Create a SharePoint site using an existing template with Powershell
starting from this post, let's try to script few lines to create a site from an existing template. This script is this one
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$site = get-SPWeb http://sp2013:81
$template = $site.GetAvailableWebTemplates(1033)
$template = $site.GetAvailableWebTemplates(1033) | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "WIKI#0"}
#and because are 2 results , I will use the first one - and what i need is the name for it
#Name Title LocaleId CompatibilityLevel Custom
#---- ----- -------- ------------------ ------
#WIKI#0 Wiki Site 1033 15 False
#ENTERWIKI#0 Enterprise Wiki 1033 15 False
New-SPWeb -Url "http://sp2013:81/testXa" -Name "testX" -Template $template[0].Name
**This post, can be found on my blog as well