Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016
- This solution shows how you can integrate a BizTalk Server 2013 application with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 using the WCF-Custom adapter with Custom Behavior to exchange messages with external systems in a reliable, flexible, and scalable manner.
- Microsoft does not provide an adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011- 2016 and the integration can only be realized via an original WCF service.
- BizTalk will communicate to Dynamics CRM for all types of operations like below using Organization Service.
- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Execute
- Associate
- Disassociate
- Retrieve
- RetrieveMultiple
- In my recent project, I got a scenario where we need to establish a connection to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online through BizTalk Server 2013 R2.
- But when I started with this, there is no helpful information related to CRM Connectivity or Adapters or Connections related to BizTalk.
- BizTalk server should invoke all the WCF methods exposed by CRM Online 2016 Organization Service.
- The solution uses the following elements to realize the integration between the two products : WCF-Custom adapter using wsHttpBinding with custom Endpoint Behavior to communicate to CRM Online system.
Building the Sample
- Follow the below-detailed steps to Run the below sample.
- To download the sample BizTalk Application, WCF Behavior MSDN Code Samples
- Zip File Includes: CS files, BizTalk Port Bindings, Sample Retrieve Multiple Request, Response files and CRM Online 2016 Organization Service WDSL.
WCF Behavior Code Map at Glance
- Code Map.
Fig 0 - Assembly Code Map
Detailed Steps to configure and to run the sample
- Open, Extract & Build the Solution.
- Install the below assembly’s using command prompt as Administrator
Ex: Gacutil -i "AssemblyName.dll"
Fig1 – Assembly Installation
- The following section configurations need to be added to the machine.config
Configuration Path: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config" "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config"
<add name="BizTalkCRMOnlineBehavior" type="BizTalk.CRMOnline.WCF.Behavior.CRMExtensionElement, BizTalk.CRMOnline.WCF.Behavior, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=06c1c6bf55c19e69"/>
- The Sample Endpoint Behavior takes four parameters like described below.
- <ms-xrm:AppliesTo></ms-xrm:AppliesTo>
Tbl-1 WCF Behavior Fields
- Import the binding file from the folder you extracted the solutions.
- Once you import the binding file successfully looks like below configurations in the send ports.
- Clear the text, update the details as shown below with your CRM Online Details.
Remove existing Endpoint Behavior, reconfigure the behavior with all the required details.
- Update the Folder Paths with your local folders (Receive, Send).
Fig 2 – Behavior mandatory Field Configurations
Fig 3 – Behavior Selection
- CRM Online records view for all Contacts, Accounts entity.
Fig 4 – CRM Contacts Entity Records
Fig 5 – CRM Account Entity Records
Testing BizTalk application Behavior Sample for sample Retrieve Multiple Request
- Drop the sample files from the below folder
File: BizTalk.Request.Contact.RetrieveMultiple.xml BizTalk.Request.Account.RetrieveMultiple.xml
Path: C:\MSDN\BizTalk.CRMOnline.Connectivity\Testing.Location\IN C:\MSDN\BizTalk.CRMOnline.Connectivity\Testing.Location\OUT
Fig 6 – BizTalk Fetch Expression Contact Request
Fig 7 – BizTalk Fetch Expression Account Request
- Check the output folder for the CRM response.
Fig 8 – BizTalk Request Response Files
Fig 9 – CRM Contact Entity Fetch Expression Response in XML Format
Fig 10 – CRM Account Entity Fetch Expression Response in XML Format
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- This article shows how BizTalk Server will communicate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 using the concepts of WCF Extensibility.
See Also
- BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Dynamics CRM Online / On Premise CRUD Operations (Part 1)
- BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Dynamics CRM Online / On Premise CRUD Operations (Part 2)
- Another important place to find a huge amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.