SQL Server 2014: Database Mirroring
Translated from below link: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/34796.sql-server-2014-database-mirroring.aspx
SQL 2014 High availability structure contains different scenarios as follows.
AlwaysOn Availability |
Database Mirroring |
Log Shipping |
After this general information detailing the structure may SQL Mirroring. It will be a little long-winded explanation, but it does not know the purpose of this job is one where the direction of the grip entirely.
SQL mirroring structure operates as follows. This structure has one active database server is running and a second server to the database is to synchronize itself. Witness the case of a problem with an active database server provides a continuity of our work is to detect it and tending liability in the pending database. After summarizing the overall structure we could enter into further detail.
Let's consider the terms used in SQL Mirroring structure. Our articles are important for our understanding of those terms that will move through this term.
SQL Miroring: Disaster recovery, to ensure business continuity by Microsoft Corporation is one of the enhanced high availability solution for SQL Database Servers. SQL Server, this solution into our lives with the next SQL Server 2005 SP1 versions of SQL Server 2008 are supported by SQL Server 2012 versions. The purpose of a database in the structure by creating a copy in two different server is unable to serve for any reason the current active server in case of breakdowns or database corruption is to continue the same access and service to the database on the backup server.
Principal: is the server that serves as the source database is kept active. Source server. It also called on the database itself as the source database server or database principal.
Mirror: A backup copy of the source database server is created. This server database of over a copy of the database, called mirror backup database or database.
Witness: Principal and Mirror servers automatically makes the task of changing the roles in the event of an outage event to take place by continuously monitoring. Different database mirroring, a phrase that may occur in the event of an interruption in the main server solution without the need for manual intervention to bring the host server to the backup server location allows you to walk without a hitch system. Witness server use is optional. If automatic switching is desired or it can not allocate a server is the preferred role in the passage in the case of manual interruptions.
Database Mirroring should be considered before making the transition to adhere;
- If that be decided to switch to SQL Server Database Mirroring the structure must have a minimum version of SQL Server 2005 SP1.
- They have installed the SQL Server server operating system may be different. (Eg: Server 2008, Server 2012)
- Sql server operating systems that can be installed as a 32-bit or 64-bit differently.
- Principall and mirror servers must be the same version and release. (Enterprise, Standard)
- Database Mirroring is supported by enterperise and Standard versions.
- If the witness can be a SQL version SQL Server 2005 SP1 above. Express Edition is not available.
Now we can go to our structure from small installations. I set up my test environment as follows.
Server | Role | Version |
dc | Witness | SQL 2014 Standard |
SQLServer1 | Principal | SQL 2014 Standard |
SQLServer2 | Mirror | SQL 2014 Standard |
Our structure is as follows. I will use my virtual system to fully test environment.
Domain Controller server seems to be down. I host my role on this DC Witness the server.
In my SQLServer1 SQLServer2 server and I host my Principal and Mirroring server. After this introduction necessary environment now let's move on to our first small step.
First, I'll be doing in 3 servers to SQL Server 2014 Standard setup. I'll tell my server setup. 3 for the same operations will be performed on the server, you must repeat these steps on the 3 servers. Prior to my time in Sql Server 2012 installation share this article I will go where they need to explain briefly the steps in the picture. To SQL Server 2012 setup article you can access via the following link. SQL Server 2014 is installed in the same way as the installation.
Let's run the SQL Server 2014 installation media of our setup.exe file.
In front of us the setup screen for a new SQL Server will establish our environment, "New SQL Server standalone installation or add features to an existing installation" option we choose.
I'll do the setup for the test environment because "I am proceeding to select the Evaluation" option.According to the version where you need to select the required version when our installation can proceed to the next screen enter or not to enter key.
We proceed to the next step to accept the license agreement.
It can be audited before you install necessary updates. Of course, it's up to your choice! I'm moving to the next step in this way.
monitoring system was required for installation. Ports can be a problem in the future, he gave warning Firewall point. We're moving on to the next screen will also consider this step.
We will add all the features and Share Point for the environment that we're doing that we establish a new SQL Server installation to SQL Server "SQL Server Feature Installation" We are moving to the next screen by selecting.
In this screen we choose our roles required. We make the following selections enough for us. The rest özellek are not passing these steps to lose in vain time and system resources we need in our scenario. "Management Tools-Complete" must be installed. Mirroring configuration is active with the installation of the tool.
When auditing feature in the .NET Framework 3.5 is required for installation 's board seems to be primarily we need to set this feature.
Server manager console by opening the "Add roles and features" Then click on the link.
Proceed to the next screen from the screen passes.
"Role - based or feature-based installation" we proceed to our next screen with the choice.
let's go through our already existing server by selecting for inclusion in other media to our servers we installed the .NET features that we needed this server.
