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Azure: Create WordPress Blog using Web App

In this article, we will go step by step to create WordPress Blog using Azure Web App in Azure Portal. Web App is a part of Azure App Service. WordPress on Azure is very cost effective, easy to install, scalable. All WordPress plugins are available and secure. By default, it is using MySQL as a database. Also, we can use SQL for the database. 


How to Install WordPress on Azure

Step 1: Navigate to Azure Portal and sign in using Azure Subscription credentials.

Step 2: Click +New -> Web + Mobile -> "See all" option (top-right side of Web+Mobile blade)

Step 3: Filter blade will open and search for "WordPress" template

Step 4: Click the result "WordPress". Further WordPress installation blade will open

Step 5: Enter App Service Name and Subscription

Step 6: Create New Resource Group or use existing from the list. For more information about Resource Group please click here

Step 7: App Service Plan/Location - existing available plans


Step 7: App Service Plan/Location - create New App Service Plan depending on pricing tier and location

Step 8: Select Database option because when we are creating a WordPress blog in backend MySQL will be created by default

Step 9: Web App Settings - leave default settings

Step 10: Last option is "Legal Terms(ClearDB)". Click "OK" button

Full settings of WordPress Blog

Step 11: Run the WordPress blog URL in browser

Choose Preferred Language

Step 12: Enter Site Title, Admin Username. Password. Email id (for recovery admin password). Then click "Install WordPress" button

Step 13: Click "Login" button. Enter WordPress admin Username and  Password

WordPress blog Dashboard

Now type WordPress blog URL into another browser eg.

Also, it is responsive so it will adjust according to the mobile screen

Congratulations, your WordPress Blog is ready using Web App with the help of Azure Portal on Microsoft Azure!