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SharePoint 2016 How to Change SuitBar’s Text PowerShell

Whenever you browse the OOTB site collection, you will see the most popular SharePoint logo on the top left bar. Now most companies want to change that to their own text and also want to place a logo on that SuitBar.

With the Release of the SharePoint 2016, Microsoft Introduced new PowerShell cmdlets which will set these things in a couple of lines.

Let's walk through the steps to change the text, also, place a logo on the page.


In this example, we will use the Central admin web app and change the text from SharePoint to Central Admin (Dev)

To View

To view the current Suitbar’s text, let’s run the basic first and see the what value returns.

 $webapp = Get-SPWebApplication “”

 Output for this will be “SharePoint”

To Change:

Please start SharePoint PowerShell (Run as Administrator) with farm admin account.

  • Run the below command to change the text to Central Admin (Dev)
$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication “”
$webapp.SuiteNavBrandingText = “Central Admin (Dev)”
  • After refreshing the page, you will see this.

If we want to set our company logo (BTW it will display in the middle of the top suit bar). In order to set it, you need to upload the logo into the SharePoint site. You can link it using a URL from other sites, but for best practices upload it in Central Admin Shared Library and link it from there.

Start the PowerShell console and run the below commands:

1.$webapp.SuiteNavBrandingLogoUrl = "http://ca.krossfarm.com1/Shared%20Documents/leaf-and-flames-logo.jpg"
2.$webapp.SuiteNavBrandingLogoTitle ="KrossFarm"
3.$webapp.SuiteNavBrandingLogoNavigationUrl = ""
  • LogoURL is URL of the Logo
  • Logo Title Text
  • Navigation URL

After refreshing the page, you will see output something like this:

See Also:
