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Windows PowerShell build numbers


Name  Version Description
Windows PowerShell 5 RTM (Windows 10 1511)  5.0.10586.122  
Windows PowerShell 5 RTM 1602  5.0.10586.117  Re-released RTM version
Windows PowerShell 5 RTM 1512  5.0.10586.51  Pulled due to issues with PSModulePath
Windows PowerShell 5 Production Preview 1508  5.0.10514.6  
Windows PowerShell 5 Preview 1502  5.0.10018.0  
Windows PowerShell 4 RTM  4.0  
Windows PowerShell 3 RTM  3.0  
Windows PowerShell 2 RTM  2.0  
Windows PowerShell 1 RTM  1.0  

Until PowerShell 5.0 was released as part of Windows Management Framework 5.0, the build number was rounded to .0, such as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. However, in this new and fast moving pace Microsoft have gotten into, we will see more frequent updates to PowerShell than before. Due to this, the PowerShell version number isn’t simply 5.0 anymore as you might have expected. Now it’s a full build number, such as 5.0.10586.117 for the RTM release of Windows Management Framework 5 for downlevel operating systems.

Because of this difficulty, this Wiki-page was created.

There is also a PowerShell module called PSVersion available, which will show the same information as the table above using a PowerShell function called Get-PSVersion. It can query both the local computer as well as remote computers in order to return the friendly name of the PowerShell version in use.

You can read more about the module and see examples in the following article on PowerShell Magazine:

The module is also available on the PowerShell Gallery, which means you can install it by running Install-Module -Name PSVersion if you are using PowerShell 5 or later.

The goal is to keep the Wiki-article in sync with the version mapping table in the PSVersion module.