Exchange 2013: Configure Text Messaging Delivery
By using the text messaging delivery option we would be able to route text messages to user’s mobile phones and notify them whenever a new email, Meeting request reaches the user mailbox.
In this article we will have a look at steps to configure Text Messaging in Exchange 2013
First let’s have a look at the functionality and the components involved in the text messaging delivery option
Exchange first stamps the Text messages with the local email address in the categorizer for the user whom we have this option enabled.
Basically this Text Messaging Delivery works on two types of Transport Agents working on the message categorization part.
- Text Messaging Routing Agent
- Text Messaging Delivery Agent
These 2 agents’ works with a help of dedicated connector DeliveryAgentConnector for this functionality which is enabled by default from Exchange 2010
We can see this connector by running the below command
Get-DeliveryAgentConnector | fl
Once the emails is processed for any user for whom the email needs to reach his mobile device by these 2 transport agents it then hand overs the job to the EWS. In EWS there is a component called textmessagingenabled. It verifies if this parameter enabled in OWA Virtual Directory. If this option is enabled then the text message is transferred to the user via ews to the public ip address. It reaches user telephone service provider and then message is delivered to user as message notification.
Below are the steps to configure the text messaging delivery option
First step is to check if the text messaging option is enabled on the CAS server OWA Virtual Directory.
Run the below command to check if its enabled
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory |Ft Servername,textmessagingenabled
To enable text messaging in all CAS servers run the below command
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory –TextMessagingEnabled $True
To disable text messaging in CAS servers run the below command
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory –TextMessagingEnabled $False
Now we need to ensure the transport agents are enabled only then text messaging option will work.
Run the below command to check if the both the agents are enabled
If you find it disabled you can run below command to enable them
Enable-TransportAgent -Identity “Text Messaging Routing Agent”
Enable-TransportAgent -Identity “Text Messaging Delivery Agent”
Now run the below command to check if the delivery agent connector is enabled and ensure that deliveryprotocol to mobile is enabled.
Get-DeliveryAgentConnector | fl
We are done with the config on the server side . We need to enable this option for end user through OWA. Follow the below steps
Log on to outlook web app for user whom we need to enable this functionality and click on options
Now Click on phone and click on text messaging
Select Turn on Notifications option
Choose the mobile operator locale
Choose the mobile operator
Enter the phone number
Enter the Passcode sent to your mobile
Click on finish and we are done configuring text messaging notifications for user.
End user will be charged from his mobile operator for each and every notification that he receives in his mobile device.