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SCSM Data Warehouse Search Tool

This article explains the basics of how to use the SCSM Archives Searcher.  This tool was built to provide both Service Manager administrators and end users the ability to search for work items stored in Service Manager's Data Warehouse.  This will aid in the recall of work items that have been archived and removed from the CMDB.

To download this tool, please click here.  As of writing this article, the current version is


Windows 7 or higher
.Net Framework 4.5 or higher installed
Read access to DwDataMart on the SCSM Data Warehouse SQL Server

*** Note: this tool was designed to interface with all the data types in a typical vanilla Service Manager installation.  Custom extensions are not supported.

First Start

When the tool is first launched, the user will be prompted to enter the name of the SQL Server that houses the data warehouse.  The tool will then verify that the server exists.  If the indicated server is unresponsive, the user will be presented with an error message.  Once the connection is verified, the tool will attempt to pull down support groups, classifications, and other pertinent data for Incidents, Service Requests, Change Requests, Problems, and Release Records.  The data warehouse server name will be stored in a config file in the user's Local AppData folder which will be used on subsequent launches.

Searching the Data Warehouse

To run a search, first select the type of work item you want to search for from the drop-down menu at the top of the Search Options area.  The available search fields will be updated according to the user's selection.

The SQL for the search is dynamically created from the selected search criteria boxes.  To add criteria to the search, click the checkbox to enable each line of criteria you would like included.

Available Search Criteria

Work Item ID (e.g. IR13623)
Support Group
Classification (this doubles as the Service Request Area)
Created Date
Completed Date (this doubles as the Incident Resolved Date)
Affected User (LAN Id)
Assigned User (LAN Id)

For an example, we want to search for all Tier 1 requests created in a specified time frame.

  1. Select Incident from the Work Item drop-down
  2. Click the checkbox next to Support Group to activate these criteria
  3. Click in the support group text box to open the Support Group Selection popup
  4. Select Tier 1 from the support group hierarchy
  5. Click the checkbox next to Created Date to activate these criteria
  6. Select Between from the date criteria drop-down, this will reveal additional fields for start and end dates
  7. A date can be entered through typing or by using the date-picker by clicking on the calendar control
  8. With our criteria selected and entered, we can now run our search
  9. Click the Search button at the bottom

The tool will then query your data warehouse and all tickets that fit the specified criteria will be displayed in the Search Results area.

Opening a Search Result

When a search recovers records, you can view that work item by double-clicking on it in the search result list.  This will open up a separate window that displays the information stored in the data warehouse.  The work item is displayed on several tabs in the Viewer window.  For example, when pulling data on an Incident, the tool will display the Title, Description, drop-down values, and related users on the General Information tab.  The Dates tab displays all the available date fields such as Created Date and Resolved Date.  There are also tabs for Related Items, Resolution Details, and Other Fields.

There are five different work item Viewer windows.  One each for Incidents, Service Requests, Problems, Change Requests, and Release Records.  Each viewer has been customized for each kind of work item.