Student Information   
        private void  InitializeData()   
            _stdInfo = new  List<StudentMasters>();   
            var studentInfo1 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Shanu",    
                Phone = "+821039120700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Seoul,Korea"  
            var studentInfo2 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Afraz",    
                Phone = "+821000000700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Madurai,India"  
            var studentInfo3 = new  StudentMasters   
                StdName = "Afreen",    
                Phone = "+821012340700",   
                Email = "",   
                Address = "Chennai,India"  

Step 5: Run the application

To see the result runt the application .

When we run the application by default we can see the values controller result as values

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Change the Values with our newly created controller name as student “http://localhost:64764/api/student“. 

Here now we can see all our added student information has been displayed as JSON result.
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This will be series of article in this first series we have seen in details about our first ASP.NET Core, WEB API and Repository Class for Get method. In next series, we will see how to bind this result in our MVC View.
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Download Code

You can download the Source Code from this link Download Source Code Return to Top

See Also