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Configure IIS Server on Azure Virtual Machine – Windows Server

In this article, we will go step by step to configure IIS Server on Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter to host Web page on Microsoft Azure using the management portal.

Azure Virtual Machines lets you deploy a wide range of computing solutions in an agile way. Deploy a virtual machine nearly instantly and pay by the minute. Scale from 1 to thousands of virtual machine instances. Built-in virtual networking and load balancing available.


What will we learn?

  • Create Windows Server 2012 R2 Virtual Machine
  • Configure IIS Server
  • Host Web page on Azure Virtual Machine

Create Virtual Machine

Steps To Create A Virtual Machine

Step 1: Navigate to Azure Classic Portal & sing in using Azure Subscription credentials

Step 2: Select “Virtual Machine” option & click on “CREATE A VIRTUAL MACHINE” (if no VM available)

New -> Compute -> Virtual Machine -> Quick Create -> enter vm details

Enter VM details like DNS Name, Image, Size, Username & Password, Region

Wait for few minutes to configure all VM options.

Step 3:** Select VM & click on “Connect” option

One .rdp file will download

Click on Connect button

Enter VM Username & Password

Certificate windows will open & click on Yes button.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter ready

The IIS Server

Configure IIS Server

Start Server Manager

Select “Add roles and features” option

Choose first option “Role-based or feature-based installation

In Server Roles please add “Application Server” & Web Server(IIS)

Choose IIS 6 options

Wait for Installation

Close the window

Create the Test Page

Open notepad & add below codes:

Microsoft Azure
<h1>Azure VM - Windows Server 2012 </h1>

Save it inside the wwwroot folder



Change Save as type to “All Files

Now again open Management Portal & select VM’s endpoints tab

Click on ADD button

Choose “HTTP” from the drop-down menu

Now run the DNS name in another browser or in another tab

Congratulations you have successfully configured IIS on Microsoft Azure!!!