Visual Studio Troubleshooting: Compilation Error - Access to the path is denied
So you bumped into this error while trying to compile a project that says:
Access to the path <..> is denied.
Troubleshooting options
Below some options what can you do which may possibly fix your issue.
Make sure you run your VS as administrator.
Read only
Check for the file on which request is denied error is thrown has the read only property unchecked.
File lock
Try deleting the file if you are able to do indicates there is no lock on the file, if not :kill the process which is having the lock. In this situation restart is a good medicine. Please use your discretion while doing that.
Trying clean from the visual studio and recompile after you have verified the above two. If still not in luck. Close all the instances of VS and go to Task Manager and see if there are any active instances of VS.
Process explorer
Use process explorer to verify as well:
Application experience
Turn on windows service :- Application experience
Computer (right-click) -> manage -> Service & Application -> service -> Enable Application experience.