Identity Manager: Troubleshooting Error 25009 Resource page
Applies to
- MIIS 2003
- ILM 2007
- FIM 2010 all versions
- MIM 2016
Various troubleshooting scenarios in ILM, FIM and MIM handle the 25009 error. This page is a resource collection of the various troubleshooting articles for this error.
Root Causes
SQL Sys Admin rights
FIM Troubleshooting: Installation Error 25009 (SA admin rights missing) by Tim Macaulay.
FIM Troubleshooting: Synchronization Service setup is having trouble contacting SQL server** **by Peter Geelen.
.Net Framework 3.5 missing
More details at : MIM Troubleshooting: Sync engine installation failure - error 25009 <hr=0x80131700> by Peter Geelen.
MIM 2016 must have .NET Framework 3.5 installed from the Windows server features.
SQL issue with clustered index
- FIM Troubleshooting: Error 25009.The Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service setup wizard cannot configure the specified database by Tim Macaulay
- FIM-TROUBLESHOOTING: Installation Error: 25009: Cannot create more than one clustered index on table ‘dbo.mms_connectorspace’
SQL Server DB compatibility
Troubleshooting FIM: Error 25009: CONDITIONAL Failed - SET Options Incorrect 'ARITHABORT' by Tim Macaulay
SQL Native Client missing
MIM Troubleshooting: Sync engine installation failure - error 25009 <hr=0x80131700> by Peter Geelen.
Version mismatch
This scenario applies to upgrading from ILM>FIM2010 to MIM2016
MIM Troubleshooting: upgrade from ILM fails with error 25009 (<hr=0x80230406>) by Peter Geelen.
Lookup the error on the FIM/MIM Forum:
- Microsoft Support: (by Tim Macaulay)
- Support-Info: Troubleshooting Installation Error 25009:
- SQL Compatibility level: /en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/alter-database-transact-sql-compatibility-level
- MIM 2016 Supported platforms: /en-us/microsoft-identity-manager/plan-design/microsoft-identity-manager-2016-supported-platforms
See also
- FIM Troubleshooting: Installation Error 25009 (SA admin rights missing)
- Troubleshooting FIM: Error 25009: CONDITIONAL Failed - SET Options Incorrect 'ARITHABORT'
- FIM Troubleshooting: Error 25009.The Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service setup wizard cannot configure the specified database
- FIM Reference: Migrating from MIIS or ILM to FIM 2010