BizTalk Custom Pipeline Component to Add, Update, Remove Target Namespace, Qualified Prefix for every element
The sample BizTalk Custom Pipeline Component is used to Add or Update or Remove qualified target namespace, Qualified Prefix for any incoming or outgoing XML file.
- Suppose there can be a scenario like you are getting a plan XML message without target namespace, you need to add qualified target namespace, process the message. OR
- You have a schema that is common to one or more partners to disassemble the message against common schema structure, just the target namespace is the difference. OR
- There can be a scenario where you need to remove target namespace, process plain XML message or without a target namespace. OR
- Similar Issue faced on MSDN BizTalk Forum Click Here
Pipeline Component Solution
- The scenario is to update the message using pipeline component.
- Have used XmlTranslatorStream class to achieve this scenario.
- Here is the sample solution to achieve the same to Add or Remove Qualified Target Namespace.
Add or Update
- The below sample component configuration sample shows to Add or Update the target namespace information.
- Calling the below method in component updates Target Namespace, Prefix for every element.
- Code Blocks Used
#region AddOrUpdateNamespaces
if (this.NamespacePreifix != null && this.TargetNamespace != null)
inmsg.BodyPart.Data = new AddXMLNamespace(inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream())
NamespaceURI = this.TargetNamespace,
NamespacePrefix = this.NamespacePreifix
Code Block Used in Execute Method
#region Override XmlTranslatorStream
/// <summary>
/// Implements XmlTranslatorStream Class
/// </summary>
public class AddXMLNamespace : XmlTranslatorStream
public string NamespaceURI { get; set; }
public string NamespacePrefix { get; set; }
protected override void TranslateStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string nsURI)
base.TranslateStartElement(NamespacePrefix, localName, NamespaceURI);
protected override void TranslateAttribute()
if (this.m_reader.Prefix != "xmlns")
public AddXMLNamespace(Stream input)
: base(new XmlTextReader(input), Encoding.Default)
protected override void TranslateXmlDeclaration(string target, string value)
this.m_writer.WriteProcessingInstruction(this.m_reader.Name, this.m_reader.Value);
Code Block Used as a Method to call in Execute Method
- Pipeline Component Configuration
Fig – Pipeline Component Configuration
- Input, Output Message
Fig - Sample Input without, with a namespace to with target namespace, Prefix for every element.
- The below sample component configuration sample shows to Remove the target namespace information.
- Calling the below method in component removes or updates to null for Target Namespace, Prefix for every element.
- Code Block
#region RemoveNamespaces
if (this.NamespacePreifix == null && this.TargetNamespace == null)
inmsg.BodyPart.Data = new RemoveXMLNamespace(inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream());
Code Block Used in Execute Method
#region override XmlTranslatorStream
/// <summary>
/// Implements XmlTranslatorStream Class
/// To Remove the Namespaces completely
/// </summary>
public class RemoveXMLNamespace : XmlTranslatorStream
protected override void TranslateStartElement(
string prefix, string localName, string nsURI)
base.TranslateStartElement(null, localName, null);
protected override void TranslateAttribute()
if (this.m_reader.Prefix != "xmlns")
public RemoveXMLNamespace(Stream input)
: base(new XmlTextReader(input), Encoding.Default)
protected override void TranslateXmlDeclaration(string target, string value)
this.m_writer.WriteProcessingInstruction(this.m_reader.Name, this.m_reader.Value);
Code Block Used as a Method to call in Execute Method
- Pipeline Component Configuration
Fig – Pipeline Component Configuration
- Input, Output Message
Fig - Sample Input with namespace to Plain XML without namespaces
Source Code
- To work with this example, You can download the Pipeline Component, Source Code here MSDN TechNet Gallery.
Build Deploy Test
- Import, Install the MSI.
- Import the Bindings, Update Folder path.
Fig – MSI Package Includes Sample Schema, Receive Pipeline, Pipeline Component.
- **GAC **the Component DLL.
- Place a copy of the file Component dll here "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\Pipeline Components"
- Start the BizTalk application.
- Restart BizTalk Host Instances.
- Drop the sample file, Observe the output like shown in below images.
- In this article, you have learned how to use XmlTranslatorStream Class to Add or Update the Target Namespace, Prefix for the incoming XML file.
- Also, you can use this component to Remove the Target Namespace, Prefix i.e. to make to a simple plain XML file without namespace.
See Also
- Another important place to find a huge amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.