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Small Basic Sample: Small DOS

This sample is for File.CopyFile, File.DeleteFile and File.GetFiles.


' Small DOS - Sample Code for File.CopyFile, File.DeleteFile and File.GetFiles
' Version 0.1
' Program ID TJK128
TextWindow.WriteLine("Small DOS Version 0.1")
While "True"
  TextWindow.Write(path + ">")
  cmdLine = TextWindow.Read()
  If cmd =  "DIR" Then
    files = File.GetFiles(path)
  ElseIf cmd =  "COPY" Then
    err = File.CopyFile(path + "\"  + file1, path +  "\" + file2)
  ElseIf cmd =  "DEL" Then
    err = File.DeleteFile(path + "\"  + file1)
  ElseIf cmd =  "TYPE" Then
  ElseIf cmd =  "EXIT" Then
    TextWindow.WriteLine("COPY <file1> <file2>")
    TextWindow.WriteLine(" Copy <file1> as <file2>.")
    TextWindow.WriteLine("DEL <file>")
    TextWindow.WriteLine(" Delete <file>.")
    TextWindow.WriteLine(" Show filenames in the directory.")
    TextWindow.WriteLine(" Exit from Small DOS.")
    TextWindow.WriteLine("TYPE <file>")
    TextWindow.WriteLine(" Show <file>.")
Sub Init
  CRLF = Text.GetCharacter(13) + Text.GetCharacter(10)
  Not = "True=False;False=True;"
  path = Program.Directory
  space = " "
Sub GetArg
  ' param cmdLine - command line
  ' return cmd - command
  ' return file1, file2 - arguments
  p = 1
  len = Text.GetLength(cmdLine)
  cmd = Text.ConvertToUpperCase(Token)
  file1 = Token
  file2 = Token
Sub SkipSpace
  ' param cmdLine - command line
  ' param p - current pointer to command line
  ' param len - command line length
  c = Text.GetSubText(cmdLine, p, 1)
  While Text.IsSubText(space, c) And p <= len
    p = p  + 1
    c = Text.GetSubText(cmdLine, p, 1)
Sub GetToken
  ' param cmdLine - command line
  ' param p - current pointer to command line
  ' param len - command line length
  ' return token
  Token = ""
  c = Text.GetSubText(cmdLine, p, 1)
  While Not[Text.IsSubText(space, c)] And p  <= len
    p = p  + 1
    Token = Text.Append(Token, c)
    c = Text.GetSubText(cmdLine, p, 1)
Sub ShowError
  ' param err - "FAILED" if error
  If err =  "FAILED" Then
    TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Red"
    TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Gray"
Sub ShowFile
  ' param file1 - to show
  buf = File.ReadContents(path + "\"  + file1)
  p = 1
  len = Text.GetLength(buf)
  While p <= len
    eol = Text.GetIndexOf(Text.GetSubTextToEnd(buf, p), CRLF)
    If 0 <  eol Then
      line = Text.GetSubText(buf, p, eol + 1)
      p = p  + eol + 1
      line = Text.GetSubTextToEnd(buf, p)
      p = len  + 1
Sub ShowFiles
  ' param files - files array
  If files =  "FAILED" Then
    n = Array.GetItemCount(files)
    len = Text.GetLength(path + "\")
    For i =  1 To n
      TextWindow.WriteLine(Text.GetSubTextToEnd(files[i], len +  1))

See Also