SQL Server Troubleshooting: Fixing SMO(Shared Management Objects) and WMI issue
You get an error message in your third party applications "smo.dll is missing" when you do a backup from Avamar Client for SQL Database
This would mostly fail when we are having issues with windows MOF, SQL MoF or WMI Latency
Quick Fix:
1. We need to do a wbem test to check the consistency for SQL and windows. If you want to do it for SQL then you can follow the article: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179546(v=sql.105).aspx
2. For checking WMI consistency for windows, click start> Run> wbemtest(click ok) > Click connect (Root\CIMV2) > Click query once its connected and run the queries and see if it is fails : Select * from win32_product
Select * from win32_process
3. Open Cmd and Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof and then try to run the command mofcomp sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof to fix the SQL Repository
4. check the consistency with the below command
5. Run the below command
Note: This command will take the content of the inconsistent repository and merge it into the rebuilt repository if it is readable.
6. Fix the windows repository by running the below script > Save this script to notepad and save it as a bat file> Then right click and run as admin:
@echo off
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt /y
cd %windir%\system32\wbem
for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %%s
wmiprvse /regserver
regsvr32 wmisvc.dll
sc config winmgmt start= Auto
net start winmgmt
“dir /b *.mof *.mfl | findstr /v /i uninstall > moflist.txt & for /F %%s in (moflist.txt) do mofcomp %%s”
7. Now, we need to go to regedit to the key > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer and back this registry up. Once this is done, delete the logging entry and reboot the system and try to take backups now.
Note: This is a bug when MSI installer logging is enabled, the win32_product fails. That entry is just to collect MSI Installer logging, it won’t affect anything.
Note!! Windows MOF located at