Exchange 2010 Troubleshooting: Database File is Locked /Unable to Mount the database
Exchange 2010 Database File is Locked.
Database shows in dismounting status
Unable to run eseutil
eseutil /mh <Database Name>
Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
Version 14.03
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Initiating FILE DUMP mode...
Error: Access to source database 'database.edb' failed with Jet error -1032.
Operation terminated with error -1032 (JET_errFileAccessDenied, Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use) after
0.31 seconds.
Name Status CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime ContentIndex
Length Length State
---- ------ --------- ----------- -------------------- ------------
Database Name Dismounting 0 0 Failed
Troubleshooting Steps
- Recycle the Information Store Services
- Make the disk hosting the database offline from diskmanagement.msc and then bring it on line . This would release the lock on the database
- Verify if the database is in cleanshutdown state (eseutil /mh databasename). If the database is in dirty shutdown state, run eseutil /r E01(Log file prefix) /l logfile path to replay the log files and make sure the database is in clean shutdown state
- Mount-database <databasename> if the mount fails Proceed step 5
- Disable/Uninstall the antivirus on the server / Verify the AV exclusions
- Change the log folder name and try mounting the database
- If you are not able to change log folder name, Download Procmon and check process locking the log file path
- Change the Database Log folder Path and try mounting the database
- Reboot the server