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Cortana Speech Commands Lists

Cortana is great feature in Windows 10 which you are able to keep track of events, flights, add reminders and ask for commands like call your friend, open application and also ask questions. You will see list of Cortana's command here:



Call <Name>  Search in contact and if the name and phone exist call the user
Call <Number> Call the number you are spelling
Open <App Name> Open Application
Call <Name> on Skype  Call the user through Skype
Who is the President/Prime Minister/King of <Country Name> Tell you person name 
What is the capital of <Country Name> Tell you the name of Capital
Tell me a joke Tell you some random jokes
Sing me a song Sing a random song
What is the tallest building in <Country> Tell you the tallest building 
Where is the nearest restaurant Search location around you and show you nearest restaurant
Do I need a coat? Show you weather in your and depending on it, tell you whether you need coat or not.
Do I need an umbrella? Show you whether in your area and tell you weather you need umbrella.
Text <Name> <message> Find the name in your phone and send the message you are saying
Text <Number> <Message> Send a message you are saying to the number
Translate <word> to <language> Translate the <word> to the language you specify
Send email to <name> <message> Send email to the person from your list (if email exist) and add your message
What is the square root of <number> Show you the square root of the number

Note: in the above list when something is inside <> , it means you may add your own value for example for Country, you may say United States, Germany, Qatar, China, etc.

See Also

Another important place to find an extensive amount of Cortana Intelligence Suite related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is Cortana Intelligence Suite Resources on the TechNet Wiki.