SharePoint Online SPOMod: Get-SPOListView
This article describes a function of a custom SharePoint Online module available for download and installation at GitHub.
Retrieves views associated with a list.
ListName | Mandatory | Mutually exclusive with ListGUID. Name of the list where the views are. |
ListGUID | Mandatory | Mutually exclusive with ListName. GUID of the list where the views are. |
IncludeAllProperties | Optional | Switch. Specifies whether to retrieve all properties of the views or only a title |
----- EXAMPLE 1 ------
Get all list views.
Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1
----- EXAMPLE 2 ------
Retrieve a specific list view.
Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 | where{$_.Title -eq "veew"}
----- EXAMPLE 3 ------
Retrieve a specific list view and its properties.
Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties | where{$_.Title -eq "veew"}
----- EXAMPLE 4 ------
Get all list views and their properties.
Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties
----- EXAMPLE 5 ------
Get views for all the lists in the site and export them to csv.
Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties | export-csv c:\CSVPathFile.csv
Watch Out For...
Get-SPOListView : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
The error means you did not specify the -ListName parameter
See Also
SPOMod Cmdlets and Resources
PowershellScripts @ GitHub