We will proceed to the next screen to make the setup role.
Feature additions to our display against the .NET Framework 3.5 Features doing we proceed to our next screen selection.
Wizard has presented a summary of the processes that point us to do. Let's start the Install button in step with the establishment of our feature.
Installation complete "Close" to finish our step back to our SQL Server 2014 setup screen let.
We have overcome the problems we face in our SQL Server 2014 installation step, and we proceed to the next step. Here you can select an instance name or we can proceed with existing ones. I am moving to the next screen with our existing name.
Server Configuration screen came against us. Service will be running SQL Server 2012 ServiceAccounts tab in the determined user accounts. You can leave this service choices as follows. We will already have to give some examples of places that we will do our part with progressive series of articles.
Collation SQL Server settings from the base language and character sets "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" as we proceed to the next screen, select.
We are currently building our "Windows AUTHENCATION mode" will make the selection. I authenticate with this method are the need to choose one of the Windows user. We did the installation for the Administrator account "Add currnet User" can make the selection by the user of the automatic addition of the Administrator.
We have to show both sides in the same way when determining the Directory will make the necessary configuration for SQL Server Database Mirroing. Therefore, I'm moving because I use a different structure of the entire system disk configuration SQL Directory structure on the next screen leave the default value.
Wizard is a summary of the process that brought us to do. This setting will take it as a file to theConfiguration file path unit. We'll start the installation with Install.
It began the setup process.
Installation is complete and accurate in all functions was completed with success.
Our service has been added to SQL console seamlessly and instance'ı of our SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) "role" running "in the running.
Our short path was successfully created. "SQL Server 2014 Management Studio" can open the screen.
Mixed mode as we did setup and installation ADMINISTRATOR account for what we do with the "Connect" button can provide management with the opening of our console.
Console is opened without any problems. We are here so that we do on our SQL Server 2014 installation steps, the remaining 2 servers is required.
The rest of our 2 servers in our 3 servers after completing the installation of SQL Server 2014, we need to allow the port number 1433.
3 After the server setup is complete and we can add three servers to our 1433 numral portmuz when we allow our other servers through firewalls on our servers on SQL Server 2014 SQL Server Management Studio, and we can come to access the situation.
As shown in our picture Witness, Principal and Mirror Mirroring our servers are added to our console and configuration ready.
SQLServer1 on my server "RIZASAH that" I created a database name. Me This database**"Customers"** I created a table name and I got into a few records.
Let's get to the specifics of our Database Mirroring will make the database. The structure will be established before the SQL Server Database Mirroring Database **"Full Recovery Model structure"**must be set. We have already set up from scratch in Full feature we create a database.
Database Mirroring feature on our available but is not active state.
After checking whether the full recovery model in our database so we can actively Database Mirroring feature of the database on the server, we need to take a backup of our Principal.Therefore, by right clicking on our database Task-> Back Up .. Then click on the menu.
In front of us from the screen in Full Backup Type selected to receive a replacement "OK" button Then click on.
The message is received by the success of our backup, "OK" and move on.
After backing up our database as we need to take a full backup as Transaction log backup. Up on the right key again this process for Task ABAC our database ... Then click menu.
Backup Type Select the option Transaction log backup "OK" with replacement Let's start.
Our backup to complete successfully again warning the "OK" button, let's close by.
First, we added a full backup has taken over the case and Transaction backup situation. When we look at our back we can see that our index spare received a single file without any problems.
Yes, we have completed the required steps necessary for completing our Database Mirroring step up here. now we're out on our principal server process. Now we can continue our operations through our Mirror server. Mirror server is required of us irrevocably taken the replacement process of the database server on the Principal. Our server, right click on the Mirror Database "Restore Database ..." Then click menu.
To show the way of backup, "..." Then click the button.
In the screen "Add" button Then click on.
Our backup, select the "OK" button Then click on.
Our backup was added to the "OK" button Then click on.
For the two spare bar in our backup, "Companent" the replacement of the column we can see thatthe Transaction Log and Database Full backup host. We first option is to pick our Database Full backup sets and additional "Option" Let's get to the part.
Rotation feature of our backup, "we need to select RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY" mode as. After this process with "OK" Let's start the restore process.
RIZASAH database backup is restored successfully SQLServer2 on our server.
This situation seems to be following on our SQLServer2 server.
Now we can proceed to the rest of the steps that we've turned on our SQL server backup ourSQLServer2 SQLServer1 taken over. After returning from a backup on this full backup, we need to return to the Transaction log backups. Therefore, we have restored the right button to complete our unfinished step on the database Task-> Restore-> Transaction Log .. Then click on the menu.
