How to Add Notebook, Sections & Pages in Microsoft OneNote?
To add a NoteBook Just go to “My NoteBook” Tab Present on the Top Left Side, Click the Drop Down Option & There you’ll find “+” sign with Add NoteBook. Click the Button, Name the New NoteBook and Start Working.
2. After Once u have created a Notebook then u need to create a Section, By default there will a Section already “Quick Note”. To create a Section follow the Image below. On the Section bar there is a “+” Sign, press the Button & Create and New Section.
3. After Once u have created a New Section, U need to create a page, To create your first page, Go to Right side bar where u’ll find the “+” Button to add the page, Create the new page by using the option.
Once u have crated a Page under section u can crate multiple pages as much as u want with same procedure mentioned above.