Kudu: Azure Web Diagnostic engine
Kudu is the engine behind GIT deployments in Azure Web Sites. Using this feature, we can capture hang dump which is very helpful for analysis performance issues. Apart from it, we can see Log Stream, web jobs dashboard, web hooks and extension, great feature. We can manage WebJobs and various other features in Azure Web Sites. KUDU can also run outside of Azure.There is a nice set of troubleshooting and analysis tools for use with Microsoft Azure Web Apps. It is useful for capturing a memory dump, looking at deployment logs, viewing configuration parameters.
**Procedure **
-> To access your KUDU console.
-> Put **scm **after a name of the site like https://*****.scm.azurewebsites.net and enter your DEPLOYMENT credentials.
-> Once authenticated, you should see a page similar to the one
KUDU Web Site troubleshooting console
-> Debug Console -> **PowerShell **
Enter the following command
-> PowerShell –command get-process
You can see the processes running on your website
Here are the processes that are run which are accessed using Powershell.
Process Explore
Here we can also show the current process by KUDU Dashboard, by clicking on process Explore.
Debugging Tool
For Debug purposes navigate to tools and can manage Memory Dumps, LogStream, running Web Jobs, Web HOOKS etc in your website which is deployed to Microsoft Azure.
Site Extensions with WebApp
By clicking on Site Extension, we can Install Tons of services Like Visual Studio Light Weight which Integrated with your File System and many more extensions which some of them for PHP developer or python-dev.
Environment Tool
By clicking on Environment you can see the Information about your site like
- System Info
- App Settings
- Connection Strings
- Environment variables
- HTTP Headers
- Server variables