To show the way of backup, "..." Then click the button.
In the screen "Add" button Then click on.
Our backup, select the "OK" button Then click on.
Our backup was added to the "OK" button Then click on.
Belonging to RIZASAH in our database backup added to our Full Database backup screen. We**"Option"** Let's get to the part.
This is still our backup (RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY) will return to the mode and let's make a choice as they appear on the screen below the "OK" button Then click on.
Our Transaction Log Backup, "RIZASAH who" have returned with success on the database.
After completing the steps so far Database Mirror feature for activating the port 5022, we need to open our 3 servers.
After preliminary information and preparation so we can become the active Database Mirror feature. https://s1.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/simple-smile.svg Now right-click the database RIZASAH Principal server is located on the "Task- -> Mirror" Then click the button.
Mirroring our structure as shown in the yellow area in the state is not configured. "Configure Securtiy ..." Let's start by clicking on the steps of the configuration of our butonu.
We proceed to the next screen providing general information to us through the wizard screens.
This screen asks us whether or not to configure the security of our Witness server. Using Witness As we stated in the beginning of our article is not mandatory. Automate our process. We want or do not want to make the necessary costs do not have to manually switch to use mirroring Witness. In our article, with the option of YES through a question that we will use this screen to Witness, we are moving to our next screen.
Select the roles that we need to advance configuration. Because SQL Database Mirroring Mirror mandatory scenario has pricipal and we can not interfere with their choice. This screen again we have the right to cancel the Witness Witness server configuration, but we do. It also is noting therecould be included later in Witness environment.
We choose our mirror servers. If we choose the port as port 5022. Even though we'd have to use different ports where the servers on a single instance of SQL server. Our SQL server Mirror in the configuration for the individual boards and can also use port 5022 in the Witness server. We are moving to our next screen.
Mirroring to show the server is required of us. He chose SQLServer2 server automatically. We hope to tap this section we chose this instead of choosing a server, but it could select a different server.Therefore, we must ensure that the connection to our server. Then click on our Therefore Connectbutonu.
According to our AUTHENCATION type from the screen, we need to login. I set up all my SQLSERVR server Mixed Mode as I click the Connect button will provide the direct link with the Administrator account.
SQLServer2 our problems with our server is not required to check complete connection information has come to mirror position. We can still use the port number for 5022 we set up our servers separately as mentioned above for the port. Endpoint names as pricipal avoid confusion on behalf of the Principal server, the Mirror Server, we are moving to our next screen, leave the mirror.
This screen is required in our servers as we introduce our us Witness. Witness the role of SQL Server that will host selection for DC is that I set up my server ... I click the Connect button, leaving in this way. We provide links again as our two previous screen. Again, leave the default setting as we will communicate through 5022, leaving the endpoint name as Witness We are moving to the next screen.
This information is required of us to display our Service Account account. available in a single account can be used as a separate account for each server. I Mixed Mode Administrator account as I make my domainism to setup \ hesapism writing the way I'm moving on to the next screen.
This screen is a summary of our operations to be carried out. Let 's start our configuration withFinish.
Configuration 3 is applied with success in our server. Let's get this screen with our Close.
Against asks us whether we will start building the Database Mirroring from our screen. "Start Mirroring" by clicking the button will deliver the commencement of construction Database Mirroring.
Mirroring process could not be started, and we encountered the following error. The reason is that we can start our Database Mirroring process to be used during the installation of the SQL Server Service Account. Assign a different account instead of let's begin our process Therefore, in order to service accounts.
SQL Server Configuration Manager by double-clicking on the Log On tab in the MSSQL instance on the Administrator account password is required to show and let's go. Let's get our of this screen by clicking on the Apply and OK.
Witness the above procedure, we need to be doing in all of our Principal and Mirror servers. Once this is done again to start the Database Mirroring "Start Mirroring" Then click on our butonu.
No mistakes this time you get the structure Database Mirroring active. Start the synchronization process you can see the red in our field after being activated.
When this information from our database will no longer be written in synchronization with the completion of our two database simultaneously. When executed a command to commit the two sides will carry out the task. There will be a performance with minimal distress.
Database Mirroring in order to see what is the situation we are capable of building the SQL Server Management Studio on condition monitored. To perform this task, right-click Database Mirroring the structure of our times through our database Task-> Then click Launch Database Mirroring Monitor ... menu.
Opened our screen in order to view the status of replication Then click the Replication Monitormenu.
Offered Register to add that we will display our server monitored mirrored database Then click on the link.
First, our server Mirroring first seen in our screen "Connect" will deliver connection by clicking the button.
Our server console our Database Mirroring added. Currently we see errors for synchronization was not quite complete. When a full synchronization is provided here will understand that the only way into seeing things green icons.
After waiting for a certain time, the size of the database, network performance disks may show little change according to criteria such as time synchronization. Currently seamlessly synchronization seems to be completed. Our servers have even begun to pursue their function in a synchronized manner.
In this case, the screen is observed that our SQL servers as follows.
If you wish you may occur during synchronization of the short term we are talking about cases against Let.
Synchronized: Principal server and the mirror server has the same copy of the database to be synchronized and there is no difference.
Synchronizing: Database mirroring is a situation observed at the time of establishment of the structure. Naturally, the principal and mirror server lags behind the changes is trying to update itself.
Suspended: Principal server is unable to send mirror server transaction shows that the mirroring state. In particular, this occurs when the failover occurs. Also, if manually pause database mirroring is still visible in this case.
Pending_failov is: When Failover and principal server is set up as soon as the situation appears to mirror server itself off and open sessions on their own.
Disconnected: Mirroring the structure of the shareholders (principal, mirror, etc.). When they lost the case when the connection between them.
So far, the actual scenario what is the structure of Database Mirroring and we did not explain how we constructed. Now let's do a little test and examine Mirroring conditions and terms. Database Mirroring to enter open by clicking on our screen right on our database Task-> Then click on the **Mirror ...**menu.
Current pop-up screen pricipal us, we can see our Mirror and Witness server. As mentioned above, we wished we had not been here Witness server "Failover" button to make the changes role with principal and mirror servers could make a change to our role. This disastrous situation has to be applied in case of instant Principal server problem.
The Mirror Database can stop the process temporarily pause. In the event of server maintenance is in a condition to be valid.
Remove Mirroring is available in case we want to remove the structure Database Mirroring our environment.
High Performance (Asynchronous): This mode is written primarily to Principal database approval process, then the Mirror writes to the database. Principal database is little need to turn the result of the transaction made for concurrent write a letter to their database mirror just waiting for approval from the database on the author's own. Thus mirror database, the principal database to carry out the writing functions at different times, mirror lagging behind the database principal database. This mode is used only roles Principal Server and Mirror Server, Witness Server role is not used. The change of mirroring server roles with the Principal server is performed manually.
High Security (High Safety): In this mode, a transaction carried out before it is written to the database principal to mirror the database server by sending the same transaction information will come from the mirror server is expected to transaction approval. Mirror after the database transaction is approved and it is operated on the principal database information that fulfills the function of approval of the transaction. Principal database written to the mirror database of actual transaction function fulfills the function of writing simultaneously after approval. In this way, in this fashion, we also called synchronous mode for both principal changes they have suffered the same mirror simultaneously. In this mode, the data in any way for any loss or we realize that fashion "high security (high safety) is called.
High Safety without automatic failover (synchronous): Both principal mode both written simultaneously mirror databases. Witness Server role unused mode of operation. In this mode, if the principal problem with the database in the mirror server to the principal role in the process to transfer the database server is performed manually.
Now let's change it manually if you wish role. Let one of our principal server and mirror switch between roles. Then click on the button failover for this operation.
Let us answer YES to that question we face on the screen.
Currently, we can see that our roles changed as follows. Our Principal SQLServer1 the Mirror server, the server that is SQLServer2 Mirror began to serve as Principal.
In this case, let's close our SQLServer2 server thinking it was a problem. Let's see what will happen in the event of a failover?
We have done our principal server above the SQLServer2 testing. We closed our last test we SQLServer2 server. Witness role has changed thanks to roles in place. The following conditions as you can see our server again SQLServer1 Principal, mirror our server was the SQLServer2.
This condition is seen on our SQL server as follows.
automatic synchronization begins again we open our SQLServer2 server.
Now let's close our server by Witness DC, which is a different test.
In this case no longer in the event of a failover environment, our server disappeared, which will decide on the transition. In this case, we need to make the transition manually. Although Witness continues to serve off work without a hitch. The situation is observed.
We also close up our little complicate our principal server scenario. Let us assume that only serve as our active Mirror server environment. Currently mirror server in which our connection with our Principal server has been lost. In this case, our server was reflected in the following way.
Such situations may occur in cases that very essential and it's a big problem. Witness server environment is inaccessible situation is undesirable scenario. Nevertheless, we can provide the server with the method of taking the role of the principal force command.
We need to run a SQL query through our server as follows.
Let's refresh our server after this command.
Principal Witness collapsed even in the absence of such a scenario my presentation is the mirror of our essential being stood and principal role. Situation appears as follows. We're able to provide access to our database and our table.
We come to the end of our long-term paper. I hope that helps. to discuss our different article.
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